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seeds Seedlings 03-02-09


just took this a few minutes ago...there are 7 72 cell trays in my grow box....box is kept between 80-90F...most of these are annuums...it's gonna be busy here in a couple of weeks when I start transplanting these...

first pic is of the trays on the right...two back trays are tomatos (100 up so far)....in the second tray on the left are tomatillos....


second pic is of the three on the left...the fan in the back runs 30 minutes twice a day....


I have six more 72 cell trays that are two trays of herbs, one tray of flowers, and three more trays of annuums...

just planted my first radishes last night (not shown)...
And I thought I was overpepperlated:)

What he said!

So, AJ, if your darling pepper plants don't sell, and you run out of space in the backyard, what will you do?
Pam said:
So, AJ, if your darling pepper plants don't sell, and you run out of space in the backyard, what will you do?

well, I will plant as many as my back yard will hold...I am thinking on the order of 400, then give the rest away, or at last resort ***grits teeth*** put them in the compost bin...or if anyone comes through Fort Worth and wants a few, they will be happy to go to a new home....
I would like to sell somewhere in the neighborhood of 300...that would pay for this years expenditure on soil, seeds, and fertilize...
I really admire you AJ. I grew 50-60 plants last year, each of a different variety and I found that tough. This year I'm only doing around 30.
Thanks RB...I like to think of it as Aerobic Gardening.....I get my exercise... ;)

and I may have bit off more than I can chew this year...if plants have to suffer, it will NOT be the tomatos or peppers....
Yeah I guess the flowers and trees can suffer instead. It's just with my shifts I can't look after the plants as much as I'd like, I mean I could ask Connor to water them but I've seen his watering.. he thinks they're always thirsty. He'd feed them lemonade or some kind of similar stuff if it was easy for him.
rainbowberry said:
Yeah I guess the flowers and trees can suffer instead. It's just with my shifts I can't look after the plants as much as I'd like, I mean I could ask Connor to water them but I've seen his watering.. he thinks they're always thirsty. He'd feed them lemonade or some kind of similar stuff if it was easy for him.

Honestly, if they can survive the neglect they got from me last year and in '06, they can survive just about anything. I understand about being pressed for time, but don't sell your peppers short.
AlabamaJack said:
I would like to sell somewhere in the neighborhood of 300...that would pay for this years expenditure on soil, seeds, and fertilize...

Might try Ebay - Hirt's Gardens in Ohio is getting $9.99 each for superhots plus shipping. http://stores.shop.ebay.com/Hirts-Gardens
I don't know how you ship live plants but obviously there is a way. Yours would certainly be strong enough to make it if anybody's could.
AlabamaJack said:
I would like to sell somewhere in the neighborhood of 300...that would pay for this years expenditure on soil, seeds, and fertilize...

Best of luck, AJ. I'll be thrilled to the skies if I can sell 200 peppers, and that includes the bells and sweet bananas. All of mine except about two dozen bhuts are the common ones - habs, japs, Hot Wax, Tabasco, cayenne, paprika. Peppers aren't as popular is Cincy as I presume they are in Texas though.

I am going to do some guerilla gardening this coming weekend...at Ray Roberts State park....take a few with me and plant them where no white man has gone before.... :lol:

you know, if I don't sell the first one, I will be OK....I just enjoy growing them...but hate to see them die after I start them....
Craigs List is your friend! Around here, most supermarkets will allow people to place flyers on a bulletin board. I wish my season was earlier than yours - I could tell you what (hopefully) works.

But I intend to try everything - Newspaper advertising, Craig's List, flyers, Senior Citizen groups, a Farmers Market and if I need to, a roadside stand. I'll deliver to some people free of charge if I'm going there anyway and others if they buy enough plants at a time.

Aj...Great work mate...I planted around 600 this year....400 odd surviving to adulthood. I can tell you once the word gets around you have plants no one can buy else where, people come out of the wood works! If your like me you probably talk chilli to bloody everyone...make sure you let the locals know what your doing...great plants mate, great plants! Very jealous..as it is getting chilli here.