• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SG's 2012

Since late last year I've been starting seedlings in waves because of limited space and other constraints. So I have a good number of plants in varying stages of growth, with some trying to flower too. The plants are looking good and I am poised to have some tremendous harvests. Last year I only grew a fraction of the what I am attempting this year and even then I had a hard time keeping up with the harvests. I am sure I will go crazy with all the peppers this year.

Here is the where most of the plants start out:



Focusing on some individuals:
Murupi Amarela

Praetermissum initiating its first fork:


Fatalii x Choco Bhut F2:

Sonoran Chiltepin:

A Brown Rocoto about to flower:
Thanks gents... next year I'm going to try to focus more on a handful of varieties. I'm leaning towards sticking more to the Bhuts...
Thanks gents... next year I'm going to try to focus more on a handful of varieties. I'm leaning towards sticking more to the Bhuts...

Hi Charles,
Great looking pods.

I am going to do the same, just a few varieties, and start a lot earlier.
At the moment, I have a lot of green pods, hopefully it will ripen before the weather cool off.
One of the things I was trying to do this year was tell apart the brain strain from the ts morouga. I grew two ts morougas and one looked just like the brain strain, but another was different, here are some pics of the fruit.






Beautiful job on your grow log Charles. The pictures and info are very impressive. I don't know how you keep up with all the crosses.

Thanks Tony. I don't know either, I have a couple of wild crosses I definitely want to grow out next year, but as for the rest, I don't know if I'll keep them going. Maybe I'll find some takers on here to keep the interesting ones going...
my,my,my!Spice, you are having a heck of a year....had to laugh out loud at the "only gonna concentrate on a few next year though" comment...I am really gonna try that approach too, but then I see something else out there...and then another...and another....
The C Pube bloom is crazy...you'll have to track that one for us!
...and those Brown 7's are thumpers man... I wish I would've grown more than 2 in the ground. I say that probably because I haven't noshed on one for about 3 weeks,
I have some I brought with me to Houston....1 for seed, and one to eat(as in WITH food-not "straight up"...I think I still have a few marks from the last one a few weeks back!
Indeed slngr, indeed... I'm feeling good about the reduction though, I have a few favorites.

7 Pot Brown Bonnet Shaped... I have a few extra non-isolated seed if you want to try it out.

I'll take a pic of the pube soon, that flower turned into two little pods...
Hey Charles,
I'd love to try it out- The 7 pot Brown Bonnet shaped, and I don't mind non isolated-always a chance for something unique to pop up.I think the lesson of the year(like your self here-I upped the ante several times over plantwise over last year, and have had my hands very full) for me was that variation is very common across the board, so I don't go nuts when all the pods aren't identical.
How is the taste on the C-Pube??
These may well be the hottest peppers on earth, damn close if not:

From left to right: Douglah x Butch T, 2 Douglahs & a TS Morouga Blend:

On the inside:

As for this little grouping, the TS Morouga blend takes the cake, it's just nasty: