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Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

Last year's Naga contest was fun and motivating, so should we try something else this year? Any ideas? Anybody interested? Any sponsors:)
I was thinking of something like last year where everyone starts the same type of seeds at the same time so we can all compare our progress and still have fun competing and bad mouthing each other:lol:
Last year's Naga contest was fun and motivating, so should we try something else this year? Any ideas? Anybody interested? Any sponsors:)
I was thinking of something like last year where everyone starts the same type of seeds at the same time so we can all compare our progress and still have fun competing and bad mouthing each other:lol:

I am down. What variety would you like to see grown?

What is the criteria for the contest? Is it based on size or all around health including the amount of pods it produces etc.?
I also think that everyone should have the same seed stock. Find someone that has a ton of seeds for one variety and pass them out to the contestants so no one has an advantage or disadvantage. But other than that sounds like a great idea. We could grow your goronong ones potawie.
If we could all get seeds from the same stock that would be great but its just for fun and we don't neccessarily have to get to complicated. As for the cili goronong, it has cool looking pods but is not my favorite for flavor and I don't think I have many seeds left.
Maybe a fatalii showdown would work since most of us are growing it. We could go for first ripe pod and/or biggest or heaviest pod or whatever...
If we could all get seeds from the same stock that would be great but its just for fun and we don't neccessarily have to get to complicated. As for the cili goronong, it has cool looking pods but is not my favorite for flavor and I don't think I have many seeds left.
Maybe a fatalii showdown would work since most of us are growing it. We could go for first ripe pod and/or biggest or heaviest pod or whatever...

I would be down with a Fatalii showdown. The only problem with the first ripe pod would be the climate that members live in. Either way I am down. I guess we would just have to figure out the specifics.
It's not peppers but I hope we also have a potato container project. Don't want to call it a contest because climate, weather, etc., can make a huge difference. I'll try to get the seed potatoes and mail them.

But I'll start a thread about these around St. Patty's Day.

Also in for a fatalii showdown, as it's one of the few types I have seed for. Another comp could be who gets the most fruit from orange habanero, as it's a big producer.
scoville said:
I'm in and I'm thinkin'it should be first ripe pod takes the kitty since mine broke ground last week!

I'm in too but not with people who's seedlings already broke ground. :P Jan 1st will be fine to start.
Healthiest looking plant should be one of the things judged also.
Fatalli, Yeah!!!

I think that a Fatalli growing contest would be SUPER!

However, first ripe pod is not going to cut it for us boys here in the northern part of the US of A. The Texas and florida grower will have a ripe pod just as I'm putting my plants out for the summer;).

Some other criteria will be needed...coolest looking fatalli pod, nicest/healthiest looking plant, most pods produced from one plant, etc...
Well it sounds like its a Fatalii smackdown then.

Is Jan 1st too early for everyone to find seeds? Sometime in January would suit me best since that's when I start my chinenses but I'm flexible.
I think the first phase of the contest should be earliest pod, and since most of us will be using lights for the winter, nobody really has any huge geographical advantage. Does this sound good? Its all for fun.
I don't know if biggest/heaviest pod would really work well with fatalii but we could vote for THP favorite fatalii plant pic or we can count pods per plant. Idunno, what do you all think?
Fatalii smackdown sounds good to me...

make up the rules Potawie and let us see what you got on your mind...
Unfortunately I will not be able to take part of this year's contest (just like last year) and trust me you don't want to know why. :(
I wish you guys (and gals) the best of luck. :)