Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

Yup, you beat me:-)

I'm in the contest if we stick with Fatalli as I will have Fatalii seeds thanks to BillyIdle. Wordwiz suggestion is great, but the first challenge for many of us wouldn't be germinating the seeds, it would be to get american stamps so we could send a SASE and actually get the seeds;)
It really doesn't look like this contest/comparison is going to be any fun. I just thought it would be simple like last year's contest but now its just giving me a headache
I'll be starting my fatalii seeds likely on Friday Jan 12th if anyone else would like to do the same then maybe we can salvage this idea:(

Edit: Maybe I'm just a little grumpy this morning, sorry. Too much holiday chear:beer:
All the folks in The US and associated areas (other side of the world/equator) hear my plight.

I will have a go and i will be growing during winter as aposed to your summer so dont complain too much.

Should be fun

Ive always wanted to grow a plant during winter and will be fun to concentrate on one plant.

I can see an old cupboard being insulated and heaters/lights being set up

have Fatalli seeds.... now to get them to germinate. Do devils tongue count?

tony05 said:
All the folks in The US and associated areas (other side of the world/equator) hear my plight.

I will have a go and i will be growing during winter as aposed to your summer so dont complain too much.

Should be fun

Ive always wanted to grow a plant during winter and will be fun to concentrate on one plant.

I can see an old cupboard being insulated and heaters/lights being set up

have Fatalli seeds.... now to get them to germinate. Do devils tongue count?


Im in with you on that one Tony, i am setting up a grow cupboard verrrry soon;)
I will kick your ass though so be warned...:cool:
tony05 said:
I will have a go and i will be growing during winter as aposed to your summer so dont complain too much.

Should be fun

That's the spirit!

This is supposed to be fun. I look forward to comparing my indoor grown plant with the ones that will grouw outdoors. Should be able to learn a thing or two from that as well :)
I'm with Potawie...I will start mine on January 12 too...different length grow seasons/temperatures (plantout to first frost) will effect anything we do when it comes to growing...last year, my Naga Morich plants grew really big but only produced a few pods before the summer heat hit (July) and by then, they were getting rootbound and I didn't get any pods after the first round of production...

It will be interesting to see the fataliis diversity when it comes to environment...
Novacastrian said:
Im in with you on that one Tony, i am setting up a grow cupboard verrrry soon;)
I will kick your ass though so be warned...:cool:

You wish!

I just potted 3 seeds!

Let it begin!!! :hell:

tony05 said:
I can see an old cupboard being insulated and heaters/lights being set up


You've been in my upstairs? Although my cabinet is not insulated or heated, it stays about 66-76 degrees in there thanks to the lights. The cukes are setting fruit and the toms are flowering but I won't know for another day to three if they will become baby toms or not. Been shaking the branch several times so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm with Potawie and AJ, keep it simple!...plant fatalii seeds on Jan 12 and go from there. It's just a comparison as to what works the best for you, might not work for someone else.

Most of us will be busy raising other peppers as well so nothing too complicated to keep track of works for me.
I'm in on the Fatalii's too. Let's just call it a "Fatali Comparo" as opposed to a contest. Compare what people used for container size, soil, fertilizers etc. Take pictures and see how big plants get and how many pods come. Nothing scientific, just in general for fun.
It could be interesting to compare things that people don't normaly brag about. Who can get the smallest ripe pod for example? :)
It really doesn't look like this contest/comparison is going to be any fun. I just thought it would be simple like last year's contest but now its just giving me a headache
I'll be starting my fatalii seeds likely on Friday Jan 12th if anyone else would like to do the same then maybe we can salvage this idea:(

Edit: Maybe I'm just a little grumpy this morning, sorry. Too much holiday chear:beer:

I think i might be able to swing the 12th. I'll need to see what seed starter supplies i can scrounge up that weekend. I want to get a heating pad too, so the suckers can stay warm. My sunny spot has a draft.

If anyone wants to PM me seed starting tricks, feel free. ;)
I've got about a dozen seeds left from last year so count me in. I may not get to start them until the 13th, though. Mondays are going to be very long days next year.

Alright, it sounds like were're getting somewhere now.
I guess we can't call it a Fatalii smackdown anymore. Maybe "happy, fun fatalii trial gardens":)
Alright, it sounds like were're getting somewhere now.
I guess we can't call it a Fatalii smackdown anymore. Maybe "happy, fun fatalii trial gardens":)
probably not a bad idea anyway. it'll leave any politics out. :)
MrArboc said:
It could be interesting to compare things that people don't normaly brag about. Who can get the smallest ripe pod for example? :)

Me :)


(fully ripe tabasco pepper)

Think that one will be hard to beat.