Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

If those fataliis are all they are cracked up to be, I would hope thats kevlar or lexan, simple plastic aint gonna stop one of those puppies if it has a bad hair day.
Pam said:
bigt, what are you using as plant labels? They look like microscope slides.

I bought some computer cables and they came wrapped in some hard plastic display package. Just got out the scissors and cut some strips. Figured it would cut down on the severe shadows of regular opaque labels. :) J/K - the price was right and the effort was minimal.

McGoo said:
If those fataliis are all they are cracked up to be, I would hope thats kevlar or lexan, simple plastic aint gonna stop one of those puppies if it has a bad hair day.

Never seen any clear kevlar (you know - the fibers that make it strong are solid), but lexan would work. If my labels melt from the peppers, I probably wouldn't have the balls to eat them anyway. :lol:

More or less 12 days, and I'm finally in the game. As AJ's has started to get their first real leaves, mine still has a couple of days until it breaks the soil :rolleyes:


I am going to have my comparison fatalii in a 7 gallon pot at final transplant. is this going to be to big when I put it under lights in winter????

Should I keep the pot size smaller?
my biggest fatalii last season was about 4 1/2 feet tall and about 3 feet diameter...but that was in a 5 gallon pot...I think a 7 will work fine...
AJ when you talk about gallons, are you refering to liquid, or dry gallons???

I only ask as the converter I use has a different scale for liquid and dry.
hmmmmm dunnooo..just what in the us is called a 5 gallon nursery container...never gave that a though....

here is what I call 5 gallon containers...the plywood standing up behind the plants is 4 feet tall..

Thanks AJ that helps..

Don't you get any big winds over there?

All my plants have to be staked or they will snap at the base due to the strong winds we get...(and are getting right now)...

Today has to be one of the worse days we have had all summer.....It's currently about 35C and rising and we are getting a hot very strong north blowing wind....and the humitity is at about 70%.... We had the air con on at 8am.....:shocked:
I had all mine staked last year...this photo was taken before I planted out...I only lost a couple of branches during the year...remember, I had a red savina fall off the new retaining wall that broke off a branch that had over 200 green savinas on it...
moyboy said:

I am going to have my comparison fatalii in a 7 gallon pot at final transplant. is this going to be to big when I put it under lights in winter????

Should I keep the pot size smaller?

If you overwinter a lot of plants, keep the size in mind. I think the bigger pots take more water as well. I use mostly 5 gallon size with a few 3's. Here's a good pic of pot size:

and description:
Width x Height in inches
25 gallon = 24 x 18
15 gallon = 18.25 x 16
7 gallon = 14 x 12
5 gallon = 12 x 11
3 gallon = 10.7 x 9.25
2 gallon = 8.5 x 8.5
1 gallon = 7.5 x 6.5

info from this site:
By looking at your picture Tony, I think what I have been calling 5 gallon is actually 7, and what I call 3 may be 5 gallon. I also have a few terra cotta pots that are comparable to your 25 gallon that I grow 3 plants of the same variety. You are gonna need some more pro-mix if you plan on filling many of those 25 gallon pots.
Ive got threee 25 gallons, two fifteens, like 5 tens, and a bunch of sevens and fives. Just hope that the plants can get big enough to use that space.
I want bigger containers, but I cant afford 10 bucks a pop for 300 of them...

:thinking how to talk the wife into letting me get bigger pots:
Talk to your local "contractor only" garden center. The one around here has an acre of unused pots just sitting around and they were happy to give me some. I took as many as I could fit in my little coupe.
thank's for the tip MWM...I'll do that if I can find one...
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
By looking at your picture Tony, I think what I have been calling 5 gallon is actually 7, and what I call 3 may be 5 gallon. I also have a few terra cotta pots that are comparable to your 25 gallon that I grow 3 plants of the same variety. You are gonna need some more pro-mix if you plan on filling many of those 25 gallon pots.

Not my picture Cappy, got it off the internet - I use strictly 5 Gallon and 3 Gallon, this year just 5 Gallon. I did crack open the bale of Pro-Mix though because I'm starting to transplant to cups from rockwool. You can see the quality in that mix right away. Especially the way it holds water without compacting down like the MG. Very impressive stuff.