Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

SS do you have anymore of those Purple Flash seeds left?

Not ATM, but after a few berries fully ripen I'll have some; however, they weren't isolated. These first fruit formed when there was little to nothing else blooming nearby though, so chances are good the seed will grow true. Give it another week or two to allow them to fully ripen and let me get some seed dried, then shoot me a PM.
Great pics and even greater plants SS.
Loved that Long Cayenne fruits and that Purple Flash of your looks really cool.

Wow, things are looking great. Costeno Amarillo looks interesting. Nice harvest too. I'm still weeks away from ripe maters and you're making me jealous. About your soaker hose problem, maybe if you are able to close the loop it will help equalize pressure. What I mean is make sure that the low ends connect back together and return to the source.
Pods are coming in at a slow trickle so far.

Pod assortment.
That's a marigold. :)

I scattered 125 of those throughout the garden. That fellow just hasn't decided to bloom yet.

Thanks SD, your pods are coming on strong.
What is that BS next to the jalapeno? Fatalii look nice. Tomatoes are huge and juicy, I have to pick mine early or they crack. What are you doing with your harvests this year?
Thanks guys.

I love the look of that ripe corked jalapeno, and those big tomatoes. Nice!

That peno was hidden at the bottom of a Joloro plant, so they ripen red like the rest.

What is that BS next to the jalapeno? Fatalii look nice. Tomatoes are huge and juicy, I have to pick mine early or they crack. What are you doing with your harvests this year?

Yes it is a BS, first one was bad, but this one looks ready to kick my butt. :mouthonfire: I've been eating a lot of mater sandwiches, fried green ones and juicing the rest. Most of this harvest of peppers will get pickled in half gallon jars; rest will be used in some fresh salsa and cooking.

That looks great SS, I was going to ask the same thing as Cappy did, do you put them strait in to a dehydrator?

Not enough for a dehydrator load in a harvest yet, but it won't be long now. The early hot weather has really slowed down new sets though.
I thought I recognized that evil mother.

Looking good SS. Your toms look fantastic! Those are red ripe for sure.

Is that a Naga Morich low and left on the left plate?