Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Today's harvest. Weather is starting to cool off into the low to mid nineties now.

Above left

Above right
Great looking harvest again SS only they all look the same. I just had an idea that you should use start using the empty JD bottles and stuffing with peppers, vinegar and salt. You can use so many different ways and looks cool for sure. I use old empty woozie bottles with the orifice reducers put back on for fine powder and leave on the table. Great use for your favorite bottles with cool labels, shakes just enough powder. I just found out baby food jars suck at resealing and wasted 10 jars of hot sauce that came off in a hot water bath. Really nice chiles on your table SS. :dance:
Why don't you stop being lazy just once and separate the peppers? You know 7 Pods in this pile, Bhut's in that pile, Scorpions in the pile over there, no not there--there! Better. OK, Scotch Bonnets are here then oh are those Jimmy Nardello's? Cool you can put them next to the scorpions over there. Anyway you get my drift right? Gonna look so purdy when you're done SS. :woohoo:
Why don't you stop being lazy just once and separate the peppers? You know 7 Pods in this pile, Bhut's in that pile, Scorpions in the pile over there, no not there--there! Better. OK, Scotch Bonnets are here then oh are those Jimmy Nardello's? Cool you can put them next to the scorpions over there. Anyway you get my drift right? Gonna look so purdy when you're done SS. :woohoo:
It looks like he justs dumps them on the table on his way in to down a fifth of jack and grab the camera.
Great looking harvest again SS only they all look the same. I just had an idea that you should use start using the empty JD bottles and stuffing with peppers, vinegar and salt. You can use so many different ways and looks cool for sure. I use old empty woozie bottles with the orifice reducers put back on for fine powder and leave on the table. Great use for your favorite bottles with cool labels, shakes just enough powder. I just found out baby food jars suck at resealing and wasted 10 jars of hot sauce that came off in a hot water bath. Really nice chiles on your table SS. :dance:
Thanks Cappy, I thought about using the JD bottles, but was worried about the seal so I stuck with quart and half gallon mason jars for canning pickled pods. I have a few glass shakers with stainless caps for my powder blends, but the woozie bottles sounds like a nice option.

Why don't you stop being lazy just once and separate the peppers? You know 7 Pods in this pile, Bhut's in that pile, Scorpions in the pile over there, no not there--there! Better. OK, Scotch Bonnets are here then oh are those Jimmy Nardello's? Cool you can put them next to the scorpions over there. Anyway you get my drift right? Gonna look so purdy when you're done SS. :woohoo:
I stopped being lazy just once a few pages back and took some shots of individual pods and that was my quota for the season. :lol:
When I come in after a harvest I'm ready to relax b4 starting the storage process and down a few shots to relieve the back pain from all of the stooping. :cheers:
SS, you couldn't possibly use all that heat in a year... your dryer must run 3 months straight. Nice haul again and I kind of like the chaos in your pics. :)
Thanks Jimmy, you're right, I've got enough heat to last me past next season. ;)

Rain this AM delayed today's harvest, but it cooled things off nicely. :)


^^^ Yeah, I know they get a little ragged about this time, but it's got to be a crazy sight. Awesome harvests! I'm having a great year myself and I have no idea what I'll do with all the pods. Probably give away some powder in the winter. One of the best things about your harvests is that you've only got prime pods. I usually do a plant at a time, but you seem to get the best of the best of 20+ different plants at a time. That's a lot of work, but everything looks to be perfectly ripe.
Thanks guys, here's a little plant pic update.

Aji Amarillo, large, but not very productive for me. 2 wimpy pods from it all season.

One of its branches broke awhile back, but still lives.

Aji Angelo

Aji Angelo pods

Aji Cereza, never skipped a beat all season, fairly warm but seedy.

Aji De La Tierra, loosing a few leaves, but continues to pump em out.
Antillais Caribbean

Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet

Chinese 5 Color

Charleston Hot, it's crossed with something, has had white and green leaves all season.

Dorset Nagas

Yellow Hab

Jaloro, has stayed over loaded all year.

Lemon Drop

It takes a while to pick this one each harvest, stays loaded.

Mucho Nacho, wish I had planted more of these.

Pasilla Bajio, need more of these as well next season.
Scorpions, Brain Strains and a pube that struggled through the summer heat.

The Brain Strain is starting to bloom and set again. It'll probably reach 6'
by season's end and I'll try and over winter it.

Sleepin' on the job.
Right On! Your Douglah plant looks great and I'm about to jump in my car and come dig that thing up. Glad you found several nice plants along with the Brain strain, all my plants are like yours tall and just now starting to bloom again. Really like the use of marigolds in your garden as they're in almost every shot. The Brain is a late season plant for me every year which overwinters well for an early crop of blistering hot pods in the spring. Nice harvest, I still need it to cool off a bit more around here. :hot:
wow, things are looking great there!!! So how did you like the Self watering containers this year? I was thinking about those for next year