Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Wow - what a nice harvest. I guess that things truly do grow better in Dixie Land. I wish that I had a longer growing season up north. BTW - while I am a JD fan, I really prefer a nice glass of Makers Mark!
Awesome SS, freaking awesome. I need to move where it's warm for most of the year. You got a spare 40 you could rent out?
Right On! Your Douglah plant looks great and I'm about to jump in my car and come dig that thing up. Glad you found several nice plants along with the Brain strain, all my plants are like yours tall and just now starting to bloom again. Really like the use of marigolds in your garden as they're in almost every shot. The Brain is a late season plant for me every year which overwinters well for an early crop of blistering hot pods in the spring. Nice harvest, I still need it to cool off a bit more around here. :hot:
Thanks Cappy. You're welcome to it, I won't be digging that one up at season's end.

wow, things are looking great there!!! So how did you like the Self watering containers this year? I was thinking about those for next year
Thanks, the SWCs worked pretty well, but need fine tuning. Next season I'll lower the water chamber level (need something shorter than beer cans) and give the roots more vertical room.

Wow - what a nice harvest. I guess that things truly do grow better in Dixie Land. I wish that I had a longer growing season up north. BTW - while I am a JD fan, I really prefer a nice glass of Makers Mark!
Appreciated, but I'll stick with the JD. :)

Awesome SS, freaking awesome. I need to move where it's warm for most of the year. You got a spare 40 you could rent out?
Thanks P. Sure, I can fire up the dozer and clear a back forty if you can afford it. ;)
Thanks lee.

My new flavor fave would have to go to the Manzanos, a spicy very sweet fruitiness that's hard to beat.

The Brain Strain gets the thumbs up for the one with the most powerful heat along with a descent taste.

Lower on the C. Chinense heat scale I found the Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnets had nice flavor and a respectable kick.

The favorite C. Baccatum this season was the Polombo (PI439411), thick fleshed with a spicy sweet taste.
Those pubescense have a great taste, my favorite is still the bhut jolokia but those are too hot for regular use :).
Slim pickin's today.

Hey naganumbness, here's the pic you wanted of the Congo Trinidad pods growing.
S.S those harvest is fantastic!!. I see your drying everything too. Love the frog sleeping on the job. Great year for you dude. Again love the varieties.
Oh yeah i made some of those popers with some of my jalapeno grandes and they were awesome!

great stuff dude!
S.S those harvest is fantastic!!. I see your drying everything too. Love the frog sleeping on the job. Great year for you dude. Again love the varieties.
Oh yeah i made some of those popers with some of my jalapeno grandes and they were awesome!

great stuff dude!
Thanks hatter, drying most but not all. I've made 1.5 gallons of sauce and pickled 1.5 gallons too. I'll switch back to saucing and pickling soon as I have 10 gallon freezer bags of dried pods now and that should keep me in powder for quite a while. Using fresh pods daily too for cooking.

Yeah, luv them poppers.
Thanks all.

Harvests are dwindling as attention gets diverted to hunting season and planting green fields.

This coming week the low temps will dip into the 50's, but there are still pods left to ripen.
This Scorpion plant has a few waiting on that pretty red color.

The Dorsets have some green pods, but...

I wasted good bamboo stakes on these plants as they spread out more than they gained height.

I believe that this is a Douglah x Scorpion cross. They ripen red.

The Brain Strain is still gaining altitude and...

has a few angry looking pods awaiting that blazing red hot hue.

That's all for today; I'm looking forward to the cooler weather next week.