Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Great looking harvest, eating good in the neighborhood. All your peppers always look so fresh and blemish free. I always get a few soft early pods but this year I'm getting attacked by birds eating my peppers. It all started with the pequins, so bad move planting pequins because it way a gateway pepper for all the birds in my yard. I have a soft air bb gun but can only do so much. Nice looking chiles SS.
Man I just want to roll around in them SS. That doesn't make me loony does it? I know misery loves company, not sure about us loons. Great harvest bro.
Appreciated everyone.

Hey SS, harvests are looking great!

Just out of curiousity.. I skimmed through the whole thread and didn't see it mentioned. What are the measurements of the plot that you ammended and added the black plastic to? Also, approx how much of the space is dedicated to each of the crops you are growing (peppers, tomatoes, beans, corn, squash, okra and cukes)?
Thanks, the garden is 85 x 37 feet. The peppers have 2 full rows and a little over half of another, but less than half are doing well due to my poor judgment on the irrigation system. Tomatoes and peas have 30 feet each, squash failed and never got enough foliage to shield it from the plastic's heat, but I was using old seed so not sure what happened there cause squash has never been a problem to grow. I also tried planting a row of Chick peas that failed, too hot! Cukes got 2 20 foot rows and corn 4 35 foot rows. Okra got 2 full 85 foot rows hoping that it would help as a wind break and I'm buried in okra this season. :lol:

Great looking harvest, eating good in the neighborhood. All your peppers always look so fresh and blemish free. I always get a few soft early pods but this year I'm getting attacked by birds eating my peppers. It all started with the pequins, so bad move planting pequins because it way a gateway pepper for all the birds in my yard. I have a soft air bb gun but can only do so much. Nice looking chiles SS.
Thanks Cappy, no bird problem here, but a few pods on my Lemon Drop have the ends nibbled off by what I believe to be field mice. The plant is overloaded and has its branches resting on the wheat straw making it easy for the mice to snack on a few, but the few they get aren't missed. The Marigolds in the garden produce a strong foul odor that probably helps keeping many critters at bay and I'll bet a tea made from their leaves would make a fine bug repellent spray.

Man I just want to roll around in them SS. That doesn't make me loony does it? I know misery loves company, not sure about us loons. Great harvest bro.
Thanks P, but I'm not that loony YET. ;) I removed the seeds from some pods yesterday and didn't notice that one glove had a nick in the thumb. My thumb is still glowing a little today, but yesterday it was :hell: .
Great guy :clap:
Thanks for the combination of names with the images, I saved the images in an Excel spreasheet with corresponding letters and names beside them.
I will use as a database for identification of peppers in the future will be adding the corresponding flowers for each one.
Take care :) :cool:
Todays pickin's. Flower drop should reduce harvests soon, I hope. Pickin' in this heat is murder.

Above left

Above right

Brito, your package left here this morning and added a few to fill in some you were missing in your extensive list.
Brito, your package left here this morning and added a few to fill in some you were missing in your extensive list.

Thank you guy, I will be waiting for these atomics girls :hell:
Please, let me know when you recieve my seeds :cool:
Take care :) :cool:
Thanks fellas! Laz, your consolation prize left here this AM priority mail. You got an E for effort. :)

Today's harvest, starting to slow down a little.
Well, I did get out of the garden this AM b4 the sweat started stinging my eyes. :lol:

Too many dead soldiers around here MW to know for sure if that is the same one used in the prior pic. ;)
SS...I love watching your grow log and all the harvests. Makes my mouth water. :drooling: Very happy to see that your garden is so very productive.
WOW!!! Im sure your life expectency has dropped drastically with all of the hard labor it takes to pick all of those. Especially in the heart of dixie with all of the humidity and heat.
Thanks all.

Garrett, I try to get the harvest started around daybreak while its still fairly cool (about 5:30), but I still can't beat the sun before finishing. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ;) Besides, chile peppers are one of the most healthy foods you can consume and a little work never hurt anyone. :)