• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Skullbikers 2019 Healthy Stuff Glog

skullbiker said:
Things are croppin up!


I found this, its a little long but informative. This is why I do a shot of wheatgrass juice every morning.


Wheatgrass juice is a pure, natural source of a broad spectrum of essential nutrients.These include vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes.

In laboratory test one isolated more than 1000 elements found in wheatgrass, which leads to the conclusion that wheatgrass juice is a full nutrition-power source.

Wheatgrass juice is called "the world's most concentrated liquid food". The juice of wheatgrass contains such high doses of natural vitamin E (more than for example in spinach and lettuce) and consists for 21% of amino acids, the building blocks of high-quality protein.

The Japanese researcher Hagiwara Yoshide has examined two hundred plants for their levels of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes and concluded that wheatgrass juice is one of the richest sources of these nutrients. It also contains the enzyme PD41, which would prove good service in repairing damaged genetic material by X-rays. Also, the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been found in wheatgrass juice. This enzyme is found in all body cells. It is assumed that it has anti-inflammatory properties, may help slow down the aging process and may decrease the effects of radiation.

Which nutrients does wheatgrass juice contain?

Vitamins in wheatgrass juice

Beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are also important antioxidants.

Pro-vitamin A(beta-carotene) for growth, tissue repair, eyesight and immune system

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) for combustion of carbohydrates and functioning of heart, nerves and skeletal muscles.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavine) for production of energy and activating of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) assists in the energy production, and promotes the action of the nervous system

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and production of hormones.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) for a healthy digestion, a strong immune system, the production of red blood cells and a proper functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for a good resistance, strong bones, protect against free radicals and iron absorption.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) for resistance, production of red blood cells, protecting against free radicals and maintain healthy muscles and tissues.

Vitamin K for blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Minerals in wheatgrass juice

Magnesium, potassium and calcium give wheatgrass juice ist highly alkalizing (= alkalising) operation.

Calcium for strong teeth, bones and joints, blood clotting, muscle contraction and proper functioning of the nervous system.

Phosphorus for strong bones and teeth, the structure of DNA cells, a healthy metabolism and energy supply.

Iron for the transportation of oxygen to body cells.

Potassium for a healthy nervous system, regulating blood pressure, muscle contraction and energy metabolism.

Cobalt for the production of vitamin B12 and red blood cells.

Copper makes it possible that iron absorbs oxygen and is required for pigment formation in skin and hair.
Magnesium for strong bones, creation and proper functioning of muscle cells, metabolism and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Manganese for the production of bone tissue and the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol

Selenium neutralizes harmful free radicals and detoxifies heavy metals in the body..

Sulfur for the formation of collagen, the absorption of moisture in the intestines and regulate electrical activity in the brains.

And further it has also:

Enzymes in wheatgrass juice
Cytochrome oxidase, catalase, and peroxidase are found in high concentrations in wheatgrass juice and are also found in human red and white blood cells.

cytochrome oxidase (role in cell respiration)
lipase (fat splitting)
protease (proteolysis)
amylase (starch splitting)
catalase (hydrogen-split)
superoxide-dismutase (SOD; 'anti-aging-enzyme')
Amino acids in wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass juice contains the 8 essential amino acids (lysine, isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, valine and methionine) and 9 non-essential amino acids (alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proline, serine, tyrosine)
In addition, wheatgrass juice contains P4D1, a glycoprotein that stimulates the production and natural recovery of human germ cells and DNA.
That was a great read! I can see why you have this daily. Who knows, I am pretty swayed into doing something like this. My wife may kill me but such is life.

I saw the kombacha and.. It doesn't look appetizing but I am sure you'll make it delicious.

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Well, a day later than planned, but its Kimchee makin day! I finally got everything needed so here are the players. This is how I did it, others may have a different procedure.


Next, cut that Napa cabbage(another thing I have to grow this year) into quarters and cut its heart out.


Next, sprinkle the salt on it and knead the hell out of it until it starts to soften. Next, put something on it in the bowl and let it soak for 1 to 2 hours. Then drain it and rinse it three times and drain for 15 to 20 minutes. While its draining, mix up the spice paste and then mix that with the cabbage.



Pack it into the jar and put something on top to hold everything below the brine.


Now wait 5 days or longer depending how you want it to taste. Like most all fermented foods, this is good for your gut health.
It was time to stop the first brewing cycle of my Kombucha, bottle it, and start phase two brewing with flavors and to add carbonation. In the picture you can see the second thin SCOBY that formed while brewing.


I tried a few different flavors so I will find out in 3 days which work okay.


I split the SCOBYs and started two new jugs.
I cooked up another batch of Kombucha last night, about 2 gallons.


I split it up into the two big jars on the right. The jar on thr left is the SCOBY HOTEL, I dumped some in there too to keep the extra Scobys alive. Every two jar batch I gain two more Scobys. I may try to sell some locally or make some Scoby Jerky, or they say you can make awesome pet treats out of them.

Stage 2(flavoring) that last Kombucha brew. Gonna do a Pineapple/Ginger, Tripple cherry, and 2 jugs of Dark Sweet Cherry. In the center are the two large jugs of brew and all the way to the right is one of my SCOBY hotels. I now have a lot of SCOBYs, I should try to sell some or make Scoby Jerky or pet treats out of them.


Flavored, capped and should be ready to drink by the weekend.

I harvested and juiced two 1020 trays of wheatgrass this afternoon. This was my most productive batch to date. By trial and error I have found that i get greener, jucier wheatgrass growing it with it sitting only in indirect light and giving it a fairly weak nutrient solution.

Going after the first tray. Hand cranking sucks but its cheap.


Going after tray # 2.


The result: about a pint and a half of juice and what I will call the tailings/waste. I think I have found a use for the tailings, we shall see.


Tomorrow I will freeze the juice into 1oz cubes and put into tiny baggies for storage/use.
SB your Healthy Stuff glog is so impressive...I was reading so much about kombucha & see you're a pro at it...Scoby & all. ;)
I love all of your kitchen gadgets...I'm a gadget girl myself...but you out# me there...
Excellent glog...healthy living  is something we should all follow...I'll be checking back to see what   you're up to next. :P
wiriwiri said:
SB your Healthy Stuff glog is so impressive...I was reading so much about kombucha & see you're a pro at it...Scoby & all. ;)
I love all of your kitchen gadgets...I'm a gadget girl myself...but you out# me there...
 Excellent glog...healthy living  is something we should all follow...I'll be checking back to see what   you're up to next. :P

Thanks much for the compliment, as on most forums you never really know if anyone is reading the posts. When I first started with the Kombucha I was unsure how far I would go with it because I did not particularily like the taste plain, but after adding fresh or frozen fruit to the second ferment I was hooked(cherry themed is my favorite). These days I try to consume something fermented/probiotic every day as many health professionals say good gut health leads to good overall health, i.e. kombucha, kimchee, etc.

DownRiver said:
I agree with wiriwiri, great Healthy Stuff glog skullbiker. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Thank you, happy to share.

karoo said:
What they said!!! Impressive , thanks for sharing.
Thanks man, I hope my endeavors help someone else out there.
Just a follow up from yesterdays wheat grass juice squeeze. I dont particularily like the taste of wheatgrass juice on its own, but I really like Diet Mounain Dew and have found that those two go together pretty well.

Diet Mtn. Dew, Wheatgrass Juice, Walmart Flavor Injector.


30ml juice into the Dew.


Ready to DEW IT!

Time to get my non-traditional KIMCHEE going. I am using the Konan Kohlrabi and Daikon radishes that I grew out in the basement. First I pealed the Kohlrabi and then diced them up with the KitchenAid Processor/Dicing attachment(and I have to say it works really well).


Next I brushed and scraped my Daikon radishes and the carrots I picked up. Also got the rest of ingredients ready for the custom paste to mix in.


Carrots and Daikons look pretty good all diced up.


Then I diced up a few good sized onions to throw in the mix.


Threw the onions in with the carrots and radishes and threw in the paste mix on that.


Then threw in the diced Konan Kohlrabi with all the rest and mixed up real good.


I ended up with nearly a gallon and a half of Kohlrabi Kimchee. I capped the jars with Easy Fermenter lids and removed the air with the vacuum pump(I really like those lids), Now to just wait a few days and then repack into pint jars and refridgerate. Hopefully it will taste as good as I am hoping.

Another great recipe in SB's Healthy Living series...is that a pre-made paste?Nice  KA attachment,is it  usable on meat or only vegs & softer food?
wiriwiri said:
Another great recipe in SB's Healthy Living series...is that a pre-made paste?Nice  KA attachment,is it  usable on meat or only vegs & softer food?
Well, will know when the fermenting is done if it really is great or not. The paste is not a pre-made, it is the red pepper flakes, Costco garlic, Thai fish sauce, and some fresh ginger buzzed in the Magic Bullet. Not sure but I dont think that attachment will work with meat. I had to buy the dicing kit separate from the food processer, I think it all comes together in the Professional food processor kit.