Just a quick post about my last big(3 gal) batch of Kombucha. For the initial ferment I split it between 1 and 2 gal Anchor Hocking jars that I got at Walmart.
The 1 gal. jar, you can see the original SCOBY near the bottom and the new/current one floating on top.
The 2 gal. jar, both SBOBYs are near the top.
I split the Kombucha into some 2 qt. jars with various fresh fruit in them to flavor it during the second short(3 or 4 days) ferment. Some Sweet Dark Cherry, Banana/Ginger, and Pomegranate flavors. Then had to save a quart for next batch starter and a quart into the Scoby Hotel.
And because you gain another new SCOBY in each container they tend to accumulate after a while, You can keep them in a SCOBY HOTEL for future use where they can be used in the next batch, or made into SCOBY JERKY, or even flavored SCOBY pet treats. They can even be used in the soil for potted plants as a type of probiotic fertilizer. An internet search will produce many possibilities.
The current SCOBY HOTEL that I am maintaining.
The 1 gal. jar, you can see the original SCOBY near the bottom and the new/current one floating on top.
The 2 gal. jar, both SBOBYs are near the top.
I split the Kombucha into some 2 qt. jars with various fresh fruit in them to flavor it during the second short(3 or 4 days) ferment. Some Sweet Dark Cherry, Banana/Ginger, and Pomegranate flavors. Then had to save a quart for next batch starter and a quart into the Scoby Hotel.
And because you gain another new SCOBY in each container they tend to accumulate after a while, You can keep them in a SCOBY HOTEL for future use where they can be used in the next batch, or made into SCOBY JERKY, or even flavored SCOBY pet treats. They can even be used in the soil for potted plants as a type of probiotic fertilizer. An internet search will produce many possibilities.
The current SCOBY HOTEL that I am maintaining.