skullbiker said:A new year, so a new FLOG(food log).
I previously called this my "healthy stuff" thread, but there is more to life than just healthy stuff. Sometimes a person just wants to eat something that tastes REALLY GOOD!
I just made up a new batch of kohlrabi kimchi, very loosely using this recipe:
I didn't use the little kohlrabi that you buy in the store, I used the KOSSAK KOHLRABI that I grew and just picked. Here is a pick of 3 of them but I actually ended up using 4.
The first three, 9 lbs, 10 oz.
Plus the fourth one, 2 lbs, 14 oz
Here they are, all peeled off, 10 lbs, 8 oz.
I didn't have any Daikon radishes so I used 2 of these Sakurajima radishes.
2025 grams, I won't use these again as they seem too mild to me.
I also used 4 lbs of carrots and since I didn't have any green onions I used 3 LARGE red onions.
I mixed it and the paste in a 12 qt bowl and it was nearly full to the top.
Here is the finished product ready to ferment, 2 gal, 3 qt.:
I will give it a taste in a couple of weeks.
Talking about Kohlrabi, last fall I used some of my freshly harvested Vienna to make a fermented slaw called "Pikliz", an Haitian delicacy. If you never tryed it I strongly recommend you to give it a go, as it is sooooo damn good. For best results (texture wise) let it sit about 3 months and then crack it open!