• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

A cart full of pepper plants in 2 gallon pots just waiting for a bigger permanent spot. Just look at all those pods hanging around them! NOTICE TO ANYONE THAT PINCHES THEIR FLOWERS OFF, you cannot get pods like this without the flowers. If you do not starve the plant it can make pods and grow at the same time........just like in nature.. . 
skullbiker said:
A cart full of pepper plants in 2 gallon pots just waiting for a bigger permanent spot. Just look at all those pods hanging around them! NOTICE TO ANYONE THAT PINCHES THEIR FLOWERS OFF, you cannot get pods like this without the flowers. If you do not starve the plant it can make pods and grow at the same time........just like in nature.. . 
I waffle on this issue, 'Biker. I hav had good
luck pinching the stalk crown and first node
flowers, and every other node after that. In my
garage, most plants drop most of the early flowers
anyway, whether I pinch or not. Always an exception
or two, but that seems to be the general rule.
You grow looks great this season.
PaulG said:
I waffle on this issue, 'Biker. I hav had good
luck pinching the stalk crown and first node
flowers, and every other node after that. In my
garage, most plants drop most of the early flowers
anyway, whether I pinch or not. Always an exception
or two, but that seems to be the general rule.
You grow looks great this season.
In 40 years of gardening I have let the plant decide. The only plants that give me any noticeable early flower drop are the rocotos, but once they decide to stick.......its off to the pepper races!

A cart full of pepper plants in 2 gallon pots just waiting for a bigger permanent spot. Just look at all those pods hanging around them! NOTICE TO ANYONE THAT PINCHES THEIR FLOWERS OFF, you cannot get pods like this without the flowers. If you do not starve the plant it can make pods and grow at the same time........just like in nature.. . 

I waffle on this issue, 'Biker. I hav had good
luck pinching the stalk crown and first node
flowers, and every other node after that. In my
garage, most plants drop most of the early flowers
anyway, whether I pinch or not. Always an exception
or two, but that seems to be the general rule.
You grow looks great this season.

In 40 years of gardening I have let the plant decide. The only plants that give me any noticeable early flower drop are the rocotos, but once they decide to stick.......its off to the pepper races!
I had an uncle who grew impressive vegetable gardens when I was much younger. He told me once that he'd wait til the plants fruited, whether it be peas, beans, peppers, even tomatoes, and would pick the plants clean once when the early stuff was small. He said it made the plants "panic" into over-producing. He died at the ripe old age of 92 or 93, and had a garden in his back yard when he passed. If that isn't sage experienced advice, there ain't no...I've done it with pole beans, and gotta say it does work, for pole beans, anyway. Never was able to talk myself into trying it with my peppers or toms, but maybe it's worth an experiment...
No easy answers, lots of different theories and practices.
Guess it comes down to what kind of time and effort one
wants to devote, as well as how one’s own experience
informs their practice.
Good luck getting to a place of comfort with this, Eric.
PaulG said:
Good luck getting to a place of comfort with this, Eric.
Naw Paul, plenty comfortable. I'm with SB for the most part, unless a certain plant has a sickly looking outgrowth I'm pretty good with leaving them be...That said, I am curious, and am expecting a large crop of Big Jim, Aji Oro and Rocoro Amarillo, and I don't think it would "kill" one to try the old guy's "pruning" trick...
Uncle_Eccoli said:
To keep the lid from blowing off the bucket in the wind?  Poked holes through that flange on the bucket, did you?
Actually, when I go from the cup to the net pot I fill it with nutrients right to the top, the media is slightly buoyant and wants to raise up above the top. The foil and wire help hold it down.
I should have went with the story of how it is containing the explosive growth!
Nice!  I'm curious what the heat level will be like on these.  The literature suggests high potential heat, but word of mouth is many aren't realizing it (at least not fully) on these or the lemons.  My orange just set its first pod, but its also in a smaller container and the early pods may not be the best gauges.  Hope these guys turn out good, at least with production and taste - and hopefully at least a little extra kick!