Sky's 2010 season.

Things still going well. I'll try and snap some pics tomorrow or something.

The peppers beside my house in the shade are recovering nicely from my idiocy and the sun scald I caused.
Most of the stuff in ground is doing well with a few exceptions that aren't thriving and will be replaced.

I had originally wanted this to be my big chocolate habanero year, but that plan has sort of fallen out of favor with all the different varieties I need room for. Hopefully I'll find the ones I really like and just grow them next year. I have enough of a cross section of heat and flavor (I think) that I shouldn't need much more unless something really grabs my attention.

The list: items in bold are new purchases from the local nursery that is an absolute gem
In ground
Chocolate Habanero x3 (one will be replaced)
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Jonah
Red Savina Habanero
Antillais Caribbean
Bhut that will need replaced
Caribbean Red that will need replaced~I have two more still in solo cups so no probs
Jaloro (yellow jalapeno)
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
Devil's Tongue Yellow that will need replaced~gonna use it for a different yellow variety as it's in my Yellow Bed and I don't have another big enough to wait for, most likely a fatalii will go there.
Yellow/Orange Manzano x3 (they're kicking ass but the 7 Pot Yellow is catching up to them for size woot)

In buckets:
Devil's Tongue Yellow (which probably needs more iron or something, leaves are kinda yellowish)
Datil x2
White Habanero
Red Savina (probably my third biggest plant, which is cool, hope it's tasty)
Bulgarian Carrot
Super Chilli
Aribibi Gusano
Trinidad Scorpion (overwintered and looking good)
Fatalii x 3
Yellow Mushroom
Red Mushroom
Puerto Rican Jellybean
PK Paul's Indian
Israeli Hot
Black Pearl

I still have a bunch of stuff in cups that is in rehab still from the sun scald, and a few late arrivals, like choccy scotch bonnet, big sun scotch bonnet, white bullet hab, that are doing ok/well.

I'm very happy that my lone Douglah that I had to downsize back into the small bathroom drinking cup took to it very well and has just been moved into a larger cup, it had a wicked good root structure and the leaves were big and dark green and looking like the peppers grown by people better at this than I am.

I'll pay more attention next year if I'm still around.
patrick said:
SS that's pretty much my anti bunny/squirrel mix you got there. I also add a couple of cut up pods to the water for that "fresh" taste for the critters. You ever see a squirrel try to put out a fire in it's mouth? Funny shit.

I too use a similar method to keep the neighbors dog from crapping all over my lawn, I sprinkle it all over the grass where he likes to crap and gets a nice nose full of super hot pepper powder, he has ceased sniffing for a place in my yard to crap on. I know some people might think thats mean, but if you had the amount of shit in your yard from this dog you would do the same, the dog craps like a horse its an american bulldog mastiff mix.

Well, in addition to my plants getting over the sunscald, I managed to find some ladybugs while I was walking my dog today. Brought them back and let them loose.

My Red Savina being protected.
That lady bug was part of a couple I caught while they were mating. I snipped off the leave so as not to disturb them too much, let them continue to get their tiny little freaks on, and was well rewarded.

Ladybug eggs! I have them on two of my plants, I'm looking for more of those lovely little aphid busters to let loose on the rest.

The area between my house and the next. I call it the recovery room. Everything in there is doing nicely, getting over the sunscald.

Mini-recovery room. The pic on the bottom right is my now-healthy Douglah.

My yellow/orange manzano about to show some pretty purple flowers.

Yellow 7 Pot isn't far behind, lots of buds on it.

My overwintered Trinidad Scorpion doing pretty well, and with it's own Mechanized Infantry.

Last but not least, my experimental Red Savina. We've had a few really hot and sunny days and I'm sure that the temps inside that 3ft tall clay pipe got pretty toasty, but so far it seems to be holding on well enough. It's not getting much taller, but it's not dead yet, so I'm happy.

The tomato plants I put in my mixed bed and my yellow bed are doing well, I'm hoping that they really do make good companion plants for peppers.

I'm in that stage where I need to check myself before I start overgardening my plants. Things are going well, and the ones I frakked over earlier are making a good comeback.
Looking good Sky! nice job getting those plants to recover nicely. :) I currently have my own recovery area going for my damaged plants, so I feel your pain with nursing them back to health. so keep up the good work!
06JUN update


First flowers, yellow/orange manzano with some pretty purple flowers.


From left to right: White Habanero, PK Paul's Indian, Red Mushroom.


From left to right: Puerto Rican Jelly Bean, Naga Morich, Fatalii.


From left to right: Overwintered Trinidad Scorpion, Red Savina, Datil.

In the rear is a Bulgarian Carrot, front left is an Aribibi Gusano, front right is my Black Pearl.


Kind of a bad pic, but from top to bottom: Cherokee Purple tomato, 2 Caribbean Reds, a Brandywine Red tomato, chocolate habanero, a sweet Burpee Carnival mix, and a Jubilee Yellow tomato


My experimental Red Savina in the tall pipe. Not doing so hot, and I'm thinking that this experiment has just about run it's course. I'm probably going to remove it and put a flower in the ground or something.
And yeah, I read that tomato plants and pepper plants make good companions, so all the extra toms I have I'm trying to put in with peppers where I can, but then I run into problems like this:


That big monster in the center is a Better Boy Hybrid tomato, and it's completely engulfed a poor Yellow Scorpion CARDI. I'm going to have to be pretty diligent in trimming the lower branches of these companion tomato plants so they don't overwhelm my peppers.

Edit for:
The Yellow Scorpion isn't that one on the left, either, that's a fatalii, the scorp is on the right side pretty much completely engulfed.
Very nice. First year from seed and things are turning out great.
As far as the tomatoes go you could always trim them down to one stem. You will still get quite a few tomatoes, but certainly not as many as you could. It depends on what you want more of. Peppers or toms.
Lookin' good Sky. They make great companions, but they don't need to be so crowded. ;)

BTW, I'd just tie that mater to the fence behind it rather than fuss with stakes.
Josh said:
Very nice. First year from seed and things are turning out great.
As far as the tomatoes go you could always trim them down to one stem. You will still get quite a few tomatoes, but certainly not as many as you could. It depends on what you want more of. Peppers or toms.

Well, me and the Momster make tons of salsa, so I deffo want a good haul of both.
This year, though, I'm not going to be making more than a dozen or so small jars, I was planning on making salsa for humans, and then making a couple of big batches of different pepper concentrates.
I could use that as a standalone hot sauce or add it to human salsa to make it hotter.

The one bad thing that I just found out, that big tomato is a Better Boy Hybrid, which apparently produces monstrous hauls of fruit, which probably means a monstrously large plant.
I'll really really have to keep ahead of that thing.

And I screwed up the planning, too.
The bed that the BBH tomato is in is my "yellow" bed. Fatalii, Yellow Scorpion CARDI, Devil's Tongue Yellow, and a Jaloro (yellow jalapeno). I should have put my Yellow Jubilee in there, but who knows, the flash of red may end up being quite dashing.

As to how well things are going, I owe it all to the community here. Inspiration and information, paired up with some promix bx, it's a good combo.

Edit for:
My neighbor must love me.
I had a few peppers left over that I didn't have room for and didn't want to dig up more of my ever-shrinking yard, so I just gave him 4 plants. Chocolate Hab, a bhut, a red savina, and a fatalii.

I'm almost done with the prep work for the year. I have a 7 Pot Jonah and a 7 Pot Barrackpore still in coffee cans I need to move, one is going to replace a smallish chocolate hab in the front raised bed, the other will be replacing the Caribbean Red in my Red Bed out back, I have two more of those by the garage and only one of each of those 7 Pots in.
Then my mad scientist experiment stuff, namely two Red Devil's Tongues that I'm going to isolate and attempt to use for cross-breeding purposes.
Two other late starts, a chocolate scotch bonnet and a big sun scotch bonnet will need up-potted and eventually moved into my last two large containers, but yeah, the majority of the stuff is done for the year. Now it's just maintenance and waiting until harvest time.
For no particular reason other than I'm bored:
My final-final-probably-not-final list of the year after culling a few things.

In the ground:
Caribbean Red x3
Chocolate Habanero x3
Burpee Carnival Mix (sweet bell) x2
Giant Marconi (sweet) x1
Devil's Tongue Yellow x1
Fatalii x1
Yellow Scorpion CARDI x1
Jaloro x1
Bhut Jolokia x1
Antillais Caribbean x1
7-Pot "Jonah" x2
7-Pot "Yellow" x1
7-Pot "Barrackpore" x1
Red Savina x1
Purple Beauty (sweet bell) x2
Yellow/Orange Manzano x3

In containers:
Fatalii x3
Yellow Mushroom x1
Red Savina x1
Yellow Scorpion CARDI x2
Red Mushroom x1
PK Paul's Indian x1
White Habanero x1
Israeli Hot x1
Datil x2
Douglah x1
Trinidad Scorpion x1 (overwintered)
Black Pearl x1
Bulgarian Carrot x1
Aribibi Gusano x1
Chocolate Habanero x2
7-Pot Barrackpore x1
Super Chilli x1
Bhut Jolokia x1
Puerto Rican Jelly Bean x1
Naga Morich x1
Texas Chiltepin x1

Last year I think I had maybe 18 or so plants, this year I'm up to 51.
There are a very few I didn't list because they're small/late; a Chocolate Scotch Bonnet and a Big Sun Scotch Bonnet that are still seedlings...

and then there's my mad scientist pepper.
I'm going to make a serious attempt to cross breed this year. I have a Devil's Tongue Red that I want to use for it.
Not real impressed with the taste of the RDT, but I dig the ginormous size of the berries and the heat level. Hoping to cross it with something tasty but small and keep the best of both plants in the final product. This is probably going to fail, and if not, take me years, but what the frak, I got the time (I hope).

Gonna be fun (and a lot of pain) taste testing everything this fall. I'm gonna try and get the best tasting ones and not grow the others next year. I want taste. Heat is nice, but taste trumps everything.
and then there's my mad scientist pepper.
I'm going to make a serious attempt to cross breed this year. I have a Devil's Tongue Red that I want to use for it.
Not real impressed with the taste of the RDT, but I dig the ginormous size of the berries and the heat level. Hoping to cross it with something tasty but small and keep the best of both plants in the final product. This is probably going to fail, and if not, take me years, but what the frak, I got the time (I hope).

I am going to do the same thing this summer (different varieties). As you pointed out, they probably won't turn out the way I want them to.

Black Pearl is dripping with flowers and nodes, I'm starting to dig this plant more and more.


My Douglah taking to it's new 3 gallon bucket home pretty well.


Newly transplanted 7-Pot Barrackpore. It's got a touch of the transplant shock. I had it in a plastic coffee can and the roots didn't come out of it as well as I wanted, lost a few. Seems to be on the rebound, though.


Trimmed down the Better Boy Hybrid I planted in my yellow pepper bed, now the Yellow Scorpion CARDI on the right is getting some sun and some shade just like I wanted, and the fatalii on the other side is doing well, too.
Hey Diver good to see your plants on the mend. Hang in there man, they'll be back at you with a vengeance. When you take the Red Savina out of the clay pipe you do plan on keeping it right? It appears to have a lot of growth along the stem and that's always a good sign. Keep the positive vibes going and best of luck to you bro.
Hey Diver good to see your plants on the mend. Hang in there man, they'll be back at you with a vengeance. When you take the Red Savina out of the clay pipe you do plan on keeping it right? It appears to have a lot of growth along the stem and that's always a good sign. Keep the positive vibes going and best of luck to you bro.

Yeah. Can't bring myself to discard mah babies, so I've set up Reject's Row West and Reject's Row East.
West is by a fence in morning sun, I put a Yellow Scorpion CARDI there and a few peas and I'll probably stick my Tequila Sunrise there.
East is beneath my pine tree, pretty much full shade and very little rain water so I have to water manually, but I put the savina there and a spare red devil's tongue and three other peppers I didn't label.
Lots of pine needles and dirt from last year (not quite a compost heap but close).
Took the pipe out, put a marigold in that spot.
The red sav, for being in a smallish area getting baked by sunlight, had a really nice root system.
I may try again next year in a more shady area. I like the concept, just didn't execute as well as I could have.

I also put some stuff outside of the gate leading to the alley behind my house, and my two best rejects (Datil and another unknown) went into the front raised bed.
Once my chocolate scotch bonnet gets bigger, I'll be putting it into a 5 gallon bucket and I'll be done with all the prep work and can just worry about watering and fertilizing and hopefully soon harvesting.

Nice pics SD.

How much sun is your Pearl getting?
I'm keeping the Black Pearl in the walkway between my house and the neighbors, so it gets a few hours of morning sun and a few hours of late afternoon. All of the plants there seem to like it, so I'm letting them ride.