• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Smasehd for life

Oh yeah I am up. I was out early, apparently up and on here for a bit in the middle of the night, back asleep, and up at 7. I also, apparently, ate something which I don't remember either. There is an empty plate with a fork and knife next to the computer.
Thanks for the love Scovie.... I did have Mac n cheese for dinner last night. Now to try to keep our 2 year old quiet while Aaron sleeps..... haha fat chance. I so am having a big vodka drink when I pop this kid out.
Who's gettin' Jarred? I might be, but who knows?

A! Oh! Let's go!... A! Oh! Let's go!... A! Oh! Let's Go!
what they want, I don't know, all revd up and ready to go!
Blitzkrieg Bop!
So yesterday on good old election day Washington state voters decided to kick the government outta the liquor business.
:cheers: to soon being able to buy a fifth at Safeway. :)
Can't believe we are one of the last states to do this. Washington is so behind at times.
5 more people out of work here in the valley. :shame:
I normally would be for it, but the timing is F@#*D!
It ain't like Cosco is going to hire more people for it. besides, the nearest cosco is 75 miles away.
Our grocery store is ok but he already has a monopoly on this town with gas and groceries, now liquor. I'm PISSED

edit: sorry Megan, I still love you...

edit #2: sorry THP! We can't and shouldn't talk politics.
Scov I do agree timing sucks but I look at it like this every Washingtonian knows that our government tries to have their fingers in everything whether it's good for people or not. I just am glad they aren't going to be able to monopolize one of the biggest revenues in our state. I feel for those who loose jobs I was laid off in 2009 from my very nice paying job in construction and still can't find a good enough paying job to not sweat money. I just think its going to help in the long run.

P.s. I know you do! Hahaha

Edit: yes sorry THP about political speak.

End political talk..

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iz drunk is good!!!!!!!!!