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Smasehd for life

I like me some Press 'n Seal. wher-dat-at? I mean... where-me-git-me-sum? At da stoh?
I'll take a couple chickens and half a goat there tomorrow, and see if I can work me a deal, to git me sum press 'n seal
jay t,,,scoville. im very upset with yall. yall are acting like 14 year old girls,lol. :rofl: ill make sure to drink one for yall tomorrow. ok,edit. i just took 2 shots for the both of ya. get well,so you can get thirsty
Wow, sicman, you really don't know about 14-year-old girls these days, do ya? Some of them can drink Scovie AND JayT under the table, any day.
I love drinkin guys under the table... wait that sounded bad what I mean is that I can out drink a lot of guys... still didn't sound right, oh well. I am not 14 though double 14 and take away 2 that's how old I am. Can't wait for our NWCF 2012!! It'll be on like donkey kong!!!!
So wait a minute... are we talking about quantity of alcohol or duration of drinking said alcohol? cuz there's a difference. I drink a lot of alcohol for a long time... on occasion.

Pour 3 or for more for me sicman! :cheers:
That was funny Megan, I'm still lmaorotf!!!!!!
At the end of the day it just means they're passed out on the floor and we're not..... hehehehe!

I seriously doubt that. I HAVE drank with you whilst we are in chat. Sicman obviously does not know me that well yet. That's all. The reason I'm not drinking tonight is because I got as drunk as a Sailor in port with a fistful of money last night.
i was laughing at geemes post before the one you guys took offense to. but anyways im going hard at the moment. fifth of vodka gone. i have to drink beer now :mope: . :drunk: im talking about duration scoville,,
i was laughing at geemes post before the one you guys took offense to. but anyways im going hard at the moment. fifth of vodka gone. i have to drink beer now :mope: . :drunk: im talking about duration scoville,,

No offense taken. Wow you ARE hardcore.