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Smasehd for life

tomorrow is sunday SL, No one works on Sunday in the valley... No one!

Aaron, think of your beautiful wife, and how happy you make her!



Oh wait, your serious?

:lol: :) :D
Cheers SL!!!! I finally got a turn on the 'puter cuz I made Scov hit the shower! hahahaha I'm getting crafty at my old age!!!!!

Siccie - where you at dude??? Where's all that smack talkin'??!!! We're ready over on DC!!!! ;)

81 Gang - Happy New Year you two!!!! HH - you just stop on by here when you get home...you'll gets lots of love! BH...come play with us!!!!!!

I gotta go find where I hid that other bottle o'bubbly!.....
CJ- should I have left you that other bota I had?

SD-It's the bane of being self employed, and you know what'sw going on........it never rains, it POURS!

thought I made enough salsa to make it past the new year, but the store shelf was empty......literally...empty................
Way to sell out Chica! My philosophy....always leave 'em wantin' more!!!! They'll buy extra next time!!! LOL

Yes, self-employed has its quirks...but never, NEVER work on Sunday!!!! Then they expect it from the rest of us!!!!! hahaha
Nope, don't worry...gotta freshy bota on the counter...I just like the bubbly tonight! hic
OK cool, you're bota'd up. Did you see the Sale Stack right inside the produce door?!?!??? SCORE!

I gotta put in some kitch time tomorrow....sucks, but if it don't get done tomorrow, it ain't gonna get done. I agree about not going out to a jobsite on a sunday, but kitch time gets done at all hours of the day, night, weekend.....

still sucks though...
Scov- thank you for the compliment even though I am the size of a house right now.

CJ- if we lived closer we'd be there in a heartbeat!!!

SL- Thanks for reminding him that life isn't that bad and his friends are always there to play with him. :lol:

To everyone else HAPPY FREAKING 2012!!! :DRINK: LOTS AND BE SAFE!!!!!!

step 1

step 1

step 2

And Megan....I'll do my best for you sweetheart, but soon enough, you'll be able to have one for yourself. Happy new year! We're all snug-as-a-bug at home and not going anywhere.
I agree!!!! Hell, we start drinking at early mornin' to keep up with them!!!!!

Happy New Year Easties!!!!! Sending best juju your way for '12!!!!

Loves'n'such...crap, Scovie's back......