Nope,just getting my buzz on for work.
Just a little nostalgic.
I work grave yard,sleep for a couple hours during the day,between liquor store runs.
The best , Truth full stuff is posted at dark thirty my time,when you are just hung over or waking up.
It's been 30+ yrs since I've been accused of being sober.
Sounds like you aren't into the art and the life style.
Drunk doesn't mean just being drunk and making it work for a short period of time.
It's a life long life style,commitment.
Most times what I post are stuff I didn't remember most of.
The few Blurry stuff was told to me latter and I have some kinda rememberance of the facts of what went on.
different degrees of drunk,at first,ya,you got me there.
Not toilet hugging drunk.That is for Amatuers
You are right,almost.
A pro doesn't get that drunk at any time,they are always that drunk(not just buzzed),sick never happens.Passing out does...
If you never drank home brew takillya you don't have a clue I think.
Granted I haven't had any shine in a while but I do try and keep from dealing with the day to day crap from messing with my buzz,sobriety sucks.
Since you are an expert on Sobriety.
What am I doing wrong Darthpepper?
I am always interested in being better at doing what I'm doing for my lifes profession.
OR were you just trying to copy THP's post to be cool?
I've only started my 2nd fifth of 151 tonight.
I might have miss interpeted your-SOBER post but I doubt it.
Ya 151 only keeps the edge off.BUT I'm far from sober or hangover territory.
Gotta remember,Mexico was a long time ago.
I gotta deal with store bought booze,Home brew etc. these days.
Just gotta drink more now or distill my own stuff.
I agree,the cost of booze etc. is stupid high.
In the 80's it was cheap,case of quarts of beer was $4.00.
Sixers were $1.25 - $1.75.
More or less drunk,Maybe at times.
Stop accusing people of things you don't know about.
Tell us about when you got drunk in Pen. and woke up in some place like tahiti with a coconut shell glass of home brew and no idea how you got there until some one told you.
Don't take any of my posts as offensive,I'm just having fun as I think most posters are
I got an E mail from a couple people, I guess from recovering drunks.
They didn't like the tone of my posts.
Totally missed the fact that my posts,True or not Aren't meant for anything but entertaianment purposs.
I'm not trying to recruite drunks or make a life style desirable.
Just posting stories of the past in my life,slightly embellished at times.
I think this post was mainly for entertainment purposes anyway in the first place.
I hope the guys recovering get it together.
BUT being pissed about my stories isn't what anyones problem with drinking is caused by.
I'll post my stories when I feel like it.
It seems to be entertaining and they kill my 14 hour night shifts.
I'm sorry some are overcoming drinking problems or whatever.
You caused them not people like me.
Nobody forced you to like booze or drink it at any given time.
I'll try and remenber enough about the takillya goat bbq soon.
Might take a few more fifths of 151.
We'll see.
Glad a few of you like my stories,kills the boredom at work and reminds me of the good old days when I was young and thought I'd live forever-was bullet proof.
Hope you enjoy my stories as much as I like posting them.
Don't give me crap because I posted in a SMASHED FOR LIFE titled post(Ya I know the title was spelled different).
I have been reading this since it started.
I just decided it was getting to be the same old stuff mostly posted over and over asgain.
I thought I'd add some stories to the post to break up the monotony or whatever.
Maybe others have similar stories like mine that they can post too.
Just trying to break the ice and have fun telling about my travels in Takillya land.
If nothing else Scovie and JT like the stories so far.
I might not be able to post a bunch of my experiances.
They were rather blurry and hard to remenber.
I'll do my best though. LOL
Just almost remembered PEACHES,She was the chick-mooey Bonita ,that showed me how to properly drink beer,lime and salt in a bar or house of ill repute in Mexico,can't remember which.
Right boob was salt and the left was lime or visa versa-who cares,take a sip of beer and lick salt and lime from the proper places.
Beer tasted great!

Her boobs had tats of peaches on them,100% true story.
NEVER PLAY AGAINST HER in a game of pool,8 ball or 9 ball,YOU WILL LOOSE.
VERY cool Lady.
Showed us the ropes in Puerto Panasco.
Nope never went to bed with her.
She was an ex Hippy chick that ended up in Mexico.
Very Pretty and a great friend to have.
Like I said,Mexico was such a Great place before the drug wars.