• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Hey Rick that is awesome yea it was one of the late plants so it just started podding up, but the pods get bigger. Once it start producing again I will send you a box of just yellow pods. Glad you are enjoying pods.

Stefan lol you going to kill me trying to decide, but I did find a few I was interested in growing this year I will try to pm later the list.

The new box I was able to purchase from Chris just increase my list again. :mope:
Hello my name is Fernando and I have Chiligrower addiction.
lol yea Dennis my list went from 50 to at 60 not including the trades I will make before the season, which will undoubtedly end up increasing to 70 or higher might end crossing a few of the overwinters out and go brand this season starting to go :crazy: trying to decide.
So, I get home the other day and as usual I check the mail. There is a key sitting there for me and I start trying to figure out what I had ordered that had come in and I'm drawing a blank. I open the package box, pull out the box and now I'm anxious to get home. Get into the house drop everything on the table and rip open to find:


Mind you that I haven't even looked at the address to see who it's from at this point. Now, I can identify a couple of them like there's a Black Habanero and Jalabanero and is that a Fatalii, but Fernando, what are the rest of these? Especially, my kids want to know what the long brown one is, their facinated by it!

Thank you my Spicy Brother, you don't know how much i appreciate your gift.
No problem Bill hopefully you can recover your season with all the issues your facing if you need anything else just shot a pm.

Yea Rick one of the baby pods my plants are starting to crowd each other so the production is starting to be hindered, but I threw in some of the baby pods to make there was no air to breathe for the pods. Glad you are enjoying them need to start taking pictures of my early morning quick meals with a shot of agua de sandia with dash of red superhot powder. O man what a wake up call gives me a bigger rush than the 5 hour energy drinks lol.
Need to start taking pictures of my early morning quick meals with a shot of agua de sandia with dash of red superhot powder. O man what a wake up call gives me a bigger rush than the 5 hour energy drinks lol.
I hear ya there bro'... I had some of romy's powder on a fried egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast and it snapped me awake too... Good stuff!
Hi Fernando
I had one of your full-sized 7 pot Chaguanes for lunch today on a corned beef sandwich. I saved the seeds and left in the placenta, and it lit me up good, but not quite as much as the yellow 7 earlier this week. The Burgundy Hab I had yesterday was even milder. If you don't mind, I'm going to dry and powder up the remaining chocolates and burgundys so I can sample them at leisure through the winter. I think I like the fresh taste of the yellows and reds better. Cheers!
Sorry Rick . You must eat them all fresh. ;) Fernando has a very strick rule about what we do with his peppers :rofl:

Just wanted to thank you for the peppers. I know they came in the not best of shape but the brown 7 I had been trying to get my hands on was in good enough shape to eat. I think it was the hottest pepper I have had in a long time. Just amazing grow
. Oh and hey one of us id guranteed a win this week in Fantasy football :party:

Your sanctuary grow just keeps chuggin' along, brother! Glad to
see your plants have continued their productive ways. Your 2013
list is pretty impressive, my friend; will be fun to watch that happen!

I'll be especially interested to see how the overwinters comeout.
That will be my next big experiment!

Enjoy the weekend, Fernando. I hope school is going well for you.
Keep up the great poddage!
The burgundy pod is a 7 pot burgundy. Dude you don't need to ask me do as you like with the pods once they take off from the sanctuary they are free to do whatever the destination holds for them. That is all I have been been doing just drying pods because their was way to many to consume and I am trying to get ready to make tomales, candies, and snack for my family to keep them heated through the winter. Just glad your enjoying them.

Sorry brother for some reason USPS needed it to delay the arrival by 7 days on a 2 sfrb. Hopefully the next ones are hotter keep it burning.

Thank you yeah it has been a great assistance through the season and bigger help between the middle of Dec and late Jan or early feb. Well not that is not the full list, as things start coming in I just keep adding and making the tough decisions of cutting some out. My new season will be something I look forward to especially after the great season I have had especially with the ability to share all this heat. I got you on the list brother for a special doorstep gift not just only pods.

Well I got the seeds started on Tuesday and thurday and today and still not finish what is great by starting now is that I am distracted by some poddage, so I don't keep track or continue to build frustration waiting on the seeds to sprout. I will have pics tomorrow of the seed starts and the method I am using (99 cent store material)
Like always thanks everyone for stopping by and questions or comment feel free to post
Fernando spreading the chili-head love!!! :dance: You've been very kind and generous this season with your awesome pods my friend! Still thinking about my grow for next season...maybe 15-20 varieties 50ish total plants. We'll see. I was shooting for 35 this season and ended up with almost 100...
Thanks Shane

Well time for a small update since I am in a hurry Everything is starting to ripen alot of the pods had sunscold from last week heat, but getting a ton new flowers and baby pods again I keep getting the number of plants in the greenhouse down either by cutting down or giving away hopefully they survive. The number I am at now is what I will keep until our first frost before I start trimming down a bit. Next season I am at about 50 plants no more, since I found everything I could want unless I find trades of interesting seeds then out of my addiction I will have to add them. I planning on growing only one plant from each variety I wont release the list I will make it a surprise. Done rambling pic update

Garden and pods




My first TS moruga blend of the season better late than never

New Starts

Thanks again everyone for stopping by
Thanks Rick I don't have patience when it comes to seed germination that why I thought it was best to do it while still harvesting so that I don't have to keep checking on these babies every min or hour.
The first seed to sprout is Judy Red Douglah offspring started Tuesday 9/18 plus a few others popping their heads so by next week more than half should be sprouted.
Nice early starts. I am definitely feeling you regarding the ever-evolving grow list, the constant adding, and the need to cut to a managable number. Your Santuary continues to impress, and produce. Continued success with school and thanks again for all the help this year...and for the pods you sent me. I'd post a pic, but they've been consumed. :(
Thanks Brent I am just happy you enjoyed the pods anything else you need just pm I am going to be purchasing my soil next month, so I will show the mixture I use. Yea I make myself think that year seed list will perfect yet everything changes with awesome vendors and growers willing to trade or sell. I was considering going all brand new this year, but go without having the yellow 7, peach bhut, both brainstrains, Jonah, two not 7 pod primos, and of course my pimenta de neyde hopefully by the second year it can get to 9 or 10 feet and thicker stem. I am still not sure about the Yellow scorp trying to decide more than liking it will be added hopefully nothing else from the second year plants.
Fernandoooooooooooooooooooooo :party: my brother. How is it hanging? Loving the podddage shots. Plants are looking super healthy as usual. Can't wait to see all the new varieties you have going. Should be a epic winter grow :fireball:
Thanks Jamie yea wait until that first box arrives hopefully some of these crosses grow true. Thanks for reminding me of making a glog felony making a statement without pics. Can take pics of the seedlings until tomorrow, as I took a quick few shots of the harvest before leaving.
Most of the pods I let over ripen as it has been crazy for me, so I didn't really pay attention to the pods I was still able to get a decent harvest. Everything is going to the oven as I think I am going to wait until black friday, as I want to find an awesome dehydrator for a cheap priceplus the family doesn't mind the smell if I do it in low quantity but if I go two trays at once I get the porch bench for the night and wash the walls lol. I will get better pictures once I am slicing and dicing yup no gloves.
I think I found my favorite pepper for the season and I didn't grow it Chris (CMPman1974) has a Chocolate bhut jolokia x Yellow 7 pod F5 just awesome heat of a chocolate bhut with the sweet smell and flavor. Just amazing highly recommend it to anyone to ask Chris about it.
I hope everyone enjoy as alway any questions and comments please post away
Aji Joe Mystery Caramel pods

Overview top half

Overview bottom half (pile in the corner are Naga Morich)

Two TS Moruga blend

Butch T

Not Douglah red


Yellow Scorpanero

7 pod Burgundy had two color growing on one plant Burgundy and red