• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Thanks Joe for stopping by and naming the mystery can not wait to try it

Brent just before you mention that I went outside to get another small harvest before I feed them

Joyner thanks for stopping by I will take that into consideration I will be growing all through the winter so I should have enough

Well did another harvest before heading out to the Library hoping it could make a good day turn great well it was. The Douglah x TS was killer it knock me out it is killer heat with a battery acid taste so this one is not the Sepia Serpent F3, which has the douglah heat and TS flavor I think not sure have to ask Silver Surfer about that one.
The Douglah x TS F3

Small Harvest

Left to right top row: Holy Mole (Silver Surfer), TS red (Aji Joe), Mystery Bacctuum (Aji Joe), Yellow 7 pod (Buddy), 7 pod brown (Judy "Pepperlover")
Middle: Cayenne thick (Silver Surfer), Banana pepper (HD), Not congo chocolate (Aji Joe), Yellow Scorpanero (Aji Joe), red braintstrain (Judy "Pepperlover")
Lower: Peach Bhuts, Not 7 pod Burgundy (Judy "Pepperlover"), Douglah
please don't say the Douglah is the 7 pod brown completely different pods I saw someone saying that thought since I had harvested the two I show them

7 pod Brown

7 pod yellow comparison 5 hour
Hey Rick you say the update post yeah I have my list +-3 depending if I can get the seeds from Semillas since I am very interested in growing the 7 pot primo orange. The weather has not cooled down, but not that bad mostly mid 80's plants seem to love it. I post the list down be low for 2013

Brent yup that is what the plans are for this pepper straight powder and use it as a heat additive as it is something that is worth messing around eating fresh learned that lesson the hard way and that was only with half a pod.

Jamison thanks buddy

List for 2013 so far still not sure depending what I find along the grow season, which then becomes late addition. Next year I going for 50 plants found another greenhouse that I will add from harbour freight.

I wish I can add more, but I have to make sure it is manageable
Thanks again everyone for stopping by
I should have another harvest within a week or two
Hello everyone I apologize for the lack of updating or participation I have been trying to manage the time spent on here, but I do make sure to answer pm because I hate the feeling of someone thinking their message lack importance to me. Well I did a couple of changes started letting some plants take the walk of shame due to crowding out and not meeting my expectations, which were mostly the non superhots. Now I am getting ready for the new season next week I start my seedlings as I have only have half of my list and hopefully I can get the rest by next week, but this new season I have decided to go 50 maybe 60 plants depending on what I find in trades. Everything is great here even with the heat the plants are loving the sun except for the rocoto, which has some fruit that is dry up its not an issue though plenty of fruit that is nice size and ripening up on it. I also had been dealing with an aphid infestation, but 8,000 ladybugs took care of that not sure if that was the real count just what as label as the end result was great took care of the issue and now everyone is happy. Well now for pics
New seeds from Judy(pepperlover.com) and Semillas(semillas.de) and waiting for Grant (junglerain.com.au) hopefully next week

Size 50 mm peat pellets

Overall pics


The babies still growing

7 pot Brown (Jamie keep a look out)

Black Naga

Red Bhuts

Caramel Scotch Bonnets

I think red Douglah they were labeled as Douglah

Hope you enjoy and everyone season is going great any questions or comments feel free to post away
Dang Fernando! Starting next season already!!! Holy cow man! Plants looking great too brudda. I know what you mean about time on here, it can really stack up. Can't wait to watch the new season...can't believe its that time already!
Dang Fernando! Starting next season already!!! Holy cow man! Plants looking great too brudda. I know what you mean about time on here, it can really stack up. Can't wait to watch the new season...can't believe its that time already!

+1 Just yesterday I inventoried my seeds to see what I have and what I still need to get for next year. 68 varieties. No way am I growing all of them out.
Thanks Shane yea I got everything ready with the greenhouse hopefully I can get these killers to set pods before Feb now that I have my system figured on soil, soil amendments, and watering schedule. This I am going to growing everything that interesting and what I think will taste great, which is most something with stupid heat. I am also going to try to trade for a Jalpeno variety I saw Stefan grow that thought would be awesome addition. This is were the patience kicks, but the good thing I will be starting new seeds at the same time I am harvesting pods.

haha Brent yea brother I was in the same boat last yea because of Aji Joe, Judy, and Beth (peppermania) had to many varieties with limited space and no idea of what I was doing in regards of soil. Now I am looking for everything and anything because you never know when you might just want to add a random variety to your already awesoome garden and plus I hate missing out varieties that just disappear.

Good luck guys on deciding your list for the coming season
Hi Fernando
Glad to hear you've got your growing system dialed in. The pics confirm it too. I'm also beginning to plan for next year. I won't know until our Condo Association meeting in January how much space I'll have to plant in, so I'm just going to start with the essentials and add to the list from there if I get to keep the same space. I'll definitely be growing a couple of Habs and Scotch Bonnets, the Gochus for powder, a couple of Ajis and a good mix of Mexican Annuums for salsa and powder, but now I think I'd like to grow a superhot as well. The question is, which one. Space is limited, and after all, how many of these do you really need? So my question for you is, which one of the superhots do you like the flavor of the most, and why? Cheers!
Great update Fernando. Loving the new list of peppers you are planning to grow. I do have a question though. Where on earth are you gonna put them? It doesn't look like any of your current plants are gonna stop producing anytime soon. Oh and on a sad not the package never arrived. But USPS has really done me right this year so let's not make a couple jerks that are stealing from us bring us down.
Thanks RIck anything you need I have a ton of non superhot seeds as well. Lol how many do I need well your asking the wrong person that question because my answer will always be how many can I fit with the ocassional 3 or 4 non supers. I enjoy growing the supers for their exterior more than anything while some provide awesome flavor while others answer the question of what does battery acid taste like. From this year it would be tough for me it between the Peach Bhut and 7 pot yellow the golf ball size pods. The both have the heat I want plus the flavor exist along with production both of this plants have produced close to 30 or 40 pods and if I would have set up my drip system earlier I think I could have easily double that. Hope that helps

Thanks Jamie well I find a little niche for them outside until october when I start transfering the seedlings and cutting back the older plants. Yea they are still pumping out pods and flowering, but it has slowed down I think it was due running out of boogie brew so hopefully that stuff shows up this week to give them a nice soak. Nah nobody stole your package it was lost by USPS sad 75% success out of the 4 boxes I sent out on the same day only three get to their destination. I am going to retry so expect something later this week got to do another harvest soon.
Hi Fernando
I made Fettucini Alfredo at lunch today and had a bowl of it with one of your yellow Scorpions... only 3 seeds inside... minced it up fine and stirred it into the noodles and alfredo. I see what you all mean about the flavor being nicer than a lot of the others. My nose started running after the 3rd bite... I started to sweat on my forehead and under my eyes, and though the burn was decent, it wasn't overpowering. I didn't need a beer to put out the flames with this one... Yup, I'll grow this one for sure next year! Thanks for sharing more of your chiles for me to sample and broaden my horizons...