• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Thanks everyone for the compliments
I finally got my first decent harvest with alot more either small or just about to ripen I decided to take a break this morning with a walk through and decided it was time to harvest had to accidentally break a few branches, but well worth it. Hopefully soon I can pull out a half of a bucket next harvest. They are all great pods but the one that caught my interest was Aji Joe mystery superhot it was a lighter chocolate color than the 7 pod brown or douglah like a cappuccino color I can not get a good picture since it keeps coming out brown on the photo, but I can not wait to start eating a few of these.
First our three amigos

Now harvest


Now to leave for school on that note
Thanks everyone have a great day and pepper
Thanks Dennis your harvest is just as great this one was way overdue since I failed to take into account the fabric pots and watering it really set me back 3 or 4 months until I got my drip system, so now it was exciting to pick more than 3 or 4 peppers.

Thanks Rick well I am sending SASBE to Bill with my only 2 jalabanero sad harvest with all the unripe taking forever and including the peach hab and an not chocolate congo red I think I completely forgot. Jon(Megahot) random superhots mostly different 7 pots. And one member is get a surprise soon. I wish I had more money to send you a box, but I have to wait until september once my student refund get here. Class registration and textbooks took all my money :mope: except for what I left aside for the dehydrator I will pick up later this week, which will help to start making my powders.

Thanks Melissa

Thanks Jamie having my first break between classes about to eat a 7 pot burgundy with my grill cheese only expect a bad outcome good thing it is only half and I have half a gallon of milk. Once I have more time I will look over the sauce 101 thread try to send a few things to you to try once I have them ready.
Hi Fernando
Sorry, I meant "What are you gonna make with them?" My personal kink is that I like to cook with my chiles so I guess I assume other people do too. I keep forgetting your time isn't your own these days. Cheers mate!
how is LA much cooler than where im at..lol 10+ warmer... hope all is well with your school.. i took a semester off to focus on the peppers....hahah nah.. couldnt get in nursing.. still waiting
Hey Rick not sure yet maybe some powder since I don't have time and I have just been dicing a few up and adding them to my meals or quick snack before classes. What I thought were fatalii was actually yellow bhuts, so no fatalii this year that bhut with dinner did a number on me. The root pouchs really help stress the plant without trying or waiting a whole week without watering.

Hey Stefan that is a true yellow 7 pot brainstrain I sent all of the harvested ones to members because I know they can post better pictures, but those things are huge compared to the regular brainstrain I am growing. I am loaded up with pods again so in about three weeks should have another nice harvest and have the opportunity to what I had originally planned with them sauces. This harvest was unexpected, but I have another pods that I personally beats out everything I have in the sanctuary for this year I just got to trace all the information since I got them in a trade.

Lol Shane yea if I did that I think I would be shun from my family

Hey Dennis yea we are closer to the beach so we always get some leftover cool breeze that helps, but it has help increase the heat of the pods. Yea first week has been great just alot of information to take in, but hopefully this will help me get up out here to a better place I have been looking into moving to south america if I can find an opportunity that the reason I hoping to have enough powder saved up in case my growing variety is cut down short. Good luck with nursing hopefully you get in soon, but pepper hobby does help take the stress off.
Thanks again everyone
Hey Fernando, you package arrived today. Thank you, now what all do I have.


The one on the left looks like a Peach Bhut and the 2 on the right I think are the Jalabanero but I'm not sure of the other 2. Did I even come close?
Dang USPS work fast for the first time Jon (Megahot) got his today as well. The peach is unknown very oily ate one today great flavor could be a peach hab, but didn't have that hab flavor. Next is a red bhut next Limon and finally jalabanero
Fernando your plants have freaking taken off! They look great buddy, and so do those harvests :party:

I was another lucky member to recieve a box of pods from this great guy, Thanks again man :D
Fernando asked me to take a few focused pictures of the Mystery Superhot from Ajijoe that he grew to show the coloring on it.
That's the least I could do right?

I gotta say I'm really excited to grow this pepper, very cool looking pod to say the least. It's not brown/chocolate it's definitely caramel in color. I cut it open a few minutes ago and right off the bat this thing smells stupid hot, my whole kitchen smells like it now. It doesn't have that super fruity 7pod smell that Douglahs have, more of a strong sharp smell to it, kinda like a chocolate bhut but to me.. It smells hotter and tastier. Covered in oil as well.

I'm about to head to work and I have an empty stomach so I'm going to try it when I get home today and I'll let you know man. I made the "eat a super on a empty stomach" mistake one time and I will never do that again lol.

Here's some pictures of the pods you sent me brother.

Mystery Superhot 'Caramel'


Looking at these shots has me nervous to eat this guy tonight lol. Got oil?


I took a few more for you of some of the others, figured why not :)

NOT Fatalii


TS Green, very cool looking pod.


I hope you like the pictures bud :)
Thank you so much once again for the surprise box of pods! I will be keeping you posted on heat/flavor from all these guys :)
Thanks Brandon that thing does look nasty I can not wait to harvest another and pop that sucker well maybe half not trying to kill myself. Yea eating that on a empty stomach mat not be fun especially going to work that. Pictures are awesome and glad you enjoyed the box.

Hello Wahlee thanks for stopping by the TS Green (Thanks again CMP(Chris)) stays green until it get a bit yellowish towards the center, but the flavor in my opinion not the best and the heat was decent. I personally would not grow it again, but I do have two plants one loaded with pods another just starting to grow. I do enjoy exterior of these especially the ones that really curve their tail it amazing to see. I am considering keeping one plant and using it for crossing hopefully improve the flavor, heat, and color similar to Kevin (Wayrights) http://thehotpepper....e/page__st__200 who has two different colors for this variety.

Thanks Stefan it amazing seeing these pods go through their transitions of color and size.