• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
That greenhouse is neat, and smart to put up the shade cloth to be able to be removed when necessary. Caurse where your at that's more than necessary :). We're still getting rain up here, so the shade cloth still isn't quite as necessary for us. It will in a couple days a so I'll be trying to get one to cover my generic "covered patio". Nice pods Fernando! And thanks for the info on the Explosive Embers. Now that are going to get some sun light it should be sprouting up and I'll be able to pot up soon.

Congrats, Aaron! Shane will be furious that there is a newcomer here :D
Okay I have been moving my plants in even though there is still a few things left to do to the sanctuary, but I just couldn't help it. All the left outside is one mystery plant, congo hab, and cherry tomato. I all found an interesting thing outside part of the Aji Joe mystery superhot seed mix looks like a barracapore, but not completely certain. The lettuce mix I got from burpee also has sprouted its baby lettuce mixture not sure the variety since I threw the paper away once I inserted all the seeds.
AjiJoe mystery superhot (Barracapore maybe)

Lettuce sprout

Picture of the whole family minus the 3 others


The two in the white containers are Not 7 pod reds



Worm tea bath
I see I'm not the only one around here with some late starts! What are you hiding under the Chair in the Pepper Sanctuary?
I see I'm not the only one around here with some late starts! What are you hiding under the Chair in the Pepper Sanctuary?
Lol they are "Not 7 pod red" when I saw the picture Orangehero posted that was the only thing I was wanted for the trade besides the Pimenta de Neyde, but was kind enough to send other stuff as well. They will get potted up soon not sure yet if I should do two 10 gallon or one 10 and one 5 :think: . I swear though these are my last two pepper plants beside one Sugar baby watermelon that pop today :liar: .
Well I started some new seeds because one of the TS Green and Butch T are not loving the sun unlike their counterparts that are soaking it all up. TS yellow x 7 pot yellow (AjiJoe), TS red (AjiJoe), 7 pot chaguanes (Chris), Biker Billy Jalapeno (last seed AjiJoe), TS Green (Chris), Bhut Brown (pepperlover), Tomato, green tomatillos. Here are few pod pictures and one comparison between bhut peach in a 5 gallon and 10 gallon root pouch.
Overwintered Lemon

Thai Dragon

Peach Bhut 10 gallon vs 5 gallon

Tobango Scotch Bonnet

Douglah x TS Brown barely podding

7 pot Chaguanes #2

7 pot Burgundy

New additions

Hope everyone enjoys now time to head off and questions or advice
Thank you for stoping by
Thanks Pinoypride83 they have worked for me but they do dry really fast. I have to go out and water two times a day because with the current weather I have had 4 plants that wilted and recovered, but I think PepperJam has a great setup for them with the drip irrigation. If you have 10 gallon those are the are the one I would recommend they seem to just explode in those when compared to the 5 gallon tends to cause the plants to become bushy. Most of the five gallons I have now will get replaced with 10 gallon sometime after the season and just stay with 10 gallon from now on.
Thanks again for stoping by
Always more to start!!! I'm thinking of taking my germ station to my barracks where momma can't see it and starting a 72 cell tray... :shh: or at least another 20...10 more Jals and 10 more Manzanos. She might get suspicious when I start digging up another area of the back yard. lol
Thanks Pinoypride83 they have worked for me but they do dry really fast. I have to go out and water two times a day because with the current weather I have had 4 plants that wilted and recovered, but I think PepperJam has a great setup for them with the drip irrigation. If you have 10 gallon those are the are the one I would recommend they seem to just explode in those when compared to the 5 gallon tends to cause the plants to become bushy. Most of the five gallons I have now will get replaced with 10 gallon sometime after the season and just stay with 10 gallon from now on.
Thanks again for stoping by

cool....i only have 2 and 3 gallon of the root pouches...they are cheap but they get xpensive when shipping out to hawaii :(
Always more to start!!! I'm thinking of taking my germ station to my barracks where momma can't see it and starting a 72 cell tray... :shh: or at least another 20...10 more Jals and 10 more Manzanos. She might get suspicious when I start digging up another area of the back yard. lol
Lol Shane you can start putting the buckets on the roof where she can see the hassle would only be watering and harvesting.
cool....i only have 2 and 3 gallon of the root pouches...they are cheap but they get xpensive when shipping out to hawaii :(
You can try on the three gallon, but yea I understand on the pricing it might cost more for the shipping then the product itself.
You can try on the three gallon, but yea I understand on the pricing it might cost more for the shipping then the product itself.

im trying those 3 gallon on my girlfriends tomato they seem to like it they grow so fast...and yea your right they dry out faster...sometimes i hate living in hawaii, because everything is being imported in all different places...so prices double up and for ordering online the shipping will kill you...
Awesome looking 7 pot collection! Cant wait to see pics of the Douglah x TS Brown!
Thanks Beehunter I am excited to see the different variations and hopefully create a new one here and there with one specific plant. I was lucky enough to get into Beaglestorm offer for these, since he saved some seeds after testing the pods. I am on a 7 pot mission to obtain every single variety out there, but that is something I think will never end with everyone including myself either purposefully or accidentally creating new variation that may take a while to stablize.
im trying those 3 gallon on my girlfriends tomato they seem to like it they grow so fast...and yea your right they dry out faster...sometimes i hate living in hawaii, because everything is being imported in all different places...so prices double up and for ordering online the shipping will kill you...
I was looking at different methods from reducing the waste of water with these, but the only method that would work is the drip system. Transplanting is a pain in the butt with the root pouches I normally have to get someone else to help to make sure I don't damage the plant, since I do plan to reuse these containers for next year I might cut the 5 gallon just so I don't do to much damage on the plants. You can try talking you local hydro shop to carry them since the price is so cheap and they would be able to carry the shipping cost onto the store cost without impacting the customer to much.
Thanks again everyone
I was looking at different methods from reducing the waste of water with these, but the only method that would work is the drip system. Transplanting is a pain in the butt with the root pouches I normally have to get someone else to help to make sure I don't damage the plant, since I do plan to reuse these containers for next year I might cut the 5 gallon just so I don't do to much damage on the plants. You can try talking you local hydro shop to carry them since the price is so cheap and they would be able to carry the shipping cost onto the store cost without impacting the customer to much.
Thanks again everyone

nice idea i should call the hydro shop here since they only carry the smart pots...i was gonna experiment on my 3 gallon smart pot and just cut the bottom part and put it on top of a 5 gallon container since the width and area is same for my containers...
I found some time to take a few pictures I am currently dealing with pots drying way to fast especially through the past week and has impacted the flowering and fruiting hopefully next I am able to setup a drip irrigation and best for my situation and pick up some pink bark from HD otherwise someone can recommend a better mulch within the LA area. I have found a few baby pods on the Bhut and Jalabanero is beginning to load up on pods hopefully they can hang on. Shane you pod is still hanging is being really stubborn hopefully it start to take color soon so you can try it.
I jump on the bandwagon Tea



red Bhut plant

Baby red bhut

Pimenta De Neyde setting flowers

Shane stubborn pod wont change color

7pod yellow brainstrain flowers starting to set

Hope you all enjoy and thank for stopping by