• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Man...I am super patient! I still got a whole box full of pain that Jamie sent to get through! My camera girl has been out all day! I really wanted to down one of those pods. I guess I'll get to them tomorrow! Going to be great whenever I get it! I also jumped on the tea wagon and have been using it for a couple weeks. Appears as though they like it! Then again they liked the old fish ferts too??? Hopefully the tea helps with root development though. They have grown a ton this week, just hard to tell if it is because of the tea or the weather???

Everything is looking stellar my man! That Jalabanero is going to be GREAT!
Thanks everyone for stoping by
that tea looks nice..your babies gonna explode after they drink that...btw what you put inside your tea?
Dr earth veg compost (after looking at the 420 mix and planting soil Dr.Eath sell are all the same with a different name), worming castings, root organic trinity, molasses, buddha bloom NPK (.5-2-1).
Man...I am super patient! I still got a whole box full of pain that Jamie sent to get through! My camera girl has been out all day! I really wanted to down one of those pods. I guess I'll get to them tomorrow! Going to be great whenever I get it! I also jumped on the tea wagon and have been using it for a couple weeks. Appears as though they like it! Then again they liked the old fish ferts too??? Hopefully the tea helps with root development though. They have grown a ton this week, just hard to tell if it is because of the tea or the weather???

Everything is looking stellar my man! That Jalabanero is going to be GREAT!
Thanks Shane your more patient than me. The cayenne thick is loading up again and I am letting hang on the plant until I have enough to powder up at least decent amount. I think you able to tell when you compare weekly results the bacteria growth is what help development as they become feeders for the root from my understanding but don't quote me on that. The jalabanero is another I got from Silversurfer and I am interested to try he posted pics on CG it is an amazing pod size and hopefully has a flavor to match.
Hey Fernando, always a treat to check out your pepper crop. Looking good!
Thanks Rick but I am reconding using the root pouchs without having the proper setup for them like PJ, but in a few weeks I will be planning that out.

One last thing I am looking at a few drip irrigation systems anybody have a few recommendations.
Thanks again and hope you all enjoy my glog, but I feel we need PIC-1(Greg) glog update http://thehotpepper....od-pornage2012/ check it out if you haven't filled with awesomeness
Nice...i use 1pound fish,worm.casting,kelp,mykos,humic acid and mollasses...the nxt tea im gonna make ill try to use the hawaii made microbes
just given a look at the jalabanero, great plant... so many pods growing and so many new flowers; hope you'll have a great crop!
Nice grow room Fernando, the smart pots look like they are workin out good for you.....and Shane tipped me off about the "under chair", then I saw the starts on the ledge.
That does it, I 've had it with resistance(besides I told Melissa 77754 .that I was gonna do a 3rd start so I have to!Right???!!!), goin to go with start 3 for some annuums, and damn the nighttime temps!!!
Fernando, your greenhouse turned out great. Easy to see how
much the plants love it. I still haven't got going on the worm tea yet.
Just seems like another contraption to contend with. Same with hydro
growing. I get tired of messing with stuff; haven't even got my irrigation
dialed in yet, the weather has been so lousy. But I feel better after
seeing how nice your grow is looking : )

No pics yet, but your costeño amarillo is looking good, and the peach habs
and purple tomatillos are in red cups. The giant jalapeño finally popped a
while back, but had an extreme helmet head. I snipped the seed cover and
nipped some of the cotys, but they have spread out and there are true leaves
beginning to show! It is very small, but I'll try to get an update pic for you soon.
So thanks for those seeds, 'nando!.

Continued success, my friend - ¡con mucha suerte!
Thanks everyone for the compliments been so busy I haven't had much time to actually sit and enjoy everyone grow log or even update mines. Shane sent a few pods out today hopefully they get there safe. I found great news from AjiJoe that I was able to grow one of his Chocolate 7 pod barracapore that I was able to share with a few people from my group project they took little bits it was funny once the put it in their mouth, but I did treat them each with ice cream so they could have for security after the pain. I enjoyed the flavor overall the heat was intense hotter than the yellow bhut I had the day prior. I did not eat the whole pod just half. Now the bad news while I wish I could have my pod production to the level of some members here sadily it hasn't work out that due to not researching and preparing for the root pouches through the hot wether, so I was either overwatering or under watering. The awesome news I got the drip system in the other week and seeing different results flower and starting to load up everything is starting to get into the swing of things. Here are few pics
7 pod Chocolate barracapore


Pimenta De Neyde



7 pod Chaguanas

Not 7 pod primo red

Mystery Aji

Yellow Bhut (Shane headed your way finally ripe)

To be continued
Hey SG thank you yes they are I have two growing and I hope they turn out like the picture he posted.
More pics
Aji Joe mystery pods ripening Shane I sent you some to try out

TS Green flowering up again

TS yellow

Peach Scorpanero turned yellow

Red rocoto

What I see when I walk in Left side

Right side

Right side entry corner

The new additions (no hardening off needed)

Giant white tomato and Green tomatillo
Hey Fernando, welcome back, we missed you! Glad to see you've got your watering system dialed in and your chiles podding up. I've got a ways to go to pull even with you... Lots of Annuums here but only set three Orange Hab pods so far, and they were just in flower a few days ago. It'll probably be a couple of months until I get some ripe ones. Cheers
Hey Fernando, welcome back, we missed you! Glad to see you've got your watering system dialed in and your chiles podding up. I've got a ways to go to pull even with you... Lots of Annuums here but only set three Orange Hab pods so far, and they were just in flower a few days ago. It'll probably be a couple of months until I get some ripe ones. Cheers
Thanks Rick once I get things going I will get something out to you just got to tell me the heat level you would like can not wait to see you pod production especially a few of the varieties I have never heard of. I completely for forgot this picture when I went out to check a few things I have another yellow bhut plant that is in production 6 pods with more flowers, but this what they are looking like nothing special like SG variety http://thehotpepper.com/topic/28247-yellow-bhut-jolokia-open-pollinated/page__hl__%2Byellow+%2Bbhut hopefully they have typical bhut flavor and heat.

Thanks again everyone hope your enjoying your season and plants
[background=transparent]"A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them." Liberty Hyde Bailey
Looking great Fernando!!! I was starting to get worried about you, hadn't heard from you in a bit! Let my show you how I feel about the pods :dance: :woohoo: :drooling: :woohoo: :dance: !!!!!!!!!
Fernando I was just thinking about how I hadn't seen any posts from you in awhile, glad to see things are moving right along for you! Love the pics, keep up the good work! :)
Thanks this summer has kept me busy with school and internship, so I decide to manage the amount of time I spent on here otherwise I would get nothing done and fall behind. This site is addicting especially with the glog. Everything is starting to pick up with the new drip system and I just order a product that called boogie brew that I am going to test out next week and see if that gives my plants a bigger kick. I saw the growingyourgreens do a segment on it and did some further research it sounded awesome to test out. It NorCal product so I couldn't find someone local that carries it.
Shane hopefully you enjoy the pods I will send you a box soon enough.
Melissa thank you I wish I could get to the same stage as you in podage and growth, but I am happy they have survived and only had one casualty out of 50 or more so far.
Thanks again everyone for stopping by hope you enjoy
Thanks Meatfreak for stopping by this site is so addicting I have a hard time leaving once I get to seeing podage and the different growing traits due to different climates, so at the moment I am trying to keep myself accountable on the time I spent on here.