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grilling Some BBQ & Grillin' Escapades

I can only do salmon once in awhile. I'll take mammal over fish most times.

Not sure why I've never smoked a loin before. It was fairly quick, and way much delicious.
It's a nice 90° to smoke some sheeit. So, sorta a repeat of last session
2015-05-16 13.50.08.jpg

2015-05-16 13.52.35.jpg
Whatever. i havent seen none of this shit.  When are you going to cook me something. This hth dude is stealing pics from the net.  Fucking Nicholas,stingy bastard.
Man yer KILLING IT!!!! :) I would love that right now!!!!! Made my stomach grumble so loud Heather burst out laughing!! :) nice job HTH