food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

In true TB fashion, he said he'd post manana!!!! And no show!!!!!!!!!!! Booooooo!


As promised, my ultimate spicy fried chicken sandwich. I am a sucker for the old fashioned Southern style sandwich with a buttered bun and pickles, but I like it spicy so I wanted to kick it up. I took four chicken thighs, deboned them and removed the skin. I used a reaper sauce buttermilk brine, then a seasoned cake flour with lots of chile powder and seasoned salt from both Red Hawk Peppers and Texas Creek. Here's where I ran into a snag. My fryer is down with a bad cord, so I used canola oil in a pot on the stove. The problem came when I realized my thermometer was also dead. I winged it and the first one was over browned. Lowered the heat and the other three came out perfect. I buttered the roll, spread mayo on the bottom bun, then a bed of lettuce, the chicken, Jak Jeckles SOL sauce and pickled jalapenos. Perfect amount of heat. Just enough to make me sweat a little. Lovin' it!
I would smash three of those down my swallow pipe!

Hold the butter, give me mayo!!!

And Jay, for what it's worth, Canolla is the worst (most unhealthy) frying oil there is. Is has a very low smoke point and turns carcinogenic at very low temps. Great for eating raw (like salad dressings) bad for frying. Peanut or 100% veg oil is best for frying.


I'd still eat that sammich like I just swam from Cuba.
wow ... all impressive-like ...
reminds me of my fav one, the one from the various Ale House establishments around the state ...
they serve theirs with melted colby jack, though ...
Damn son that ooks/sounds awesome. Southern style chicken sandwich is definitely awesome. The only thing better would be if it were on a buttered biscuit with those pickles.

Well done!
Damn Jay looks real good!!!
Wondering why you chose thigh over breast? And I love thighs but just wondering, never tried them for this type sammie.
Looks killer.
Bet some bacon would play nice.
Jay you have any left over? Maple/butter/hot sauce drizzle is calling, on waffles as buns.
I do have two left, but no waffles for me. I like chicken and waffles just fine, but I like the sandwiches better. I'll try adding cheese and bacon to one and see how it is.
I chose the thighs because I saw a chicken sandwich recipe in one of Heather's magazines and I thought "I can make that and make it better" so I did.
What's your opinion on the cake flour?
Cake flour is finer than Wondra.

Ok medical update. Had a positive dr. appointment today. He feels that after viewing my ultrasound pics that my liver is inflamed but not damaged. Dropping the Aleve and cutting back on the booze should have my numbers dropping and everything healing pretty quickly. He also gave me meds to kick the gout out of my ankle. No maintenance drugs for that until the liver is under control though. Still seeing the specialist Tuesday. If all goes well, I COULD (best case) be back to work next Friday.
The Hot Pepper said:
You cooked a hot dog five years ago. :clap:
JayT said:
Cake flour is finer than Wondra.

Ok medical update. Had a positive dr. appointment today. He feels that after viewing my ultrasound pics that my liver is inflamed but not damaged. Dropping the Aleve and cutting back on the booze should have my numbers dropping and everything healing pretty quickly. He also gave me meds to kick the gout out of my ankle. No maintenance drugs for that until the liver is under control though. Still seeing the specialist Tuesday. If all goes well, I COULD (best case) be back to work next Friday.

You cooked a hot dog five years ago. :clap:
  • Yeah the point of Wondra is it's cooked flour that will never clump and also it is baby powder fine. But the cake is a great new tip thanks. I see the low protein makes it's lighter. Wondra is also low protein. I bet they are similar.
  • Woot! Great news Jay!
  • Heyyyyyyyy :mope: