food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)


Roasting my root veggies (potato, sweet potato, turnips, carrots, and parsnip) with fresh tarragon, butter, and lemon


The hatch chiles and some burgers with chiles and provolone mixed into the meat (snack until the main event).
JayT said:
Still a little loopy from my muscle relaxer vodka cocktail last night.  I'm not ready for pickle shots yet.  Maybe a vodka and sweet tea, yeah we'll try that.  Maybe my back will stop screaming at me.  I just went out and checked on how I left my Egg last time.  Not bad, pretty clean.  I might just get that going and cook the fish and steaks on there for later before I am not in cooking shape.  I might do some roasted root vegetables while I am at it.  Now, for that drink.
AAAhhhhhh Vodka and muscle relaxers  a  i call those a Russian Earthquake after a few i feel all shaky and no one can understand me heheheh
Scoville DeVille said:
Is that American cheese or cheddar? I had a Sonic burger the other day and I'm almost positive I will only make cheeseburgers with American cheese from now on.
Words I never thought I would say.
Nothing wrong with that.

Burgers, grilled cheese, and broccoli ... but that's it!
I was maybe eating Jack cheese Doritos at that point, but I think it was lounging on the couch watching fb before I passed out for a few hours.  I ate all day!



Here's the Amish Hatch (New Mexicao) burger.
I thought I already posted this, sorry Pookie.


Lunch today, marinated venison steak with fatalii and red jalapeno.  The marinade is simple, olive oil, rice wine vinegar, worchestershire, black pepper, and a sliced fatalii pepper.  I just plain love the fatalii in there.  I did add some Jack cheese and bake it a bit, then a little sour cream.  Yum.