food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

Ha!  I am well over $2000 into this thing now, and I did make a pizza on it if you go back a few pages.  I need to do it again now that I am getting a better handle on the temp control.  The last one I made, I never got the Egg hot enough.  It cooked fine, but didn't get the char that I was looking for.  I am thinking of trying it right on the cast iron grates instead of using the convection thing with a pizza stone.  I'll try to make on next week.  For today it is Egg oven ribs and "firehouse" chicken.   Now for another Belgian beer...

Seems I forgot to post this last night because I was too busy shoving it in my cakehole.
Man those chicken halves look good and so does the rib rack  :drooling:
What kind of time/temp do you cook the potato at and does it change the flavor as opposed to regular baking?  My wife and I both eat baked potatoes when I smoke ribs, but I always do them in the oven (no foil).  Would be nice if I could toss them on the smoker that is around 250deg. with the ribs.
Charcoal lasts the whole time. The only thing I had to do was open the vents a little more for the last hour as the temp started to slip.

So I have been neglecting my Weber since I bought the Egg, so I thought I would show it a little love.  Grilled chicken quesadilla with black beans jalapeno jack cheese, Pex' Bee Bomb jalapeno sauce, sour cream,  and some fresh pico de gallo I whipped up.  Its what's for lunch.
I think Scobee's gonna dig the charred tore'tillah.   I am busy jumping back and kissing myself right now.
Haha I see what you did there.  I am grilling chicken breasts, a hanger steak that is marinating right now, red and yellow bells, onion, mushrooms, and jalapeno.  Butcher didn't have any skirt steaks and wanted like 9.69lb for flank, so I got the hanger, looks like it will do the job nicely.  I just used the last of the sour cream though so it will be back to the store before supper.

Only question now is what kind of wood do I want to use, I am thinking mesquite maybe or maybe apple.  Or oak.  Oh hell, I am gonna close my eyes and just grab some.
That tortilla is pure artwork! You do me proud Jay. Anytime there are grill marks on a tortilla, automatic win!!!
Wait, there was stuff in it too? I didn't even see that. :rofl:
The Egg is warming up and the meats are prepared for fire.  The peppers and onions are chopped and there is adequate beverage consumption.  We will soon have liftoff and hopefully fajitas perfection.  To up the odds, I used Texas Creek Southwest seasoning on the chicken.  Just waiting for the Egg to come up to searing temperature so it can do its magic.  Stay tuned.