• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

⌘ Spicegeist 2013 ⌘

Today we were walloped with a snowstorm in Southwest Virginia and since I was taking some pics of the snow I thought I'd also get started with sharing my pepper progress.

My 2013 selection:

C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhuts
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Sonoran Chiltepin
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Armac Chiltepin

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Guam Boonie
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri

C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x C. chinense F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Wiri Wiri x Bhut

Outside today:

Pots for later on:

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2... I wasn't counting on purple being so dominant here, will have to pick a few from these to grow out:

Here are some of my 2013 treasures.

I was able to start four C. galapagoenses (they didn't all come up on the same date):




Some special crosses I made in 2011:

Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1:

Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut Jolokia (C. chinense) F1:
Geist said:
It's cool seeing the offspring of the yellow bhut I grew last year. They are pretty close to the kinds of pods I got.
Right now, I'm between places so I have almost zero light. However, I do have one aji limon pepper growing under a couple CFLs on my dresser and it's given me a lot of pods so far.
I'm moving soon to a place with a patio so I should have a ton of strains going next year outside along with maybe some winter plants. We'll see. Thanks for the update, Spicegeist.
I'm glad you were able to send some back to me, the other phenotype doesn't like the shadier conditions I'm working with this year.  2014 sounds like it'll be a good one.  Let me know if you want to try something different and I can send a few seeds your way.
meatfreak said:
Good looking pods, SG. That Choco Bhut x Douglah is one big ass pod, love it!
That plant is doing very well, can't wait to open up some ripe pods and find out how much placenta and what kind of aroma they'll have...
RedtailForester said:
Ok man, I'm probably going to have to beg you for some Pimenta Morango seeds at the end of the season. They look really cool. Any idea on the flavor?
I grew the Pimenta Morango last year too, I can send you a few pods as they start to ripen if you want to try them.  They were hot and had a decent flavor.
Check out some pics of this from last year:
Spicegeist said:
Thank you sir... looking for people to grow out my F3, so let me know how your 2014 list looks.
You know what, I may take you up on that. It's a very nice looking plant and I wouldn't mind giving that a shot. Let me know when you have seeds.
Spicegeist said:
All of my Florida Wilds turned out to be crosses.  I kept on to one long enough to pollinate a flower with C. galapagoense pollen... attempting to germinate the seeds from that ripe pod now...
This took quite a while to germinate, from at least this date.
armac said:
It was near a Serrano........sorry about that....might taste good though
Ha, okay, you're right, might be tasty.  I have another plant that hasn't flowered yet either, maybe that one will grow more true.
Portuge said:
Whats your plans for next season Charles? Any ideas of what your going to sow in 2014...
2014, hmm... it's really hard to think of that right now because I think I'm going to have to make some tough decisions that are probably best made like an axe falling: quickly and resolutely.
tell us how hot it is after you taste it :) You might know I ate a Dorset ystrdy, had whip cream at the ready, but the Morouga is hotter I think??? World record-level heat.
Dot Com said:
tell us how hot it is after you taste it :) You might know I ate a Dorset ystrdy, had whip cream at the ready, but the Morouga is hotter I think??? World record-level heat.
TS Morouga Blend will be hotter than a Dorset Naga, but you know, for some people once you get above a certain threshold the experience can be similar.  Growing conditions also affect the heat.
wahlee76 said:
I agree with you on the Pimenta Morango, but your other pod look great too :P .
Looks like you're a happy gardener
Thanks Wahlee, yes, I love my peppers!  :party:
I just picked my almost ripe Morado, and of course it seems to have crossed with a superhot.  I'd love to send a pod to someone else for a second opinion.  Here's a shot, it is brown on the outside and not quite ripe on the inside:

Edit.  This time I'm thankful for cold beer.