• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

spongey's 2012 grow

well, so far a couple plants are still producing pods! and the rest are still growing and my seedlings are plugging away for being outside here in San Diego.
my douglah that i have at my office

Devils tongue red has 10+pods on in now blooms still coming in

Brain strain DWC

Douglah DWC

Choc Bhut, still waiting on my fist pod

Choc hab i pruned its roots and re potted it so hopefully it takes off once it warms up a little.

here is my mystery plant, gotten 30pods so far and more coming

here are the seedlings, carmen, 7pot white, fatalii, choc scorp, choc hab X Red hab, naga morich.

i will update from time to time hopefully this will be pics of tons of pods come spring time!

i got them from a guy in hawaii, "dundizzle" i am curious what the pods will look like! and i love the douglah, so i am interested to see just how these pods turn out! and i am still waiting for pod set on the "choco hab X red hab" to see how they turn out too!

I cant wait to see those "choco hab X red hab" and "Y7PxChocBhut" The ones you gave me are just going to town so it will be cool to see what I have in store.

As for Douglah x Morouga, that sounds scary hot! Cant wait to see those.
^^^^ :rofl: they are excited! i am going to try to get them moved today if i can get ahold of my buddy with a truck. it will be interesting to see how they react to the different angle of sun they will be getting, i think that they will get much taller as the sun will pass overhead as opposed to at an angle. damn my back id sore from dgging in the yard! LOL
You have some great crosses going, there, Spongey!
Every thing's looking really good. Here's to continued
success :cheers:
I am keeping the potted plants potted. The little ones and and seeds I germ will go into the ground I think. It's ever changing. And since I got laid off, next week will be garden week
here you go Jaime!


purple bhut

choc bell

choc hab X red hab

and first pod



and the brain


i have another brain strain sprout that i will be seeing if i can get larger pods off of it, and 3 sprouts of a seed i got from Armac. and there are other plants i did not post as they are nothing special right now and here you cannot post that many pics.
thanks you
The plants look great, spongey - you have some nice varieties going.
Notice you have a root pouch; how's that working for you?
well the choc bhut that is in it is not liking anything i do, so i am going to grow some other kinds of plants in the other ones i have and maybe a sprout i have groing from a seed that came straight from trinidad and see how it does as its brother willl be grown in a DWC bucket

it has not set one pod, i almost killed it here is a pic from what it looked like right after i put it in the DWC to save its life
Well it's about fing time bro! Plants look really happy in there new home. They are all gonna explode with all that direct sunlight. That brain will start pumping out some larger pods once you strip it clean of all those lil guys :party:
that brain strain looks just fantastic... if I were in US I would have asked for some seeds

are you sure that no c. annuum variety has "horned" in that chocolate hab x red hab cross?!?
that brain strain looks just fantastic... if I were in US I would have asked for some seeds

are you sure that no c. annuum variety has "horned" in that chocolate hab x red hab cross?!?
i am not 100% as i got the pods from bakers peppers and he said it was a choc X red hab and i liked the taste and they were great to add to a powder mix so i grew out a seed and what you see is what i got. its a cool looking plant and i love the purple flowers. i cant wait to see how the pods grow.
little picture update taken this morning. the moruga has really sprung to life and i now have 5-6 fataliis set.
Choc bhut X yellow 7


Purple Bhut

carmen starting to change color


little fatalii pods

and the brain strain pushin popcorn pods

trying to figure out a way to support the wide branches in the brain before they snap.
devils tongue red

choc bell- they taste AMAZING when fully ripe