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Spring has Sprung in Oz

bentalphanerd said:
Hasn't stopped raining since the storm Sunday...they're saying it'll keep going for a few more days. I'm getting worried about rot & fungus...had a heap of big green pods on my 7-pot.
Haven't been able to build my raised garden beds and all the Nagas are up in the seed tray (also out in the weather)

From what I've seen everything is surviving so far but it needs to dry out soon...and of course that'll mean 40C+

Yeah even if the rain does stop, your seedlings may suffer some caualties......

How big are they?
sun came out for a few hours today - enough to see that the douglah has new growth of leaves & flowers *whew*. 7's are looking good with some evil dimply pods...ooooo the exitement of my first summer 7 :)
Habs and asian plants are covered in flowers, some full size Serranos popping out too :)

Of course now theres another storm bearing down on us. Boooooo. At least the dam levels are recovering.
Updates :)

"Father Tom" a fast growing disease resistant plant living up to its name. The plastic lattice was $5 for 3 M & worth every cent. Given recent weather, this plant should not be here.


6 more Toms that showed up in the compost - caged in & fruit everywhere.


Spuds didn't mind the recent weather - need another layer after only 2 weeks

...more pics loading

A few problems....

The Orange Hab I got from Bunnings is looking a bit suss.


The Choc hab I've been waiting to ripen....someone got to it first {I'll do an autopsy & save what I can for a ham roll for lunch }


A tray of Dorset Nagas went AWOL - no idea what happened...the soil isn't around the tray...its just gone. ???


The 7's copped a hiding in the weather - a lot of top leaves gone


...still more pics loading
bentalphanerd said:

Well it is about time...haha. Everything is looking good.
All you other members from the southern hemisphere be sure to post some pics for us northerners getting the big chill.
Still loads of 7's



Black Pearl looking good


And last but by no means least - The Douglah is enjoying life in the ground. Was unfazed by recent weather - new growth all over Woohoo


Thats it for now
Haha I like how during the time I was posting a message saying that everything was looking good you were making another post with bad news about the weather taking out plants etc. Hopefully everything bounces back for you. It is also pretty strange how the soil disappeared. Could the wind have carried it away?
Josh said:
Haha I like how during the time I was posting a message saying that everything was looking good you were making another post with bad news about the weather taking out plants etc. Hopefully everything bounces back for you. It is also pretty strange how the soil disappeared. Could the wind have carried it away?

hehe yeah timing is everything :)

I'm sure it'll recover, looks like we're settling into a stinking hot Oz summer. As for the seed tray...Its a mystery - no other trays or pots nearby have been affected - its like its been taken out & carried away. Good thing I've got about 60 Naga seedlings still going in other trays....but WTF???
bentalphanerd said:
hehe yeah timing is everything :)

I'm sure it'll recover, looks like we're settling into a stinking hot Oz summer. As for the seed tray...Its a mystery - no other trays or pots nearby have been affected - its like its been taken out & carried away. Good thing I've got about 60 Naga seedlings still going in other trays....but WTF???

Yea still frustrating but like you said at least you have a bunch of others. Good luck with things and keep us updated.

Woohoo, despite having really low water storages and the threat of going to Stage 4 water restrictions (meaning no watering garden at all), the Victorian state government decided to keep Stage 3A, which pretty much saves my chilli plants from a horrible dry death

Wish the water tanks were installed already, had 50+ml's of rain over the weekend, but they wont be installed until mid December
Great stuff bent nice work.....In between storms here over in Perth...Got hit big time a we while back was scared for my little seedlings.....but at last count ive got 157 out of 227 planted....with a heap of wintered guys! Still weird weather here though.
They are forecasting rain and weird whether for the most of Australia for the rest of the week???:lol: due to lots of low pressure systems all over the place....

We got a pretty decent day yesterday but it is all dome and gloom again today....;)
Bad news first - with all the crappy weather we've been having root-rot has set in on the 7-pots. They've lost most of their top leaves and today 5 fully formed but still green pods fell off.
Good news...the peppers for my next 2 or 3 days meals are worked out :lol:

Better news: while the 7's have suffered, a few feet away the Douglah has taken on a whole new life.


...You'll have to scroll back to see what it looked like a week ago.
