• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

DesertChris said:
Shane, I think I need you to drive up here, and tell my plants to grow like yours!!! LOL
Devv said:
I think we would be having him drive all over, next stop Tejas :D
koskorgul said:
Pa isnt too far from Tx. Just a hope skip and a jump.
Looking good Shane, hope mine will look like that in a month or so
Hmmmm...here to Texas via the high desert then up to Pa. Haha...two years ago that would have been a possibility with my work schedule. I drove from here to RI down to Miami, over to Panama City, stopped back in Tx to see my folks on the way back to SD all in a 5 week period. I sure don't miss all that driving! I would love a road trip though...got me thinking, so who's buying gas?
PaulG said:
Shane, buddy!  Superlative grow you have going there, my man!
Great poddage, and plants over-the-top healthy looking.  You SD
guys are setting the bar pretty high!  I am going to show my plants
your pics so they will know that to do when the weather finally gets
good.  I figure we will catch up to you in about three of months - those 80 
degree days sound really nice!  Although the warm temps can some-
times be too much of a good thing!
Of course, your foodies carry on your tradition of excellence,
as always!
Haha...they sure are liking the socal weather right now, thank Paul! The too much of a good thing is still a month and a half away. July-Mid September can be brutal...and a lot depends on if we have El Niño or La Niña conditions. Neither are predicted this year so we should have average temps and rainfall, which are hot but shouldn't be too brutal. Time will tell! I wanna post more foodie pics, but I am still aiming to loose about 15 more Lbs so they'll be far between for a bit longer...aww, heck, I feel a cheat day coming on!!!
Pulpiteer said:
I love this picture! Nice.

As always, looking marvelous Shane.
Thanks Andy...I love that plant for sure, still no ripe pods on it though....ughhh. I suck at the patience thing!
stickman said:
Hi Shane
   What do you have planned for the menu this weekend? I bet it's something good! I'm thinking Korean BBQ here...
As mentioned above, still dieting. Maybe I'll do something and just try to limit myself...we'll have to see what mama will go for!
StupidJerk said:
That goats weed cross is just amazing. Have you measured how tall is it now? If you grew that thing in a 65 gallon smart pot you might have a world record.
I measured today and it is almost 5' tall 58"...I gave both of the cross plants new containers as I mentioned before plus I noticed the roots were better developed on one side of each container due to the placement of the dripper. I replaced theirs and several other drippers with soaker rings today to ensure they get evenly watered.
Trippa said:
Looking awesome Shane.  Goats weed is a great plant ... only thing I found was that it was susceptible to Spider Mite compared with other varieties ... in fact it was the only one that suffered from Spider Mites for me last season ... still kept producing though.   
Best of luck with the ripening process and pod production in the coming weeks and months  :cheers:
All my plants had some mite issues early on, but my Goat's Weeds weren't as bad as the Chinense and Baccatums...weird. I read somewhere that fuzzy plants are more bug resistant in general. They do take a licking and keep on ticking regardless though!
Just about the only great thing about only being home on weekends is the noticeable changes in the plants...WOW this was a great growth week. I have been having some trouble keeping some wet enough and other are too wet due to them all being on the same circuit and getting different amounts of sun/wind. The cheapo colored containers come with removable drip trays so I pulled the ones off the plants that were staying too wet went from every 3 days down to 2 to help out the thirsty ones and it made a huge difference. Couple that with a week's worth of mid 70's temps and the plants made some really big gains. I keep threatening to do a video...and actually do a plant inventory. With that extra day maybe I can follow through this time!

Lookie Lookie...and there are another one or two on there ready!!! Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1) such a great plant...big numbers on here!

These are some pretty good sized pods too!!! Perfect heat and flavor...ahhhh. Wonder how many seeds are in there Ramon?

Goat keepin it real...notice the olive green color to a couple of the pods near the ripe ones??? Red is next!

This dude hasn't seen much of the limelight...but refusing to be denied right now! This plant is already as big as my Poblanos were at season't end last year!!! Pods are exploding too! 10-12 on there close to this size...

Here are the recovering Big Jim's (bottom and upper left) and Anaheim (upper right) that were struggling due to a soil mistake. Mama picked up a bag of Garden Soil instead of the potting soil. I only used it for the top 4 or 5 inches of the container, but they hated it and were looking terrible. I posted a pic of them a few weeks back and they were all half dead and not moving. They're exploding since I replaced that soil with the real deal...been pinching buds, but I can't keep up, so lets just see what happens!

Got Bubblegum? KingDenniz made sure I got some! First blooms! Even the calyx is gnarly!

How bout that teacher's pet from Jamie...Yellow Cardi Scorpion. Still in the "early pod" phase, but the new pods are looking more scorpish...

I have labeled this Yellow Cardi Pod Pia's surprise...see who's hiding in the folds???

Here are a few of the next-gen pods on the Yellow Cardi. 

So...this was another late addition. Second plant Yellow Brain. It's smaller than the other plant, but it is already loaded down! Look how GNARLY that pod next to the little spider is Pia!!!
Aight that's it for now. Plants have really hit the FF button...super stoked, great start to a long weekend! Remember what the holiday is really all about folks! Welcome home Matt!!! MGOLD88!!!
Very nice update! love the poddage.
Don't worry I know what this weekend is for...and thanks for serving! And Matt you too! And welcome home!
God bless all those who serve and keep us free!
True Americans realize the sacrifices that are made. We know yall give yourselves in service.
Have a great weekend!
stc3248 said:
Hmmmm...here to Texas via the high desert then up to Pa. Haha...two years ago that would have been a possibility with my work schedule. I drove from here to RI down to Miami, over to Panama City, stopped back in Tx to see my folks on the way back to SD all in a 5 week period. I sure don't miss all that driving! I would love a road trip though...got me thinking, so who's buying gas?
If you don’t hit WG’s shack on ya way to Miami I’m done calling you brethren, hahahahaha … been long time for me since road trip too, now a days I can’t wait to get to where I’m going to get the young ones outta da car ;)
stc3248 said:
… they sure are liking the socal weather right now …
They sure look like they do, dem smexy lookers ^_^
stc3248 said:
… Neither are predicted this year so we should have average temps and rainfall, which are hot but shouldn't be too brutal. Time will tell!
I hope so too …
stc3248 said:
I wanna post more foodie pics, but I am still aiming to loose about 15 more Lbs so they'll be far between for a bit longer...aww, heck, I feel a cheat day coming on!!!
Why a cheat day, post low cal foodies with peppers or are peppers fattening ;) Heck you could start the first "low cal cooking with fire" thread, you laugh but why not.
stc3248 said:
… I measured today and it is almost 5' tall 58"...I gave both of the cross plants new containers as I mentioned before plus I noticed the roots were better developed on one side of each container due to the placement of the dripper. I replaced theirs and several other drippers with soaker rings today to ensure they get evenly watered. …
stc3248 said:
… All my plants had some mite issues early on, but my Goat's Weeds weren't as bad as the Chinense and Baccatums...weird. I read somewhere that fuzzy plants are more bug resistant in general. They do take a licking and keep on ticking regardless though! …
I like dat style ...
stc3248 said:
… Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1) such a great plant...big numbers on here! …
I’ll say, she looks wonderful!!!!
stc3248 said:
… Wonder how many seeds are in there Ramon?
ROFLMAO, better half said he must have been a tease in HS ;)

In all seriousness Shane you’ve gotZ one killa grow going brethren and you’ll be riding that/this pod wave till da end of your grow \o/ .... ... ...  yeaaaa mon!!!  Wishing you, your wife & family a sensational & safe holiday weekend and good point on Matt, welcom back pepper brethren!

Nice poddage! Great color on the Belize City SBs. Poblanos are awesome. I use them in almost any hot sauce/salsa I make. They have such a great flavor and just a touch of heat. Your Cardies are looking up to spec now too. Funny how spiders like to set up shop on peppers. I guess they get pretty good business there. It seems like half my pods have spider webs in the nooks. Send some of your good weather to us east coasters. Our weather sucks right now.
Looking awesome, Shane!  Your plants are catching mine by the day!  One of these days I'll be able to grow as well as you...maybe.  :)  Like Dshlogg said, spiders love pepper plants.  I've got webs everywhere!  Had to double check to make sure it wasn't spider mites!
Keep it up, bro!  Soon I'll be living vicariously through your glog!
Started looking through your grow log from last year and it scared the hell out of me. I'm going to go pull those plants first thing in the morning. What's sad is I noticed it on a plant given to me a long time ago, but I thought I was overreacting and ignored it. You live and learn I suppose.
plants look great shane ... as always.. hows the Belize SB taste compared to the others youve tasted...??? hope them BGs start setting for you...

my poblanos 2 years ago were like 2-3" at most... and i stuffed them with Cream cheese...
Devv said:
Very nice update! love the poddage.
Don't worry I know what this weekend is for...and thanks for serving! And Matt you too! And welcome home!
God bless all those who serve and keep us free!
True Americans realize the sacrifices that are made. We know yall give yourselves in service.
Have a great weekend!
I am honored to serve, thanks for the cudos! You are a true American Scott!
WalkGood said:
If you don’t hit WG’s shack on ya way to Miami I’m done calling you brethren, hahahahaha … been long time for me since road trip too, now a days I can’t wait to get to where I’m going to get the young ones outta da car ;)
They sure look like they do, dem smexy lookers ^_^
I hope so too …
Why a cheat day, post low cal foodies with peppers or are peppers fattening ;) Heck you could start the first "low cal cooking with fire" thread, you laugh but why not.

Brilliant I like dat style ...
I’ll say, she looks wonderful!!!!
ROFLMAO, better half said he must have been a tease in HS ;)

In all seriousness Shane you’ve gotZ one killa grow going brethren and you’ll be riding that/this pod wave till da end of your grow \o/ .... ... ...  yeaaaa mon!!!  Wishing you, your wife & family a sensational & safe holiday weekend and good point on Matt, welcom back pepper brethren!

Ramon...may do the lowcal foodie thread, great idea.
A tease isn't willing to follow through right? You betta hope I ain't! 
Thanks for the props on the grow brotha, they sure are making me look better than I deserve! I tell ya, its the cruise control I installed!
Dshlogg said:
Nice poddage! Great color on the Belize City SBs. Poblanos are awesome. I use them in almost any hot sauce/salsa I make. They have such a great flavor and just a touch of heat. Your Cardies are looking up to spec now too. Funny how spiders like to set up shop on peppers. I guess they get pretty good business there. It seems like half my pods have spider webs in the nooks. Send some of your good weather to us east coasters. Our weather sucks right now.
I do love them yellow pods! Striking contrast...can't wait to have some of the meaner reds to mix with them in the harvest shots. Poblanos and Numex Varieties are a staple. I almost went without this year, late start on the poblanos, and lucky find at the home store to throw in some Big Jims....I did some stuffed peppers with them last year that was so amazing. Was reviewing through last years grow and found them on page 47 :rofl: (I think)! The spiders end up in the shots more than I go looking, (I swear Pia!) They're cool little critters, gotta keep an eye out for the Widows around here though. I wish I could pack up this sunshine and warmth and send it your way. I got hands clasped on bent knee, fingers crossed, knocking on wood and rubbing my bald head to see if I can stir some up for ya!
DocNrock said:
Looking awesome, Shane!  Your plants are catching mine by the day!  One of these days I'll be able to grow as well as you...maybe.  :)  Like Dshlogg said, spiders love pepper plants.  I've got webs everywhere!  Had to double check to make sure it wasn't spider mites!
Keep it up, bro!  Soon I'll be living vicariously through your glog!
Thanks Brent, they sure are starting to move, yours are too I am sure, gonna be a banner year on both counts! You'll have plenty of your own good stuff going on...and I will be eye'n that as well brother!
StupidJerk said:
Started looking through your grow log from last year and it scared the hell out of me. I'm going to go pull those plants first thing in the morning. What's sad is I noticed it on a plant given to me a long time ago, but I thought I was overreacting and ignored it. You live and learn I suppose.
Yeah man, I may be a little too quick to pull 'em, but better than losing them all. I learned that lesson the hard way, hope you don't end up in my shoes this season. Just know all is not lost, some will produce once infected, others will just die off. I found a few varieties that just sucked it up and kept doing me right. The biggest PIA is the potential of contaminated soil. I wasn't able to recycle any of my soil from last year, or use any in-ground spots I had peppers or tomatoes in last year (all of it)...just plain sucks. Containers are working though! Fingers crossed brother, good luck!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
plants look great shane ... as always.. hows the Belize SB taste compared to the others youve tasted...??? hope them BGs start setting for you...

my poblanos 2 years ago were like 2-3" at most... and i stuffed them with Cream cheese...
Haven't had quite enough of those BCSBs to really compare, but they have a very similar flavor profile to the ones I grew last year. The BGs will be fine no matter how they turn out...These Poblanos look like they're gonna be nice and beefy, (Same ones I grew last year) will send you some seeds later on if you like???
Well not a lot going on. My Wife and I along with our 17 year old hiked to the top of Mt Woodson today...I do it all the time, but mama wanted to try it. Its a pretty brutal climb. Maybe 5k ft of elevation gain over a 10 mile round trip. Mama said NEVER again! :rofl:
Not a ton of gardening to do right now, Sea World tomorrow with the Fam, but I did snap a few and pick a few!

First off...Porter has decided he likes the Manzano Shade Tree! I have 550 cord holding up the branches, or it would be 2' high and 6' wide. 

The Manzanos have finally decided they like the weather...such a picky plant...but I love 'em anyway!

The Ladybugs love 'em too! I sure hope I can overwinter this one this year and grow it into a real tree!

Pulled the first round of buds on the Yellow Aji from Peru Paul sent me...getting ready to start loading up. Plant is around 40"...

Here you go Mill...suspect this one may not be crossed...Red Tree Hab or still Romy's Mystery??? You all decide!

Various stages of the Red Zebras...won't be long before a taste test on these guys!

Today's pull...starting with the Currants clockwise to the Goat's Weeds, Belize City Bonnets, Yellow Cardi Scorpions, (not) PI438638 and a little Yellow Billy Boy Douglah...

Up close with the GWs and BCSB...the not PIs in the bottom...you can see how they sun dry on the plant, often before fully ripe. think they'll be a great pepper for flakes. As I get them I am just tossing them into a paper bowl to air dry...

Yellow Cardi Scorpions sure are a vibrant yellow.
Finally at Ramon's request, another lite dish...

Color is off...but this is a Grilled Swai fish taco with home made Pico de Gallo and a drizzle of 1 tbs of Olive Oil Mayo/lime juice with a sprinkle of Scotch Bonnet hot salt mixed in on steamed corn tortillas...another favorite diet meal. 
More to come Monday...can't give me three days off without me going into turbo-update mode!!! Hope to have open flowers by Monday on my little Charrapita Yellow which I haven't updated too much. Can't wait for some ripe ones off that (actually those I accidentally kept two of those without mama knowing! :shh:  Very bushy, very little plant...very cool most of all, hope they taste as good as I hear!
Matt, where the heck is that new glog of yours!!! Be looking folks! For those that don't know. Bill (Rocketman) headed up an effort to get him a garden started while he was still deployed to what he affectionately calls AFCRAPISTAN. Without his knowlege RM gathered some members, and we all pitched in to order him 65ish plants from CCN, and they were waiting for him when he returned from his 9 month deployment yesterday along with a $150 gift card to take mama out and pamper her (or get garden supplies :rofl: )! Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! Matt (MGOLD88) has vowed to get his glog kicked off today, so be on the lookout and go welcome the man home!
Wow Shane, wish you would have hit me up for Matt's return. Great idea and gift! Brings a tear to my eye..
Love the update and the foodies...wifes's calling me away for wifey time.
You're the best.
WELCOME HOME MATTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! THOSE PODS LOOK AMAZINGGGGG SHANE.  Oh and I see you have gotten slick with the spidey pics.... HMMMMMMMM!!!!  I must reevaluate my glog reading technics......   Well done my friend 
Sign me up for dat Casa de Shane diet, awesome! Great harvest and wonderful update \o/ I already commented over at Matt's new glog, great thing and happy to be a part of it. Have a great weekend!
Wasn't gonna update today, but I found a great surprise yesterday!!! 

First Rennie Pod!!! I thought this dude was dropping all its flowers and was searching for some signs of little pods anywhere and BAM huge Rennie pod right on top!  :party:
Sea World with the fam today! I know many more would have liked to be part of Operation Golden Garden, but it was Rocketman's show, and he was trying to keep it as low key as possible to prevent a wikileak type situation. Matt was still active on the forum from Afghanistan and even with the few folks involved it got a bit sketchy a couple times, so no hard feelings! His Glog is up and running and already full of awesomeness so go check it out folks!
Hey looking pretty good there, Love the Rennie, looks like its going to be a hot one, I've got a couple cardies growing myself along with a few 7 pod infinities and a couple barrackpore that are mostly sticks with leaves coming back on after getting beat by the wind and burnt by the sun, but they have new leaves developing already so I gave them a dose of miracle grow and Epsom salts to help them till I can gets some fish & kelp. My Birgit's Locotos are now in Pots and in the ground. I have some others that I'm watching over like my Moruga Blend from my friend Chris CMP1974 I got two plants that are in bad shape but will pull through and got lucky and got 1 Primo and 4 red Brain Strains,  I'm real happy about that,  I'm going to bag the primo to get pure seeds to hand out along with some red brains if any one wants them come fall.
I'm so Glad the weather is finally getting nice here after some really crazy weather,  I hope your weather is great and that you have a good season too.
looking fantastic Shane.... loving the varieties you have going on there.  I was just today looking the the yellow scorpion CARDI ... might have to be on a future grow list ... not this upcoming season though ... I am about fully booked.  You must be happy with the start of things though ... I predict some massive heat in the near future for you .. keep on Growing !

Happy Memorial Day folks...Take a moment to show some respect for those that have served and sacrificed...
stickman said:
+1 on this on all its levels... have a great time with the family today Shane!
Had fun for sure thanks Rick!
Devv said:
Wow Shane, wish you would have hit me up for Matt's return. Great idea and gift! Brings a tear to my eye..
Love the update and the foodies...wifes's calling me away for wifey time.
You're the best.
I know there are a ton of folks that would have loved to have been a part of this...plug in with Rocketman and let him know that you're in next time he supports the troops!
Sanarda said:
WELCOME HOME MATTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! THOSE PODS LOOK AMAZINGGGGG SHANE.  Oh and I see you have gotten slick with the spidey pics.... HMMMMMMMM!!!!  I must reevaluate my glog reading technics......   Well done my friend 
What spidey pics??? :think:  :whistle:
DocNrock said:
Nice update, Shane.  Glad I was able to contribute to Matt's homecoming.  Love the flowers,buds, and pods.  :)
Thanks Doc! I love 'em too! I know you got your own going on!
WalkGood said:
Sign me up for dat Casa de Shane diet, awesome! Great harvest and wonderful update \o/ I already commented over at Matt's new glog, great thing and happy to be a part of it. Have a great weekend!
Come on over Ramon! I'll leave the light on!
DocNrock said:
Enjoy it, man!  Today will probably be better than tomorrow.  We did SW a couple of times on July 4th.  It was like a meat-grinder!
It was busy, but not aweful...longest line for a ride was about 45 minutes. Saw all the shows we were aiming to and had a ton of fun in between!
wildseed57 said:
Hey looking pretty good there, Love the Rennie, looks like its going to be a hot one, I've got a couple cardies growing myself along with a few 7 pod infinities and a couple barrackpore that are mostly sticks with leaves coming back on after getting beat by the wind and burnt by the sun, but they have new leaves developing already so I gave them a dose of miracle grow and Epsom salts to help them till I can gets some fish & kelp. My Birgit's Locotos are now in Pots and in the ground. I have some others that I'm watching over like my Moruga Blend from my friend Chris CMP1974 I got two plants that are in bad shape but will pull through and got lucky and got 1 Primo and 4 red Brain Strains,  I'm real happy about that,  I'm going to bag the primo to get pure seeds to hand out along with some red brains if any one wants them come fall.
I'm so Glad the weather is finally getting nice here after some really crazy weather,  I hope your weather is great and that you have a good season too.
Welcome to the party WS! Cardies are some of the best! I have a couple infinities out there too...wonderful/terrible pepper that one...Barrackpore's will hurt you too...hahaha!
millworkman said:
Dont know shane. It looks like a cross still. The tree hab pods are much more pointy. But I dont know for sure.
That pod was more blunt than the rest...I snapped a pic of the normal pods and will post below...
WalkGood said:
Awesome update, happy memorial day and have a great time with the family!
Thanks bruddah! I have so far! BBQing the afternoon away! I even snuck me a beer...or two. :shh:
Trippa said:
looking fantastic Shane.... loving the varieties you have going on there.  I was just today looking the the yellow scorpion CARDI ... might have to be on a future grow list ... not this upcoming season though ... I am about fully booked.  You must be happy with the start of things though ... I predict some massive heat in the near future for you .. keep on Growing !

Thanks Trippa!!! I am thrilled everything has turned the right color so far! The Cardi is a must add! One of my favs! 
So I spent the day working in the garden/yard and now filling the house with smoke from the smoker...Ahhhhh. Couple pics and a short vid of how things look out there...

Hooked up the fertigation to the drip system...this feeds the container plants. I will refill every few weeks. The timer is now at 7 minutes every 24hrs. In a month it will be 7 every 12...

The Red Robin Tomatoes are really impressive...for those of you with balcony/windowsill grows this one is a good one! 

Mill, here are the usual pods on what I will still call Romy Mystery X  pheno 2, what-d-ya think?

OK...I ate one of these the other day...this is one of the Belize City Bonnets...this is one HOT Bonnet! I mean WOWCH!!! Pools of oil in this sucker! Sweet, citrus unmistakably Chinense but not brutally/bitterly so. Seed count is about 20 per pod...This one is yet another must each year! Thanks Greg!!!

Heck...maybe 60??? I dunno? How many you count Ramon? :rofl:
Not to worry folks...

Plenty more seeds coming right up in these nifty little protective containers!

Oh and a couple more... :party:

Now what should I do with the rest of my afternoon???
Here's a quick vid of the plants...
See y'all when I see y'all!