food STEAK!!

Bone in Scotch Fillet

Walkerswood Jerk paste rubbed in and let it sit for a couple of hours

Off the CI grill at rare and served with baby chat potatoes with garlic and parsley butter
Dang, DTS - that's GOLD right there! Perfectly rare inside with a beautiful sear on the outside - MY DREAM STEAK! "Scotch Filet" or "Ribeye" - the mouth doesn't matter what you call it, but it's interesting to see what different places call the same thing.
That looks goodern' hell.
But in Texas we'd call that medium rare.
Rare ~ deep red and cold center
Medium rare ~ red with warm center
Medium ~ pink and hot center
Medium well ~ hot with line of pink through center
Well ~ hot & cooked through with no pink
Some here in Texas call your Blue Rare Blood Rare.
In other words...
Just get enough fire on it to cover up the whip marks the jockey used.
Not surprisingly, many Texans like it that way.
Some would even go so far as to just knock off the horns and slap it on a bigass plate.
I am not in that category of steak lover.
Personally I like to be liking my steak (and on the rare, no pun intended, occasion that I do enjoy one, its always a ribeye) 
I like medium rare to medium but none north or south of that.
I want to know that its dead but not so much that its been electrocuted while on Death Row.
On another note...
Ground beef is a differnt' animal when it comes to the color 'thang.
Ground beef such as chuck, short rib, even sirloin, when cooked on a flat top or in CI can look like its been cooked well but in fact can be very much less.
And very juicy!
Which is one reason I like cooking in CI or on a griddle top.
Misleading chart, you can get full red with little to no cooked edge with reverse sear... but it would be rare not blue... blue is a little too rare, too close to raw. 
Just for arguments sakes I'm gonna try home drying ageing a prime cut ribeye and reverse sear and go the whole scientific approach and report back here with pics and results :)

Fair enough ...
Deathtosnails said:
I still say it's a direct fire and meat thing to the point if you want to poonce around with your steak go eat some tofu or organic hand massaged therapist counselled fruit.
I concur.
Count me in as joining The Rebellion.
I like my kung fu like in cheapass Chinese kung fu flicks.
The bestest!
And old school like....
Neanderthal old school.
Fire and meat.
Dude was a smart guy too.
Seasoned his meat even back then from what I can gather.
Caveman style.
Me and that vato?
We'd party.