food STEAK!!

Pimped out baseball cut (top sirloin), cooked nicely, seasoned w/ holycow and deez nuts, and served w/ WaffleBum's TASTY-ASS potatoes ... the white potatoes tasted buttered, plain - mindblown!





Good eats.
grantmichaels said:
I was more into beer than dinner, so I just decided to have what you were having since the ribs looked good ... I couldn't find my baggie of SF's baggies of powders, or I'd have used the DruBQ ... #hammered 
I found mine  :P

Grilled/Smoked (Lucky Dog Brown Label marinated) steak with Prociutto wrapped Asparagus, and sweet Cob Corn, buttered and dusted in Dru-BQ
1 sprig of Cilantro does not 'Mexi-Que' theme, this meal !
Cilantro sprig and prosciutto wrapped asparagus.
One 'thang though....
Had I gone to that much trouble I'd have made a bareass to pour over ever 'thang.
Still looks damn guud!

Wait a got dang minute y'all!
I just spell checked and posted "bearnaisse".
Whoa dad.
How did that happern?
9 of july was independence day here, obviously was holiday and I had sometime for cooking.
I made some T-Bone steaks on the grill using firewood. Fire aside for 30 mins, and to direct fire other 10 minutes for side. I saled the meat with pink salting of the himalayan. This was add a great flavor.


The steaks are thickness 6cm. I ask for it so especially to the butcher. 1 pound of meat in each  :D

The pictures speak for themselves....



cypresshill1973 said:
I made some T-Bone steaks on the grill using firewood.

     Like a man. Been a while since I went full caveman on a steak. That meat looks just beautiful, especially when I imagine how it smells. 
     I did some tree work for my mom when my wife and I visited for our independence day. I may have to pick up some steaks to go with the apple wood I saved. 
     I love this thread.
I reckon Jesus ate whatever was presented to him at the time.
And liked it.
I reckon he'd like that steak a lot more than most that he'd been served.
I'd bet He'd even say "have mercy!" on that steak.
I reckon.
cypresshill1973 said:
At home... Jesus is a meat eater haha... In the church, says to eat wine and bread
And Have Mercy!
But I do love wine and bread!
That is with olive oil, balsamic vin, parm, and fresh roma tomato.
A little prosciutto ain't a bad 'thang either.
Pretty sure they didn't have cows in Israel circa 33 CE. 
But I could see the Big J eating a flat bread with slow smoked lamb, with something similar to tabbouleh and some crumbled goats cheese.  A cup of vintage 28 CE red and finished off with some figs and honey.
I reckon they ate better than we do.  All organic, no chems, no preservatives, no crap at all.  We 'civilised' peeps have lost something there.
Wonder if Jesus would have liked soyrizo. Probs not.  I'm guessing it's the work of satan.