• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

Welcome to another chapter in the great series of the Stettomans comedic gardening adventures! Come along, follow the antics of a guy makin' it up as he goes, having some luck, some not-so-much, and more than his share of whining about a fleepin' 3 month growing season! No telling what we'll see, Stetto's grows is always full of surprises and absurdities....
I almost named the thread the He should Know Better Grow, but I do and I'm going to go through with it anyway....
No list yet, but I put these Rocoto Amarillo to plug today to get a head start--I've decided to give them a full row in the half of an 8th acre, which I didn't plant at all last season. It was that bad up here...No corn, no beans, no lettuce, NO TUBERS, fercryinoutloud! All my peppers & tomatoes were container grown...
Trying a different route for germinating, at least for the firsters. I'll likely go back to trays with the Anuums and such...

By the time I got the cuplettes ready I found I needed to add three more. Dunno if this was a good idear, but I used a pinch of water soluble Mykos to soak the plugs...

That's all I got for todays episode, besides the Growdown Fatalii, which is doing quite well and the mystery XL Brown, which is purple and likely akin to PaulG's neat little PdN cross...
If I don't post a grow list of some kind by the end of the weekend, send someone to check on me, yeh?
I appreciate y'alls interest, don't make me regret it....
Well, it looks better than it did, but I've lost nine Big Jims and all of Mamma's Bells, also a couple of Uncle Ecc's Aji Limos are no more and I've lost at least three Aji Oros, one's still a 50/50. Of my two tomatillos, sitting right next to each other, one was decimated, the other completely untouched...Go figure.
Now don't be going all oogey-greebey on me about divine intervention stuff, but I still had seeds in RR pods that, though I'd given up on them I still kept them on the heat pad, three have popped, all in the last two days...It's late though, we'll see...
One plant that survived that has me all a-twitter is the PaulG Aji Limarillo from seed he sent me 4 years ago. Two others had germed, but succumbed to damp-off before they got true leaves...
This weeks forecast is now typical May for zone 3: 40s for highs, 30s for lows, drizzly, snotty shit...The kids will stay in the garage under lockdown until Memorial Day, by edict of the Grand Stetto-pubah....man...
I found that, after an apparent siege of begging and incessant badgering to our mini Hitler in the gov'ners throne, that nurseries ARE "essential", but the ones I frequent won't be open till after this coming weekend. I want to get there first...They likely won't have the Big Jims, but Anaheims of some type or another might be available here...
Our local nursery opened this morning, I was one of the first ones in...I found out that the lady heard me mention Anaheims last year, and voilà! She had a flat full of them, just for me!

I didn't take them all, but I'm going back in a week or two, I just didn't want to get skunked...I did grab a sixpack of Amish Paste, as I was out of seeds...

I took her a couple jars of the Chokecherry/Rocoto Rojo jelly, a pack of Rocoto Rojo seeds and an Aji Oro live plant. Like Haskorea Bryan, I want to spread the love....
Nice plants from the nursery Eric and a shame for the frozen ones you had. Did any of them pull through?
Wife and I also got a few from the nursery, it's just when you walk through you could pick almost every plant to take home.... :)
We also ordered some bell peppers via post office, and they came surprisingly well packed and undamaged. Could not believe it, haha.
tsurrie said:
Nice plants from the nursery Eric and a shame for the frozen ones you had. Did any of them pull through?
Wife and I also got a few from the nursery, it's just when you walk through you could pick almost every plant to take home.... :)
We also ordered some bell peppers via post office, and they came surprisingly well packed and undamaged. Could not believe it, haha.
The nursery where those beautiful specimens are found is a little "neighborhood" hole in the wall deep in the noplace rurals northwest of us. This woman is the best grower I've personally ever met. Just a visqueen covered hoop house full of flowers and veggies, low prices and product that NO corporate greenhouse can match. I almost bet that if I gave her the seed she'd start them and have them producing pods befor plant-out day.
I did lose a number of plants in the freeze, but a number of them miraculously survived. They aren't really kickin' into gear, I suspect cold-shock, but they are alive. Most of my survivors are 3 inches tall and showing no sign of further growth yet, especially the Anuums. No doubt they'll come out of it. I'm praying for a huge Rocoto harvest this year...
skullbiker said:
I really know that I should not say this but............................

[emoji3511]. hehehehehe. [emoji3063]
Mr.joe said:
Prob not gonna snow here this week
:flamethrower: You and SB should maybe GET A ROOM....
Here's the garage setup, for what it is.

This is hard to see, but with a heating pad at full power and the LEDs adding what small radiance of warm they can muster, I'm getting 59° at the back of the room. They do get some token sunlight as well...

I really need to get this place on the market...the Darlin' Bride has agreed to the purchase of "the absolute nicest" heated greenhouse if I move her to CO Springs...she grew up there...

...there's no arguing with the woman, I have acquiesced...