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StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

Welcome to another chapter in the great series of the Stettomans comedic gardening adventures! Come along, follow the antics of a guy makin' it up as he goes, having some luck, some not-so-much, and more than his share of whining about a fleepin' 3 month growing season! No telling what we'll see, Stetto's grows is always full of surprises and absurdities....
I almost named the thread the He should Know Better Grow, but I do and I'm going to go through with it anyway....
No list yet, but I put these Rocoto Amarillo to plug today to get a head start--I've decided to give them a full row in the half of an 8th acre, which I didn't plant at all last season. It was that bad up here...No corn, no beans, no lettuce, NO TUBERS, fercryinoutloud! All my peppers & tomatoes were container grown...
Trying a different route for germinating, at least for the firsters. I'll likely go back to trays with the Anuums and such...

By the time I got the cuplettes ready I found I needed to add three more. Dunno if this was a good idear, but I used a pinch of water soluble Mykos to soak the plugs...

That's all I got for todays episode, besides the Growdown Fatalii, which is doing quite well and the mystery XL Brown, which is purple and likely akin to PaulG's neat little PdN cross...
If I don't post a grow list of some kind by the end of the weekend, send someone to check on me, yeh?
I appreciate y'alls interest, don't make me regret it....
Chokecherry wood? You mean cut down an Ambrosia Tree?  :shocked:  :stop:  :snooty:
Huh...never crossed my mind.
The cherries I pick come from a wild "shrub" that rarely attains tree status. I might have one on the property that's 3" at the stump, around 20' tall. They love to sucker, I mow babies along the treeline often. A crime, I know....
The canukdians have a variety that grows much bigger, an actual tree, with larger fruit...IF you can keep the black knot off of 'em. I cannot.
The grooming of which I spoke was to remove marauding boxelder and prickly ash out of the chokecherry bushes' way... :cool:
skullbiker said:
I just sold (2) Ford 9Ns when I moved, along with a 54 inch 3-point tiller and 60 inch 3-point PTO finish mower, disc, field cultivator, etc. . You shoulda bought em.
SB, have you ever heard of the Perennial Bridesmaid?
Yep, tha's me.... :hi:
Once folks who owned the old Fords realized how popular they'd become, they got REAL proud of theirs, to the tune of $2500 for one that would run...with a little work...The Minn-Molines and Allis C's are all going the same route, world's gone nuckin' futz, I tell ya... :crazy:
stettoman said:
SB, have you ever heard of the Perennial Bridesmaid?
Yep, tha's me.... :hi:
Once folks who owned the old Fords realized how popular they'd become, they got REAL proud of theirs, to the tune of $2500 for one that would run...with a little work...The Minn-Molines and Allis C's are all going the same route, world's gone nuckin' futz, I tell ya... :crazy:
You cannot get that kind of money if you need to sell them in a hurry. I got 1500 for the pair and one had the 6 spd Sherman underdrive trans in it.
I’m thinking my Chokecherry and your Chokecherry are two different trees [emoji848]. My Chokecherry trees are actual bigazz trees not brush or shrub like. The berries are a little smaller than a pencil eraser, with a huge seed, they are also very bitter. I think my Chokecherry was the original paintball, we used to use them as ammo in our wrist rocket slingshots [emoji16].

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PtMD989 said:
I’m thinking my Chokecherry and your Chokecherry are two different trees [emoji848]. My Chokecherry trees are actual bigazz trees not brush or shrub like. The berries are a little smaller than a pencil eraser, with a huge seed, they are also very bitter. I think my Chokecherry was the original paintball, we used to use them as ammo in our wrist rocket slingshots [emoji16].
Thats the kind of chokecherry tree I had at my place in MN., it had about a 2 ft diameter trunk and was about 30 ft tall. Same berrys as you describe.
I should know better than to trust these fookin weather people. The last forecast I DID see was two days ago, they claimed 60s and 70s all this coming week, with lows in the upper 40s to mid 50s. All of a sudden the forecast is 40s and 50s with lows in the 30s.
How advanced can the "science" be when it's worse than 40 years ago? The "science" is computer modelling, which, as the Darlin' Bride reminds me, is only as accurate as the idiot programming the models.
yeah, I'm pissed. I knew better and let my guard down anyway. I realize that these "meteorologists" can't create weather, but for Godsake, if you can't predict beyond 12 hours then DON'T.
Sorry, a peeve. It comes back to bite me every year.
think the Rocotos will be ok, only for the nature of Pubescens. The tomatillos are going limp as the morning progresses, as are a number of the Anuums, but there won't be a final count until the wilting hour is over. The ONLY saving possibility is that there was a mild breeze overnight, which does keep the frost from forming...
I'll be buying plants this year, WAY too late to start them now...
Grumpy old shit...out.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Dood.. That bites.  Maybe they'll come back. Parts of Dub's jungle went all winter.
Dub? In Alabama? Heh heh, differnt planet.

But I think you're right, Unc. Some look unfazed. But some are done and some look to be less than 50/50 but having a chance. I wish I'd paid some damned attention...






The last is my competition Fatalii and an Aji Amarillo, both look to be able to limp out of this, but it's still early. I have lost at least one Aji Oro. The Big Jims are looking iffy and it looks like a couple Aci Dolmas, a Haskorea and two LO Thais are toast. I brought the kaboodle into the garage.

stettoman said:
Dub? In Alabama? Heh heh, differnt planet.

But I think you're right, Unc. Some look unfazed. But some are done and some look to be less than 50/50 but having a chance. I wish I'd paid some damned attention...


The last is my competition Fatalii and an Aji Amarillo, both look to be able to limp out of this, but it's still early. I have lost at least one Aji Oro. The Big Jims are looking iffy and it looks like a couple Aci Dolmas, a Haskorea and two LO Thais are toast. I brought the kaboodle into the garage.


That bites, I’d say let em thaw and see how they go the next couple days they might surprise ya 
Well, I chose to place them under the tender mercy of LEDS, and now, 8 hours later, some are actually showing slight signs of recovery, while others appear to be succombing. I'm going to take an official count in a day or two, but I think I've lost half of my Big Jims.

Here's to hoping that Minnesotakstan's Little Hitler is allowing greenhouses and nurseries to open this month...