• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

Welcome to another chapter in the great series of the Stettomans comedic gardening adventures! Come along, follow the antics of a guy makin' it up as he goes, having some luck, some not-so-much, and more than his share of whining about a fleepin' 3 month growing season! No telling what we'll see, Stetto's grows is always full of surprises and absurdities....
I almost named the thread the He should Know Better Grow, but I do and I'm going to go through with it anyway....
No list yet, but I put these Rocoto Amarillo to plug today to get a head start--I've decided to give them a full row in the half of an 8th acre, which I didn't plant at all last season. It was that bad up here...No corn, no beans, no lettuce, NO TUBERS, fercryinoutloud! All my peppers & tomatoes were container grown...
Trying a different route for germinating, at least for the firsters. I'll likely go back to trays with the Anuums and such...

By the time I got the cuplettes ready I found I needed to add three more. Dunno if this was a good idear, but I used a pinch of water soluble Mykos to soak the plugs...

That's all I got for todays episode, besides the Growdown Fatalii, which is doing quite well and the mystery XL Brown, which is purple and likely akin to PaulG's neat little PdN cross...
If I don't post a grow list of some kind by the end of the weekend, send someone to check on me, yeh?
I appreciate y'alls interest, don't make me regret it....
I note one positive in particular: Not. One. Helmethead. Now that I think of it, it is truly a first for me...
Being as "The more the merrier" is my Big Jim narrative this season, I went out this morning and actually found an abundance of seed at a local box store; I must have bitched to the right people last year.
I put the whole envelope into a baggie to germinate, no presoak. They may be late, but green chiles are every bit as yummy as the red ones...
PtMD989 said:
Glad you could get seeds. Our Governor has deemed gardening sections at big box stores, grocery stores and nursery stores as nonessential. I guess that is what happens when you are #3 in the nation.

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Gee, another reason not to like her...Who'da thunk it?
PtMD989 said:
Glad you could get seeds. Our Governor has deemed gardening sections at big box stores, grocery stores and nursery stores as nonessential. I guess that is what happens when you are #3 in the nation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I keep waiting for ours to shut down. So far I've been able to get anything I need. The problem with closing garden stores is that a bunch of guys are growing food with those supplies.
Seeing all these wonderful glogs full of growing things has the patience threshold tested this week. Here's where I am as of yesterday morning:


I have a decent number of Aji Oros now (a ninth popped this morning), but like the Big Jims there is some deformation:


A few straggling hooks are surprising me. A pair of Jimmy Nardellos popping bottom right:


The dangers of Mycho application. My Growdown Fatalii outgrew the Solo cup I'd planned to keep it in till next month...


That's where I sit as of the middle of April. It's been snowing on & off this morning, though 60s are forecast "soon"...

And Paul, I do believe I've isolated another Aji Limo from your Peru-sourced Aji Amarillo seed. Compare to Unc Ecc's. Aji Amarillo just doesn't start out that small....


Carry on.....andonandonandon....
PaulG said:
You are right, Eric. The cotys on the AAs are huge.
I'm glad you agree, sir. This seedling popped on or before 4/11, and though it has true leaves emerging it is still not much bigger than the day I measured it...(ah, how we laughed, eh?)
If it is Aji Limo as I suspect, remember it is from the original seed you mailed me all those eons ago. If you're interested I'll mail you seeds from isolated pods...
stettoman said:
I'm glad you agree, sir. This seedling popped on or before 4/11, and though it has true leaves emerging it is still not much bigger than the day I measured it...(ah, how we laughed, eh?)
If it is Aji Limo as I suspect, remember it is from the original seed you mailed me all those eons ago. If you're interested I'll mail you seeds from isolated pods...
That would be great, Eric!  
I have never successfully grown an Aji Limo.
Except for a few more straggling hooks, and a few specimens I may pick up from the local nursery, this rightcheer is my pepper production for the year, approx 70 plants. I am officially out of space for more...


Phase II begins...how many can possibly survive that?