• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

STEVE954 Grow Log

Hello from south florida. This year's grow started just after thanksgiving when sowed several different strains of scotch bonnet. After many attempts, I finally got my hands on some scotch bonnet seeds from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture!

Scotch Bonnet-MoA

Red-Scotch Bonnet-RedFoodarama, Green-Scotch Bonnet-MoA, Black-Scotch Bonnet-Papa Joe's Mkt

Scotch Bonnet-TFM Tree

Scotch Bonnet TFM still producing
Sorry you've no heads poking out the ground yet ! I saw some where from me ... talk to dem .. tell 'em they go to back Texas if they don't hook up soon. It's warm today ... but they'd be cold two days from now. Let dem know ...

To me it's seems my seeds germ slow and I start them in a dome at 80 degrees. 2 to 3 weeks normally. The MoA's were faster ... surprised me.

Sorry you've no heads poking out the ground yet ! I saw some where from me ... talk to dem .. tell 'em they go to back Texas if they don't hook up soon. It's warm today ... but they'd be cold two days from now. Let dem know ...

To me it's seems my seeds germ slow and I start them in a dome at 80 degrees. 2 to 3 weeks normally. The MoA's were faster ... surprised me.


As lieutenant-commander, I have lined up the young soldiers and delivered your messeage Admiral. I am very excited to grow your 'Select' bonnet as I'm in search for the strain of bonnet to continously grow for the next 73 years! I know my grow might seem a little boring to those who grow a WARCHEST of diverse chilli varieties, however, one must complete his/her mission!
I like your mission Steve...Bonnets are just about the perfect pepper. Hot enough for anybody with a great flavor to boot! Once you find that one perfect Bonnet you let us know!
Thanks Shane! I will save the best seed from the best shape/flavor pod from the most productive plant year after year! That's the plan anyway..

Happy early St. Patrick's Day everyone! Another sunny day here in SoFla!

The dinosaurs are out-and-about!

First true leaves coming from the 'second wave'. 13 days in and nothing yet from 'wave 3'. They should be up here in the next few days, I predict 50-60% by next weekend

In-ground MoA superstar doing her thing! I removed all damaged 'pre-broad mite war' leaves. No leaves touching soil!

Here is the first baby MoA pod! I'm sorry, but I cant take a good picture to save my life! Ramon, come over and snap some good ones!
Whoa, looks like you have more than one pod there ... "C'mon Girl"

[21:08] * @WG »» Foobar2k ::: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium Disc 1 (2006) - 12 - C'mon Girl ::: 0:35/3:49 (•••••••••••) ::: 203 kbps «« ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Hey Steve

I'm just on the southeast side of New Orleans, all up in and, against the brackish marshes. My pepper-growing experience is with poor results with bell-type peppers. Years ago we could grow bell peppers very well here? IDK?

I'm gonna start my hot-pepper-patch as soon as this cracked vertebrae allows me to. It's late, I know but, I think your limited exposure to sunlight is what I need here. In full sun, production screeches to a stop and, it's like the plants decompose in the heat! The few plants that managed to survive this primordial-gumbo-cauldron of summers would make some peppers early in the season and then some late in the season. The mid-summers are murderous.

What do your plants like best, morning sun? Middle of day? Evening?

I read your entire blog and will be keeping up with it. Experienced growers in hot-country is who I need to copy. So, I'm watching, listening and learning! Bust dem mites Brother! The whole THP family is suffering along and pulling for you.
Hey Steve

I'm just on the southeast side of New Orleans, all up in and, against the brackish marshes. My pepper-growing experience is with poor results with bell-type peppers. Years ago we could grow bell peppers very well here? IDK?

I'm gonna start my hot-pepper-patch as soon as this cracked vertebrae allows me to. It's late, I know but, I think your limited exposure to sunlight is what I need here. In full sun, production screeches to a stop and, it's like the plants decompose in the heat! The few plants that managed to survive this primordial-gumbo-cauldron of summers would make some peppers early in the season and then some late in the season. The mid-summers are murderous.

What do your plants like best, morning sun? Middle of day? Evening?

I read your entire blog and will be keeping up with it. Experienced growers in hot-country is who I need to copy. So, I'm watching, listening and learning! Bust dem mites Brother! The whole THP family is suffering along and pulling for you.
I can partially answer this one...I grew several varieties right out in the open, all day 100+ degree sun last year and they did great, but the ones that got filtered sun (through a shade tree) during the hottest part of the day did better. The amount of shade/sun/heat tolerance depends on the pepper. Most wilds, baccatum, and pubescense will not only tolerate more shade, but thrive in it...but they still need at least some filtered/direct or direct sun to produce well. So if you planted one on the north side of the house that is fully shaded all day...the plant would grow ok, but wouldn't produce well. Chinense and annuums need more light but a shade cloth that cuts intensity/heat helps in hotter areas. Here are a couple glogs that use shade cloth...


As lieutenant-commander, I have lined up the young soldiers and delivered your messeage Admiral. I am very excited to grow your 'Select' bonnet as I'm in search for the strain of bonnet to continously grow for the next 73 years! I know my grow might seem a little boring to those who grow a WARCHEST of diverse chilli varieties, however, one must complete his/her mission!
Thanks Shane! I will save the best seed from the best shape/flavor pod from the most productive plant year after year! That's the plan anyway..

Happy early St. Patrick's Day everyone! Another sunny day here in SoFla!

The dinosaurs are out-and-about!

First true leaves coming from the 'second wave'. 13 days in and nothing yet from 'wave 3'. They should be up here in the next few days, I predict 50-60% by next weekend

In-ground MoA superstar doing her thing! I removed all damaged 'pre-broad mite war' leaves. No leaves touching soil!

Here is the first baby MoA pod! I'm sorry, but I cant take a good picture to save my life! Ramon, come over and snap some good ones!

Yes yes yes! I'm so excited to see this pod man! SPectacular bud!
Hey Steve

I'm just on the southeast side of New Orleans, all up in and, against the brackish marshes. My pepper-growing experience is with poor results with bell-type peppers. Years ago we could grow bell peppers very well here? IDK?

I'm gonna start my hot-pepper-patch as soon as this cracked vertebrae allows me to. It's late, I know but, I think your limited exposure to sunlight is what I need here. In full sun, production screeches to a stop and, it's like the plants decompose in the heat! The few plants that managed to survive this primordial-gumbo-cauldron of summers would make some peppers early in the season and then some late in the season. The mid-summers are murderous.

What do your plants like best, morning sun? Middle of day? Evening?

I read your entire blog and will be keeping up with it. Experienced growers in hot-country is who I need to copy. So, I'm watching, listening and learning! Bust dem mites Brother! The whole THP family is suffering along and pulling for you.

Thanks Bigdude for readin through the glog. Shane gave you great links of some monster growers here on the THP! What I can tell you is my grow set up has too locations. The babies gets in-direct morning, full afternoon and in-direct evening sun. The other location is where I put the larger plants in-ground and this spot gets alot of shade, only 2-3 hours of After noon sunshine. I have never used a shadecloth but it looks like an ingenious idea. Peppers are in the "nightshade family'!

I have found that in-direct sunshine the leaves grow larger, I believe this is because the need more surface area to absorb the light. On the flipside, full sun the leaves stay smaller b/c the don't need as much surface area to absorb light(obvious) and from my experience too much heat from direct sun results in some flower drop.

Bottom line is some in-direct light is a 'good thing' for your chilli plants...Good luck Bigdude!

Day 14, 2 hookers popped up! 1/6 CCN Scotch bonnets(P. Dreadie seed) and 1/3 Foodarama Scotch bonnets(Pic 1 seed)

Erin, if the others don't follow suit I will have to send out the Drill Sargeant!
... I know my grow might seem a little boring to those who grow a WARCHEST of diverse chilli varieties, however, one must complete his/her mission!
As per our numerous conversations I agree, part of me just wants to go back to my basic grow of previous years and I might just do that next year :)

Great looking Drill Sargeant, hope mom & daughter are doing fine too! Keep up dat great work ... oh almost forgot, how did your latest powder batch turn out and why not post some pics :)
Recieved a package today from Denniz!

Inside there were 3 clones 2 clones! 1 Foodarama SB clone, 1 Foodarama juvenile and 1 fatalii clone!

Let's hope they do better than the 1st Foodarama SB clone Denniz sent to me last month that did not make it!

Foodarama SB clone

Here they are with the rest of the team

Thanks Denniz!