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STEVE954 Grow Log

Hello from south florida. This year's grow started just after thanksgiving when sowed several different strains of scotch bonnet. After many attempts, I finally got my hands on some scotch bonnet seeds from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture!

Scotch Bonnet-MoA

Red-Scotch Bonnet-RedFoodarama, Green-Scotch Bonnet-MoA, Black-Scotch Bonnet-Papa Joe's Mkt

Scotch Bonnet-TFM Tree

Scotch Bonnet TFM still producing
Geez...you already got some monster plants!!! Where you been hiding those babies??? Behind a semi truck? They look primed for some longer days ahead...
Funny, There acually is a semi truck parked on the other side of the gate! j/k
those ingrounds look like beasts!
Thanks Denniz, since this picture, I have given three large SB in-grounds away to neighbors. That's prime MoA real estate!
Steve I have 2 MoA's pop up today .... 1 to go . Pretty fast too. Planted 2/29/13 Not a great photo ... still sleepy I guess


That's awesome Erin! I thought you were gunna save those seeds!
Wow great stuff.
Thanks bud!

I get back home from work today and the first thing I did was give the wife a kiss check my babies and Oh, the horror!!! The first MoA flower is on the ground!!! @ Greg: 5 petals upon inspection.

Not to worry we have another one coming right behind

TFM(Saved seed) 6/6
Ocho Rios(Pic1) 6/6
MoA(MoA) 6/6
Butch T(WalkGood) 6/6
Hp22b(Jamison) 4/5
Datil(WalkGood) 6/6

34/35 - 97%

These were sowed 5 ago
Steve ... the 3rd and last MoA is about to show it's head. I see a little hooked neck tuggin' away. So it's still inna' da dome . Soon come ....

I wasn't going to start these this season , but thought some pon it ... and move forward.

Tanxs for da seeds dem.

Thanks guys!

good germination rates= good seed+SoFla sushine!

The second MoA flower has opened and has 6 petals. The first flower had 5. I demanded this flower turn into the first MoA pod!

This is the last of the large in-ground SB. The other 3 are in the neighbors yard sporting 20 gallon shoes.
Plants and seedlings look like they're ready to start kicking butt !
Don't go playing around with that flower...or the one on the ground will have some company......walk away...just ...WalkGood.....things will be fine..... :cool:
Oh man so jealous of your weather man. Im transplanting some babies right now and ran out of room quick like. Need spring to get here bad.
Spring a soon come my bruddah!
Plants and seedlings look like they're ready to start kicking butt !
Don't go playing around with that flower...or the one on the ground will have some company......walk away...just ...WalkGood.....things will be fine..... :cool:
Thanks Greg, I'm walkin the line!
Plants and seedlings look terrific. Gotta love that Florida weather. I need some warmth and sunshine desperately.
Thanks Pia, As a Florida native(rare down here), I give much respect to the hard work and dedication of my chili growing northern bredren. I would love to extend the warmth your way, but "papa don't go where the coconut don't grow!" I will, however, pray to the chilli gods in chi-town for some sunshine in NJ!
Just made it through your glog - awesome! Watching this MoA Bonnet stuff is fascinating. I love the story and am excited to see how it turns out. Glad you're on the other side of the broad mites - hope those things stay far away from now on...
Let me know when there be pods mon
You will be the first to know mah bwhy!
Just made it through your glog - awesome! Watching this MoA Bonnet stuff is fascinating. I love the story and am excited to see how it turns out. Glad you're on the other side of the broad mites - hope those things stay far away from now on...
Thank you for taking the the time to read through the glog Andy! The MoA story is still in its infancy, I have sent seeds to the four corners of our great nation as well as a few strategic locations in the midwest. It's going to be interesting to see how this chili fares in different hands and to see who can produce the "best bonnet"! I have a head start as my first MoA flower has pollinated! :party: keeping fingers crossed!