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Superhot Concentrate


I had to figure a way to preserve my superhot harvest over the past two weeks and I decided to simply add a little vinegar and salt to the blended peppers and pressure can them...

I ended up with 14 8 ounce jars of concentrate. The fresh taste of the pods remains and I can use this various ways including making hot sauce with them...

A pic of the jars...2 Dorset Naga, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 3 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, and 7 7 Pots...

This will get me thru the winter I am sure...thank you Billyboy for the recipe...

100 grams pepper
60ml vinegar
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar

AlabamaJack said:
no offense taken Potawie...it truly is concentrate...I cook it down by about 1/3 to 1/2 before pressure canning...

I guess my idea of a concentrate is more of a thick paste where you need to add liquid to it, but I've found that the more you cook it down, the more you detroy the fresh flavors.
I guess my idea of a concentrate is more of a thick paste where you need to add liquid to it, but I've found that the more you cook it down, the more you detroy the fresh flavors.

ahhhh...I understand now what you mean...like really cooked down...like probably reduced by 90% or so...
concentrate as a product was a concept myself and Billyboy was discussing a couple years ago to match the heat of extract products, this is kinda back when nagas had just hit OZ it was the naga concentrate that put the Fear in me.
I like Sambal as a word.
AlabamaJack said:
ahhhh...I understand now what you mean...like really cooked down...like probably reduced by 90% or so...

Well AJ I just made my first batch of Concentrate using your formula. I just wanna thank you it turned out great. I made a 3:1 Red savina:Naga concentrate. :hell:
Glad it turned out right for you Jess but I can't take credit for the recipe...it came from billyboy...

have to ask...is it hot?... :lol:
I guess my idea of a concentrate is more of a thick paste where you need to add liquid to it, but I've found that the more you cook it down, the more you detroy the fresh flavors.

I'm guessing most of us are using the term concentrate when we actually mean mash. I know I am guilty.
AlabamaJack said:
Glad it turned out right for you Jess but I can't take credit for the recipe...it came from billyboy...

have to ask...is it hot?... :lol:

YESSSSS!! It is a little strong but it makes a nice addition to all my salsas without overpowering the flavors.
IMO, Mash usually means fermented peppers with vinegar and salt.

Here's a good article and recipe for ya...

Jugitos_Pepper_Mash_and_Hot_Sauce - .PDF - 243776 bytes


And of course, from Dave DeWitt:

Making Chile Mash at Home

Q. Hi Dave,

Are there any websites that explain how to make pepper mash; I would like to try to make some at home. Thanks,


A. Hello Jon:

Here’s the method:

Use fresh pods of any variety or color but remember that the mash will be the color of the chiles. Remove the seeds and stems of the pods; wash and dry them. Weigh them on a scale and keep close track of the weight of the total pods used. Process them in a food processor or blender until you have a coarse mixture. Transfer to a container large enough to hold all of the mixture. Add salt 10-12 percent by weight of the peppers and blend thoroughly. Some methods add 10 percent vinegar by weight at this point, too. Place this mixture in large, heavy jars. Over time, the mash will ferment, releasing gases, so remove the top(s) every couple of weeks and immediately recap. Let sit in a cabinet or closet for 6 months to a year. Hot sauce is made by mixing the mash with vinegar and spices, and then straining it.

Dave DeWitt

Also, there's his whole article on making hotsauces. Partway down is a bunch about commercial pepper mash...imagine tons of red habs...fun stuff!

Okay so I was messin round with the recipe this afternoon and here is what I came up with:
I was experimenting with small portions so not to waste a whole lot..
30 grams Bhut powdered (with a coffee mill)
3 cups of apple cider vinegar
Boiled for 15 minutes until reduced at least by half
then added
1 teaspoon liquid smoke
2 tablespoons of minced garlic
1/2 a medium white onion
1 teaspoon of savina pepper extract
3 grinds of sea salt (course setting)

I added apple cider vinegar until I reached the desired consistency. I then boiled it at a medium temp for another 10 minutes (till onions were soft)
Then out came the emulsifier and I blended until it was soup, not a chunk left. I will upload pics in a lil bit but WOW this stuff is great. Great smokey flavor and good heat.
The kitchen is fun and its even more fun when you have a liter of tequila and time on your hands. ;)
sounds really good Jess...you gotta post some pics of the product and of course the Tequilla too... ;)
Oh my GOD! Only 14 posts, and you're already posting pics of kitchen escapades and liquor? You'll fit right in here at THP Ms. Talljess! Sauce looks and sounds really good, but that bottle of booze looks a little on the empty side. Time to Re-Up!
FiveStar said:
Oh my GOD! Only 14 posts, and you're already posting pics of kitchen escapades and liquor? You'll fit right in here at THP Ms. Talljess! Sauce looks and sounds really good, but that bottle of booze looks a little on the empty side. Time to Re-Up!

LOL..its not MS its Mr..its ok I get that alot :lol:

FiveStar FAIL!!:oops::oops::oops::oops:

Cheers all the same man! Glad to have you here, and my former statement still applies. Booze and food pics mixed make for perfect posts, as you will find in the Drunken Chef thread, as well as the MMMMMMMmmmmm Poppers thread. Welcome, and enjoy that sauce!