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Superhot Concentrate


I had to figure a way to preserve my superhot harvest over the past two weeks and I decided to simply add a little vinegar and salt to the blended peppers and pressure can them...

I ended up with 14 8 ounce jars of concentrate. The fresh taste of the pods remains and I can use this various ways including making hot sauce with them...

A pic of the jars...2 Dorset Naga, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 3 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, and 7 7 Pots...

This will get me thru the winter I am sure...thank you Billyboy for the recipe...

100 grams pepper
60ml vinegar
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar

11-22-08 Product Inventory

I bought a new shelving unit (read cheap from WalMart) yesterday and took inventory of what I have made and haven't eaten yet. I started pressure canning 2 months ago and here is what I have so far...will be making another 12 pints salsa today and working on labels for all the different stuff I have...tomorrow I will be putting up more concentrate...I have Dorset Naga, Fatalii, 7 Pot, Datil, and Red Savina to concentrate...probably 4-5 jars each......this, of course does not account for the myriad of bags of dehydrated peppers I also have....probably 15 pounds of dehydrated peppers....AND I have another harvest coming today...


I think I will have enough to get me thru this coming winter....
the bottom left is the Tabasco Pepper Sauce...just tabascos with a little kosher salt in vinegar that I use for my turnip greens...half of these are for my mother...

I am sure a few of these will be discarded since I am going to use the concentrates for hot sauce development...I am now in the "planning" phase for my hot sauces...collecting ideas and different ingredients...
I will have to clean the junk off, but I can tell you...I haven't even made a dent in it yet....
So how have all of you guys who have made Hot Pepper Concentrate been using it?

I just got my replacement parts for my pressure cooker today and am preparing to make a batch of concentrate.
I just finished a batch of Orange Hab Concentrate. I can't wait to try it. I know it tastes good because I licked the spoon after I was done filling the jars. I got 14 - 4oz jars. I am also impressed with the pressure canner, it was so easy to use. I only had a couple jars that oozed some liquid out. I guess that was due to filling them too full. I will have to keep a closer eye for the next batch.


Wow...looks killer!

Dig the retro cooker too..Mom had one just like it. They dang near indistructible.

I see those at thrift shops for a few bucks...might havta pick one up now. :)
QuadShotz said:
Wow...looks killer!

Dig the retro cooker too..Mom had one just like it. They dang near indistructible.

I see those at thrift shops for a few bucks...might havta pick one up now. :)

Hey Quad, if you see this type and brand of Pressure cooker/canner in a thrift shop for a couple of $$, BUY IT! I was lucky enough to have been given mine, otherwise I would have never been able to afford it. Here is a link, you'll see what I mean.

All American Pressure Cooker/Canner is the Cadillac of pressure canners.

This is the model I have http://www.eartheasy.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=915

Again, I could have never afforded one like this new. Mine is about 50 years old or so and need some elbow grease to clean it up. But, it worked great and all of the parts are replaceable.
Pepperfreak said:
So how have all of you guys who have made Hot Pepper Concentrate been using it?

I just got my replacement parts for my pressure cooker today and am preparing to make a batch of concentrate.

I only made two, orange hab and fatalii, but I use them both often in cooking or to give the fresh pepper taste to my wing sauce (don't tell the Creator;)).
QuadShotz said:
Dig the retro cooker too..Mom had one just like it. They dang near indistructible.

One would think. If it's under pressure don't drop it, it'll go off like a bomb and send chuncks of metal flying everywhere.

Also, I didn't clean the one I had out after using it to store some of my magic mushroom transfering equiptment in....some nasty mold/fungus ate a hole through the god damn thing :shocked:
Mom gave me her pressure canner that she got as a wedding present - in 1946. I've had to replace the weight (all that jiggling over the years slowly eroded it) and the seal but that's it. I would wager that thing has canned more than 10,000 quarts or pints of veggies.

Do you guys have any Ph problems? Do you check it at all?

Also, what are the advantages of pressure canning over regular, boil the goods and whack them into a sterilised jar routine? My wife does that currently, she isnt sure why pressure method would be better.