ever get one of those pods whose heat is much greater than it should be for that variety?
I was just having a pepperoni and pickle sandwich and thought I'd munch on a few mesilla cayennes. now these normally rate at around 4000 SHU's, baby stuff, right?
well not in this case. my mouth is watering, the sides and underneath of my tongue are burning, my lips are tingling and I finished eating them 10 minutes ago. there's even a thin layer of perspiration on the top of my head. heat way out of proportion to what it should be.
this ever happen to you?
I was just having a pepperoni and pickle sandwich and thought I'd munch on a few mesilla cayennes. now these normally rate at around 4000 SHU's, baby stuff, right?
well not in this case. my mouth is watering, the sides and underneath of my tongue are burning, my lips are tingling and I finished eating them 10 minutes ago. there's even a thin layer of perspiration on the top of my head. heat way out of proportion to what it should be.
this ever happen to you?