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Surprising heat from a pepper

I just had this happen at lunch today. Every wednesday there's 1/2 price burgers down the road, so we go there for lunch. I always bring 2 hab's with me to put on the burger. Typically, it's just perfect. This week - and mind you, it was still perfect, and I'm not complaining - by the end of the burger I was sucking air and sweating. No idea what got into these puppies, but I'm excited! I got a half dozen left :)
imaguitargod said:
Those Cayennes can be very sneeky sometimes. I've been hurt by a few of them.

Yeah, it does happen. I've had cayennes do that. Not always, but sometimes. I had a couple like that off my my father-in-laws plants.
rabbit said:
That's actually happened to me before with jalapeno's. They aren't my favorite pepper because honestly I like the heat. However, I've actually had one that was WAAAAAAAY hotter than the average. It may have been cross bred with something. I liked it, but it took me off guard for a jalapeno:lol:...then again I've had them where they tasted like a green pepper too. I wonder if it was the guy growing them that gave them to me?

I'd probably agree with that, but it was off of a guys jalapeno plant from work. He grew habs as well. I don't know if they can cross breed, but it was pretty hot.
Yeah I bought some Japs from the store with the intent of cooking them in something so I was chopping them up and I grabbed a handful of it and popped it in my mouth and it felt like I had just bitten into an Orange Hab. Lit my ass up for a good 15 minutes. Dont know why they were so hot.
Much of Minnesota was in drought last year. Our peppers were in a homemade grow tote so got their share of water. The more the drought affected us the hotter the jalapenos got. I don't know if the heat or lack of rain was the factor but something turned them into very potent peppers.

last spring when I planted as most know all my plants were eaten down to ground level..I saved some stems and they re-grew I had gotten 4 jalapino plants from it..Those japs were twice as hot as any jap I have ever eaten before..I just figured it to stress but man...good
A couple years ago at a Hotluck in Pa.I experienced a tiny little pepper called a Brazilian Wild. It was hotter than many habs I had sampled and would render most humans dysfunctional for 5 or 10 minutes.
very intresting abot lack of water making the peppers hotter seems to be a consistant thing,certainly worth an experiment..gonna underwater one of my serranos and water the one normally..then do a taste test..all good fun:)
There are many ways to stress a plant(with pods) to produce more heat but most often this stress will also take away from the plant's health and productivity.
i was very surprised with 2 things
first was a jalapeno, my friend ate his never ate a whole chile in his life, was cool. left a little bit of the end. i eat 1/2 of mine cause.. cmon jalapeno is big needed two bites. and i went 0.0 that's a hot freakin jalapeno! it was atleast cayenne to close to hab heat.. not hab heat but was just pure burn so surprised

second was a store bought orange hab from a fruit stand and it was the hottest hab i ever tasted since i grew em last year.
teh purple penguins said:
second was a store bought orange hab from a fruit stand and it was the hottest hab i ever tasted since i grew em last year.
A bit like an Orange Scotch Bonnet I bought from a supermarket last year (Tesco) it really caught at the back of my throat, I've never had one as hot again.