food t0mato's trials

Nice eggplant parm! Cooking with tin foil, been there LOL!
I found this wonderful selection at union square today. I opted not to buy any because the Bum is sending me some.


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The Hot Pepper said:
Nice! Check out Smorgasbord too. A food flea market on the weekend. You will be gone then?
We were going to go there after we crossed the Brooklyn bridge yesterday but opted not to because we felt like being lazy. We found a nice little cafe in downtown Brooklyn called vineapple. I liked it because it had a very laid back vibe. Did some shopping at a flea market on Fulton st too. That was fun. : ) I wanted to go to Atlantic antic but I had already walked 4 miles and just wanted to sit down someplace. We will be leaving Wednesday evening so I'm definitely not going to make it to smorgus"burg". I thought it was smorgusbord too. : P

tctenten said:
Where are you staying in Staten Island?  What 'hood?
Chelsea an I are staying in the midland beach neighborhood. 261 kiswick st to be exact. You're guys beaches aren't very nice compared to the ones back home in Orygon. I found lots of little heroin baggies and truck loads of glass, but I saw a few people reel in some fish. That was pretty cool.
t0mato said:
We were going to go there after we crossed the Brooklyn bridge yesterday but opted not to because we felt like being lazy. We found a nice little cafe in downtown Brooklyn called vineapple. I liked it because it had a very laid back vibe. Did some shopping at a flea market on Fulton st too. That was fun. : ) I wanted to go to Atlantic antic but I had already walked 4 miles and just wanted to sit down someplace. We will be leaving Wednesday evening so I'm definitely not going to make it to smorgus"burg". I thought it was smorgusbord too. : P

Chelsea an I are staying in the midland beach neighborhood. 261 kiswick st to be exact. You're guys beaches aren't very nice compared to the ones back home in Orygon. I found lots of little heroin baggies and truck loads of glass, but I saw a few people reel in some fish. That was pretty cool.
I grew up in Staten Island. No one went to those beaches. Always to NJ for the beaches. I grew up about as far from there as possible. That is pretty convenient to get to NYC, have you tried the ferry yet or just the Express buses?
tctenten said:
I grew up in Staten Island. No one went to those beaches. Always to NJ for the beaches. I grew up about as far from there as possible. That is pretty convenient to get to NYC, have you tried the ferry yet or just the Express buses?
We've ridden on both equally. I like the express busses a lot! The X1 especially. The 6.50 fare isn't a big deal to me at all. All the drivers we had were great. The Staten Island ferry was great until there was a medical emergency and we had to wait an hour in a terminal with thousands of pissed off New Yorkers. I think that was back on Friday. All in all Staten Island has been pretty cool.

Yeah I can see why you like Jersey so much. ; )
Haha ...
I have to laugh on this one ...
Because I grew up on Siesta Key - home of the #1 beach in the land, and visited NJ every year to see family ...
The "beaches" up there are laughable ... actually, like you mentioned ... scary ...
Condom wrappers and hypodermic syringes (tips usually rusted off, though) ...
PS - the beaches in Miami aren't much better ... they are kind of, but only because they sift them with tractors ...
t0mato said:
We've ridden on both equally. I like the express busses a lot! The X1 especially. The 6.50 fare isn't a big deal to me at all. All the drivers we had were great. The Staten Island ferry was great until there was a medical emergency and we had to wait an hour in a terminal with thousands of pissed off New Yorkers. I think that was back on Friday. All in all Staten Island has been pretty cool.
Yeah I can see why you like Jersey so much. ; )
I have been on both the ferry and the buses more than you can imagine. They serve their purpose.
All in all the sandwich was outstanding. I've never been to katz's or the Carnegie deli but this sandwich was far and away the best pastrami sandwich I've ever had. I love that the sandwich has contrasts in texture. The hogie roll is thick and chewy, the pastrami was supple and soft but not quite like pot roast is, and the pickes were super crunchy. The dill is a fantastic addition and the mustard is plenty spicy. The other New York style pastrami sandwiches I've heard of only have meat in between bread it seems like.
I didn't realize I grabbed a diet soda until I was half way home. : ( Oh well it still tastes plenty good.

Ever since TC posted the pics of the sandwich he got I knew I had to have one. This was the biggest food destination on the entire trip for me.