food t0mato's trials

JayT said:
I have been waiting for a new SVU episode!!!!  I might get to see someone I know on there!
I can see the headline in news now.....

Idiot burns down entire city block. Authorities think the fire originated in the basement of a home located somewhere in the center of the affected area. Witnesses say they say a man foaming at the mouth and desperate for barbecue try to light a trash can on fire to sear meats and veggies.

; )
We've got eggplant parm on deck tonight.
Breadcrumbs are toasting on the left. Tomatoes and garlic are toasting on the right.


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There's something with eggplant, but I can't remember what it is ... have to salt and sweat away the bitter, or milk-soak it, or something? ...
My mom murdered every lasagna she ever tried with it ... then I had it once and it was awesome, and the person told me what they did ... but over time I can't recall which thing it was from above there ...
Hmmm ... remind me ...
Danielle's not around (she cooks the eggplant around here) ...
Most people cut them up and coat the pieces in salt. The Italian eggplant were using are really mild. All we're going to do is dip them in an eggwash, coat them in bread crumbs, then give them a quick fry in some olive oil before assembling the final dish.
We used to grow some eggplant ... had white one's, and elongated one's ...
I kind of like eggplant, but it's finicky to cook ... temperamental if you will ..