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Tarantula Porn (spider pics IGGY)

I introduced a mature male to one of my big girls a couple of nights ago. Thought some of you would like to see how they get together.

This photo shows them just meeting. They will tap their legs on the ground and vibrate to let each other know they are there and interested in mating. When the male matures the only thing he has on his mind is spreading his genes around.


Another one of the ways a female will show she's interested is baring her fangs. The males of this species have little hooks about a third of the way down their leg, from their toes, that can get under and hook the fangs. This is how the male lifts the female up to get to her "sweet spot". The opening on the female is called a gonopore and is located between the carapace and abdomen.

Here you can see the male has the female lifted up and is holding her with the hooks on his first pair of legs. Now he'll start stroking her abdomen with his pedipalps, the first pair of small appendages in the very front of the spider. Her reaction to the stroking sets the tone for what happens next. If she's into it she'll allow him to continue and insert his palpal emboli, his sexual organ located on the end of the pedipalp into her gonopore where he will deposit his sperm.


Here's a view from the side. Right after this shot was taken the male ended their relationship--for now. If the act was successful and sperm was transferred to the female then she'll hold her pose for a few minutes while the male makes a run for it.


I'm happy to say the male will be back. Hope you all enjoyed this. Please feel free to ask any questions.

These are Grammostola pulchra's, Brazilian Black tarantulas. They are the only all black T's and are known for being very docile. A hobby favorite. Thanks.
You know....the first time I almost ever did a back flip and ran on air, was when I lived in Texas and was walking the trail, half drunk mind you, from the house to the horse barn and came across a spider that looked like that. The other time was when the same sort of thing happened to me, but with a snake.

Patrick, nice pics man, but I just am having a hard time thanking you for sharing. :lol: :P :lol: But, guess it was my stupid fault for viewing them, even after your warning to IGGY. Guess I thought that was just some sort of special message meant just for Iggy. :lol:
Badger said:
I just don't understand how so many people don't like spiders.

Ah, that's simple...See spider...See Pepperfreak run...Hear Pepperfreak scream. :lol:

For me I think it cause they have the ability to sneak up on you and cause immense pain. I know not all of them, but the few has ruined me for the rest.
:lol:Fair enough! I guess they're not everyone's idea of a great fireside companion. Personally I'm sh*t scared of grizzlies.
Hey Patrick,

Thanks for sharing.

Some spiders mate and then the male becomes the first meal for the egg sac (eg, red back(?)). Does that happen in T's?

What happens if they bite/sting each other? Are they immune to their own venom?


Sorry about that Pfreak. IGGY doesn't like spiders much either and always gives me a hard time when I post tarantula pics without warning him. Guess I'll have to expand the list. Hope you can deal with or get over your phobia. You know one of the best ways to get over a spider phobia is to immerse yourself into them. Fear turns into curiosity.

ring sting, yeah it happens. Sometimes the females will catch the males off guard and munch on them. Others are relentless and will chase the male all over the breeding cage. More often than not if the mating was successful the female won't have much interest in the male--she has what she wants from him. One thing most breeders do is make sure the female is stuffed full of food prior to introducing the male.
You mean mood music? Yep. The ones here like a little Luther or Marvin Gaye. Another pair I'm breeding prefer head banging, Aerosmith and Slipknot get them in the mood.
Great piccies Patrick. I am kind of torn with spiders i don't mind looking at them but put one (poisonous) next to me and well it's ther only thing i can thing of that makes me scream like a little girl.

I find it interesting that you said that the males after maturity only have one thing on their minds it's kinda like humans! Oh and i wish that women would hold the pose and let me run after the fact, that would be AWESOME!
I wouldn't say I have a phobia, it's more of a healthy respectful dislike. I also like to think that we (the spiders and snakes) have an agreement, they leave me be and I will leave them be. :lol: So far it seems to be working.
Nova all spiders are venomous, not poisonous. Poison is something you ingest ie., mushrooms things like that. Venomous is something that is injected into you. Semantics man.

Dig this, mature male tarantulas masturbate. Every single one.
Tarantulas are quite common arount Ft Hood. I am not sure of the species I see in the field all the time but it resembles the rose hair tarantula greatly. Dont mind spiders but not a big fan of them when they are as big as my hand :shocked:
Ballzworth said:
"Dig this, mature male tarantulas masturbate. Every single one"

I have a new found respect for tarantulas.

That's a good one Ballzworth.:lol:

Talljess, yep quite common in Texas. They are all from the Aphonopelma genus. Species include hentzi, chalcodes, moderatum, and others.
patrick said:
Dig this, mature male tarantulas masturbate. Every single one.

I'm just trying to visualize a spider taking captain Picard to warp speed, but it's pretty tough. Do they have mags like Eight Hairy Leg Lust or Naked Arachnid Babes?:lol: