Yeah, sure. That's why you have a drum and Weber parts. Uh huh! Admit that this is the ultimate fail on THP ever. Just admit it and end this soap opera! said:Yeah, sure. That's why you have a drum and Weber parts. Uh huh! Admit that this is the ultimate fail on THP ever. Just admit it and end this soap opera!
Novacastrian said:Yeah admit it! It's worth at least three points on the meter
Novacastrian said:How the heck does one multiqoute? said:Yeah, sure. That's why you have a drum and Weber parts. Uh huh! Admit that this is the ultimate fail on THP ever. Just admit it and end this soap opera!
moyboy said:Hey hey, are you trying to say that i'm a bigger FAIL than PMD??!!??!!
I'm going down with the ship..... said:Hit the multiquote button on all the posts you want to quote, and the reply button, or, the quote button on the last of the posts you are quoting. said:Four hours? Not 189 days? Look at Pippy trying to take you down lol.
What do you mean again? You never said that. You just tried to add hours to his build... acting as if a true burn takes 190 days so you'd winmoyboy said:No worries mate......Not trying to cause grief....Just didn't want you hurting yourself
Again, the food looks great!!!