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food The big badass pasta thread

I love these dishes, and I'd love to play along, but pasta is rough on my digestive system and sets off my craving system something fierce ... looks great, though ... mmmm, belly warming goodness.
grantmichaels said:
I love these dishes, and I'd love to play along, but pasta is rough on my digestive system and sets off my craving system something fierce ... looks great, though ... mmmm, belly warming goodness.
It's strange that you find pasta heavy. Pasta itself i mean. Ragù are often heavy since they are cooked for long, sometimes they are among the heaviest stuff i've ever eaten, so no wonder if it's that.
Maybe that would not ecnounter your taste but some pasta with evo, grated cheese (Grana Padano or Parmigiano are the most classic, pecorino is great too and different) and fresh pepper pieces or powder should not be light. But maybe is more "suited" for italian taste (i love that dish but i know it's nothing special).
Or some mediteranean dishes like spaghetti with tomato (ok, there could be fried onion that is heavy)...
On the other side bigoli are something to be proud: south Italy has best food than north but we still have something on par and bigoli, especially with duck, are among those.
One of the trinity roman recipes... The less known... Gricia! Like a matriciana without tomato.
A fake one actually since i used bacon and not guanciale...
Also i've read that someone says that hot pepper is needed, also on matriciana... Who am i to disagree? :D
The only certain thing is that carbonara doesn't require hot pepper. And that all use guanciale and not bacon.

Not a bad bacon, the problem is that was bacon! But i had just that.

Really simple: cook bacon (guanciale if you have) with oil and some peppers like matriciana or carbonara (just carbonara doesn't have pepper traditionallly). Some black pepper at the end of cooking.
Cook pasta, strain and spadellare on the pan with some cooking water.
Top with pecorino romano. I topped with some other pepper:

I used some bought egg pasta that time. Usually it's not use pasta egg for that but here it was good.
Fatalli is great with bacon for that.
I say why not egg pasta? That's bacon eggs and cheese on a plate as pasta!
The Hot Pepper said:
I say why not egg pasta? That's bacon eggs and cheese on a plate as pasta!
I don't know, traditional recipe is with non egg pasta, i should try both. I can say that i prefer carbonara with non egg pasta but here there's already egg.;)
O.K. Essegi has ruined this so called pasta thang with all his "I live in Vicentino" crap. :rofl:  :rofl:
  Let me show you some american white trash pasta night.
Noodles homemade?  NO.
Sauce homemade?  NO.
That sausage thingey homemade?  NO.
Lots of mushshrooms, sausage, and hot pepper powder in the gravy? Yes. Topped with straight from the can parm,and you have "sicman's pasta night" bitches.
sicman said:
  Let me show you some american white trash pasta night.
Dude that is still gourmet! White trash pasta is Kraft Mac N Cheese from the box with the cheese packet. ;)
Looks tasty!
I know, no pics or it didn't happen.  :)
Had to whip something up quick from pantry ingredients.  Rendered some bacon, then tossed in and sauteed some onion and garlic, then tossed in some purple kale, and finally a can of canned salmon.  Did it with spaghetti.  Filling, somewhat healthy and it hit the spot.  I doused mine with my thai powder.  
Pasta of the day:

Smoked salmon, cream and fatalii.

sicman said:
Lots of mushshrooms, sausage, and hot pepper powder in the gravy? Yes. Topped with straight from the can parm,and you have "sicman's pasta night" bitches.

Looks great!
But if you think i'm always making homemade pasta u'r wrong!:D
Husker21 said:
I know, no pics or it didn't happen.   :)
Had to whip something up quick from pantry ingredients.  Rendered some bacon, then tossed in and sauteed some onion and garlic, then tossed in some purple kale, and finally a can of canned salmon.  Did it with spaghetti.  Filling, somewhat healthy and it hit the spot.  I doused mine with my thai powder.  
I wanted to see that!
I'd like to be liking JHP's pasta; it's pretty enough, but it's just another JHP photo bomb with no ingredient description. Sauce could come from a can or jar, for all we know. 
And that beer tastes like a Christmas tree with hops.