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The difference between THP and the real world

This week I offered up some seeds for SASBE from pods I bought in auction. Members of the THP had the audacity to politely ask for seeds, and thank me for the offer. Some went even further to irritate me by thanking me again after I replied with my address and confirmation of what seeds I would be sending them. One awful person, who I won't name, even felt the need to thank me despite the fact that they didn't want any free seeds. Seriously, the nerve!

Last night, I realized that I had lots of organic veggies in the garden that needed harvesting. Normally my wife handles this, but she is out of the country this week. Knowing that I would not be able to handle all the household tasks AND a farmer's market this week, I decided I would harvest what I could and bring the veggies into my day job and give them away. I brought in 30lbs of tomatoes, 10lbs of okra and a couple of dozen bell peppers. I left all of the veggies in a break room with a note saying "free organic veggies, please take what you want, have a great weekend, Brian"

The amazing wonderful people I work with managed to take all the veggies in a matter of about an hour. I brought in paper bags so that people didn't need to find things to put their veggies in, but one very grateful person decided to take the plastic tubs too. So NICE! I almost cried tears of joy when it got to the end of the day and I realized none of them had the terrible idea of thanking me. I probably would have been slightly upset if they had made the mistake of sending me a quick email saying thanks. I would have thrown my stapler at any of them that took 2 seconds to stop by my office and thank me personally.

So there you have it, member of the THP, you have a lot to learn from coporate America, quit being so rude in your graciousness!

P.S. If you are missing the sarcasm, I am sorry it didn't make it clear enough.
Yeah, the nerve of people on here to actually be nice to each other, thanking each other, and generally carrying on in a decent manner towards each other ;)
On a serious note, I actually rode down the elevator with someone holding a bag of my tomatoes in their hand, and not a single word from them. I really think its the straw that broke the camel's back. As soon as I can find a postition somewhere else I am out of there. I have never wished to be able to farm full time as much as I have today. Its funny because when I sell produce at the farmer's market people are so gracious and courteous, and they pay. I give stuff away and people want to be rude and steal my harvest containers too. What's worse is that everyone that works on that floor makes well above the average salary in the area, these are not needy people. I guess that makes sense, people who aren't in need aren't going to be thankful. Lesson learned.
Ghostpepperstore, I wonder...... if you put the box of goods out with a coffee can and a note "Please pay .25 per item" would people in the office pay that, or be offended?

Side note- My parents live in a fairly busy rural road and they have a small orchard. They can't use all the apples so they put the apples in a laundry basket out by the road with paper bags and a sign "free apples, please use paper bags" and guess what....someone takes the laundry basket.... happened more than once........
We normally do donate what is left over from the farmers market to a local soup kitchen. Unfortunately they have a pretty small window when we can bring stuff and I just couldn't swing it this week. I know for next time though, I will pay someone to take it to them if I have to.
Ghostpepperstore, I wonder...... if you put the box of goods out with a coffee can and a note "Please pay .25 per item" would people in the office pay that, or be offended?

Side note- My parents live in a fairly busy rural road and they have a small orchard. They can't use all the apples so they put the apples in a laundry basket out by the road with paper bags and a sign "free apples, please use paper bags" and guess what....someone takes the laundry basket.... happened more than once........

Considering 20lbs of the tomatoes were cherry tomatoes that would have been very profitable! But I agree with Westin, they probably would have taken the coffee can of money too.

Around my town, you used to be able to put old working items on the curb, like refrigerators and tv's, with signs on them that say "free" and people would pick them up to use, repair or scrap. Now when you do that, people will stop, cut the power cord off of it, and drive away with $1 worth of copper. Then you end up taking it to the dump cause its useless.
On a serious note, I actually rode down the elevator with someone holding a bag of my tomatoes in their hand, and not a single word from them. I really think its the straw that broke the camel's back. As soon as I can find a postition somewhere else I am out of there. I have never wished to be able to farm full time as much as I have today. Its funny because when I sell produce at the farmer's market people are so gracious and courteous, and they pay. I give stuff away and people want to be rude and steal my harvest containers too. What's worse is that everyone that works on that floor makes well above the average salary in the area, these are not needy people. I guess that makes sense, people who aren't in need aren't going to be thankful. Lesson learned.

Maybe i missed it, but did you attempt to talk to them? Hell i dont talk to nobody, but if they start a convo i will reply and talk than, but i just dont talk to strangers in the elevator for no reason.
Nope I am the same way, I don't normally engage in conversation with random people unless I absolutely have to. Since I already knew someone had stolen my harvest bins, I probably wouldnt have been very pleasant anyway.