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The Dreaded Ring-of-Fire

chilehunter said:
to solve my morning ring of fire I just take a shower right away.

but I might have a strange question for ya'all. do any of you ever get the stream of fire ? :shocked::scared:

I've noticed after some serious eating of homemade hab sauce or my homemade hot/sour soup theres a slight burning while pissing the next morning & if I kick back on the sauce its not there. & then theres the rude awakening during the night when that hot sauce finally reaches the intestines :shocked::fire: talk about burning your insides.
but you know what ? it tastes so good I'll do it again the next night LOL

Only whe I chase it with draft beer then its a water ballon making a "splash down" three or four times **sigh**
chilehunter said:
but I might have a strange question for ya'all. do any of you ever get the stream of fire ? :shocked::scared:

All day, brother, all day. I rarely get the ring of fire, but man oh man, sometimes think i was born with a flame-thrower:shocked::lol:
chilliman64 said:
speaking of shots, I wonder if all body waste and fluid will heat up with regular capsaicin intake?

Want me to make you cry so you can test your tears?

*grabs a bottle of "Pain" and a bottle of beer, pours both into the toilet, flushes*
I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced a so called "stream of fire" from eating chiles, hot sauce, or chiles in their food.

when you think about it why wouldnt it happen ? sometimes. ex. hot/sour soup if you cook enough hot chiles in the soup then the cap. is floating around in the liquid. & liquids go through your system faster as is. I dont know thats why I'm just asking if others have had it. I do notice eating my hot/sour soup - which I make a big enough batch for a couple days- that theres a slight stream of fire after awhile (like next morning or several hours later)

to your question chiliman64. if I do serious sit down & eat my homemade hot sauce it be by the spoonful each bite & I'd give up at about 3/4 of a 12 oz. beer/pop can. dont know what to compare it to your measurement table. the soup again never counted the # of chiles I add but add alot & different kinds to get the full effect.

& if I lay off the chiles or dont over do it, then theres no stream of fire. I to find it strange because I never thought it exsisted, hence why I'm asking.
chilehunter said:
if I lay off the chiles or dont over do it, then theres no stream of fire. I to find it strange because I never thought it exsisted, hence why I'm asking.

Same here. if i take it easy, then nothing. If i pile on the habs or the super hot sauce, then if's game on all friggin night. Especially if i'm drinking also, then it's worse. probably the alcohol dehydrating me by permeating the linings of the kidneys, allowing more fluids then usual to pass through them.
chilliman64 said:
never had it, didn't know it was possible. how much chile are you guys eating???
Alot! I generally two habaneros, a few serranos, and a couple of piquins on my breakfest burrito in the morning. Some Zesty Blen powder on pizza at lunch, and then more on a salad at night.
DevilDuck said:
Don't we have a multiple page thread on this elsewhere?

Ah, good catch DD and fast move too. Excellent Mod work my friend.

Well, there's really no cure when it comes to the Ring-of-Fire. Now if you're shittin your brains out, just take an Imodium AD or two and you'll be fine. The pain of capsacin mucus membrain infultration, unfortunitly, has no cure.

After 4 years of eating the hottest shit I can find for ever meal of the day, I will report that I don't notice the Ring of Fire anymore. I think I've killed my o-ring.
imaguitargod said:
After 4 years of eating the hottest shit I can find for ever meal of the day, I will report that I don't notice the Ring of Fire anymore. I think I've killed my o-ring.

LMAO..that's a keeper!

But ya, I rarely feel more than a warm sensation these days.
as many chillis as you can stand and a bottle of 18 year old glenmarongie..man it stung but i had a warm heart and a warm a```