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The Dreaded Ring-of-Fire

naked in a cold climate, now there's a man who agrees that size doesn't matter. what's that old saying??? it's not the size of the pod it's the strength of the capsaicin that matters... or something like that.
.oO(Ring of fire would be a good name for my chocolate filled Habanero dessert....when u slice it, its an orange ring around a mushy black centre....on top of a vanilla ice-cream scoop...it's like pointing at the porcelain)
chilliman64 said:
one of the funniest threads ever. the Ring Of Fire, also known as the Johnny Cash. I keep a roll of toilet paper in the freezer for special occasions, this seems to help.

another treatment you could try: get all your ice cubes out and lay them end to end, the more the better, sprinkle a little salt between them so they stick together, hopefully you will have around six feet of ice. place a big chunk of ice cream at one end of the ice. now, go to the other and and take another two or three paces away, pour some olive oil (make sure it is good quality olive oil) between your butt cheeks, now move forward quickly and drop into a seated position with your legs sticking straight out in front of you and open to about 90 degrees, lean forward and place your hands on the ground and pull yourself along dog-sliding-it's-backside-along-the-ground-style. stop sliding along the ice cubes when you find yourself sitting in the ice cream. patent pending.


Great Idea!!! "The Skid-Mark Slide"...
not quite the ring of fire..but i just sliced up a bunch of peppers and forgot to put on some gloves until i had cut up a few different kinds. long story short..my hands are on fire. ;) anyone have any good remedies? if i soak them in cold water or cold milk, they seem to feel better, but the burn quickly returns once i removed my hands from the liquid.

i've washed my hands plenty, soaked them in water, soaked them in milk..but nothing has done the trick so far. ;)
xgrafcorex said:
not quite the ring of fire..but i just sliced up a bunch of peppers and forgot to put on some gloves until i had cut up a few different kinds. long story short..my hands are on fire. ;) anyone have any good remedies? if i soak them in cold water or cold milk, they seem to feel better, but the burn quickly returns once i removed my hands from the liquid.

i've washed my hands plenty, soaked them in water, soaked them in milk..but nothing has done the trick so far. ;)

Ah yes, chemical burns...I know them well. Keep them in milk, put some aloa on it and call me in the morning.

Also, read Mark's 14th of April posting RIGHT HERE. It'll explain alot ofr your condition.
Hydrocarbons...that's the trick. Too bad gas is real expensive. Rubbing alcohol may also work as it is less polar than water, or vodka if you are willing to use it. Turpentine may also do the trick.
thanks. i'll keep that in mind if it happens again heh. luckily, it subsided after about an hour or so. the not so lucky part is that i didn't have anything else to use really..so i just dealt with it and would shake my hands around..i guess the air made them feel a little better. then i would occasionally submerge them in milk (which i added ice cubes to because after a while, my hands were still burning when in the milk).

i've felt that burn before..but it didn't feel as intense and didn't last as long. glad it didn't stay around longer like mark. it would be tough trying to sleep through that!
I have found that first using bleach to bring the lovely little crystals to the surface, and then rubbing alcohol to remove them works pretty good.
I find if you cut off your hands and place them in the freezer, they won't hurt so much anymore. The bitch, however, is reattaching them.